Monday, September 9, 2024

What Percentage Of High School Graduates Go To College

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College Enrollment In Texas

Should All High School Graduates Go To College?

86.2% of college students in Texas are from outside the state 13.8% are residents.

  • 1.64 million students are enrolled in Texas colleges.
  • Thatâs a 6.49% increase since 2010 when 1.54 million students were enrolled in Texas colleges.
  • 257,000 Texas residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 31,400 or 12.2% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 1.03 million students enrolled in college in Texas.
  • In 1970, 442,000 were enrolled.
  • Enrollment in the state increased 248% between 1970 and 2010.

Number Of College Students By Category

The following data breaks down the total number of college students into three categories.

Source: NCES

As this data shows, the majority of college students in the U.S. are undergraduates. Only about 15% of postsecondary students are pursuing a graduate degree.

In terms of enrollment status, about three-fifths of students attend school on a full-time basis. In previous decades, the numbers of full-time and part-time college students were more or less equal, but this gap has since widened, with more students opting for full-time study.

Finally, close to 75% of college students in the U.S. attend public institutions. This trend is likely due in part to the fact that public colleges and universities tend to offer less expensive tuition rates to in-state applicants, making them an appealing option for those looking to save money and avoid taking on as much debt.

Colleges Observe Huge Enrollment Drops Amid Pandemic

Over the past few decades, the total number of college students in the U.S. has increased significantly, going from just 13.8 million in 1990 to nearly 20 million in 2020. Additionally, over the past 20 years, the total undergraduate enrollment grew 26%.

However, enrollment has been inconsistent. Fall 2010 marked the peak in U.S. enrollment, when the total number of college students hit a record-breaking 21 million. Between 2010 and 2018, the number of undergraduates fell 8%, most likely as a consequence of the 2007-09 Great Recession and rising tuition costs.

More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented drops in enrollment around the country and among all student groups. Experts suspected that the annual summer melt when those who planned to go to college end up not attending would wind up hitting colleges harder due to the ongoing public health crisis. And they weren’t wrong.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented drops in enrollment around the country and among all student groups.

According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, undergraduate enrollment fell 4.4% in the fall, and 4.5% this spring compared to last spring. Colleges also reported a 13% decline in first-year enrollment in fall 2020.

Student groups most impacted by the pandemic include international students, Native American students, and Black students, all of which experienced an enrollment decline of at least 7%.

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College Enrollment In Montana

89.1% of college students are from outside the state 10.9% are residents.

  • 49,400 students are enrolled in Montana colleges.
  • Thatâs a 7.32% decline since 2010 when 53,300 students were enrolled in Montana colleges.
  • 7,020 Montana residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 1,630 or 23.2% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 42,200 students enrolled in college in Montana.
  • In 1970, 30,100 were enrolled.
  • Enrollment in the state increased 77.1% between 1970 and 2010.

College Enrollment In Kansas

Percentage of High School Graduates That Go to College [2021]

89.7% of college students are from outside the state 10.3% are residents.

  • 213,000 students are enrolled in Kansas colleges.
  • Thatâs a 0.93% decline since 2010 when 215,000 students were enrolled in Kansas colleges.
  • 26,200 Kansas residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 4,190 or 16% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 180,000 students enrolled in college in Kansas.
  • In 1970, 102,000 were enrolled.
  • College nrollment rates in the state increased 111% between 1970 and 2010.

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College Enrollment In Kentucky

88.2% of college students are from outside the state 11.8% are residents.

  • 263,000 students are enrolled in Kentucky colleges.
  • Thatâs a 9.62% decline since 2010 when 291,000 students were enrolled in Kentucky colleges.
  • 36,400 Kentucky residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 5,280 or 14.5% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 188,000 students enrolled in college in Kentucky.
  • In 1970, 98,600 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment rates in the state increased 195% between 1970 and 2010.

Numbers Heading The Wrong Way

Overall, the share of Michigan 2020 high school grads enrolling in college in the six months after earning a diploma was 54.6 percent. A year earlier, 59.8 percent of new high school grads enrolled in college.

Just three years earlier, in the 2016-17 school year, when most of 2020s seniors were freshmen, 64 percent of the states high school graduates enrolled in college within six months.

The 2020 figure is the lowest since accurate data for high-school-to-college rates began being collected by the state in 2009-10.

We knew it was bad but I didnt realize it was that bad, said Maddy Day, board president of the Michigan College Access Network and a consultant at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a national philanthropy that focuses on improving the futures of vulnerable children, teens and young adults.

This pandemic has really enlightened racial disparities, Day told Bridge Michigan. This pandemic has made it harder for families of color to not just get ahead, but stay even, and theyre falling behind in ways in ways that they wont be able to keep up.

According to the data from CEPI:

Statewide college enrollment declines are worrisome because post-secondary degrees generally bring higher incomes, helping college grads and the overall Michigan economy.

The median annual wage five years after graduation for a Michigan resident with a high school degree is $24,400, compared to $40,800 for those with an associates degree and $52,300 for those with a bachelors degree.

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College Enrollment In Oklahoma

86.7% of college students are from outside the state 13.3% are residents.

  • 196,000 students are enrolled in Oklahoma colleges.
  • Thatâs a 15.2% decline since 2010 when 231,000 students were enrolled in Oklahoma colleges.
  • 30,100 Oklahoma residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 4,050 or 13.5% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 178,000 students enrolled in college in Oklahoma.
  • In 1970, 110,000 were enrolled.
  • Enrollment in the state increased 110% between 1970 and 2010.

Compelling College Graduates Statistics 2021

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To be successful in life, one must first earn a degree.

As the years went by, this phrase has been mentioned over and over again. That it is believed that you would only be able to achieve anything in life by having your college degree.

A piece of evidence showed that the increase of graduates from merely 4.6% of the US population in the early part of the 1940s to 36% in 2019.

But does earning a degree equate success?

Earning a college degree has become one of the basic requirements for employment in the United States today.

The continuous increase in the cost of education has no deter students from looking to obtain a degree, which results in requesting scholarship grants or even resulting in asking for loans.

As of the year 2020, approximately 3.9 million students have graduated from some form of degree in the United States.

Most students obtain at least a Bachelors degree, while others have settled to an Associates degree.

Trends showed an increasing number of students proceeding to take their Masters and even up to their Doctorate degree.

It is a good number when you look at it but lets take a deeper understanding of the current situation of College graduates statistics in the United States today.

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College Enrollment In Missouri

89.6% of college students are from outside the state 10.4% are residents.

  • 374,000 students are enrolled in Missouri colleges.
  • Thatâs a 16% decline since 2010 when 445,000 students were enrolled in Missouri colleges.
  • 48,800 Missouri residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 9,990 or 20.5% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 321,000 students enrolled in college in Missouri.
  • In 1970, 184,000 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment in the state increased 142% between 1970 and 2010.

College Enrollment In Georgia

86.7% of college students are from outside the state 13.3% are residents.

  • 543,000 students are enrolled in Georgia colleges.
  • Thatâs a 4.57% decline since 2010 when 569,000 students were enrolled in Georgia colleges.
  • 90,900 Georgia residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 18,700 or 20.6% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 346,000 students enrolled in college in Georgia.
  • In 1970, 127,000 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment rates in the state increased 348% between 1970 and 2010.

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Even with those caveats in mind, the results show a dramatic decline in immediate college enrollment among 2020s high school graduates compared to the same time last year. And the declines are unevenly distributed, following the now-familiar pattern of a much more severe impact from the Covid-19 pandemic on lower-income and minority youth than on those from other backgrounds.


High School Graduation Held Steady. Overall, the data suggest that high school graduation was relatively unaffected by the pandemic. The number of graduates from sampled high schools was basically stable compared to the previous year, and that stability was found regardless of the kind of high school .

Immediate College Enrollment Dropped Sharply. Far fewer high school graduates enrolled in college immediately after high school this fall, decreasing by a stunning 21.7 % compared to the prior year, a decline thats almost eight times greater than the pre-pandemic decrease of 2019.

College enrollment rates differed considerably for graduates of different kinds of high schools.

Although immediate college enrollments by high school graduates dropped steeply this fall for all kinds of institutions, the impacts were unequal.

College Enrollment In North Carolina

Percentage of High School Graduates That Go to College [2021]

87.1% of college students are from outside the state 12.9% are residents.

  • 564,000 students are enrolled in North Carolina colleges.
  • Thatâs a 3.75% decline since 2010 when 586,000 students were enrolled in North Carolina colleges.
  • 84,600 North Carolina residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 11,700 or 13.8% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 405,000 students enrolled in college in North Carolina.
  • In 1970, 172,000 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment in the state increased 241% between 1970 and 2010.

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College Enrollment In Minnesota

91.6% of college students are from outside the state 8.4% are residents.

  • 409,000 students are enrolled in Minnesota colleges.
  • Thatâs a 12% decline since 2010 when 465,000 students were enrolled in Minnesota colleges.
  • 49,100 Minnesota residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 14,800 or 30% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 293,000 students enrolled in college in Minnesota.
  • In 1970, 161,000 were enrolled.
  • Enrollment in the state increased 189% between 1970 and 2010.

College Enrollment In New Hampshire

96.2% of college students are from outside the state 3.8% are residents.

  • 161,000 students are enrolled in New Hampshire colleges.
  • Thatâs a 113% increase since 2010 when 75,500 students were enrolled in New Hampshire colleges.
  • 11,100 New Hampshire residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 4,990 or 45% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 61,700 students enrolled in college in New Hampshire.
  • In 1970, 29,400 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment in the state increased 157% between 1970 and 2010.

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How Many American Students Graduate From College Each Year

With the advancement of the education system, more and more people in college had the opportunity to earn their degrees.

As its the number of graduates set to increase every year, the value of having just an associate degree has not to stop students from proceeding to get their bachelors degree.

In 2015 statistics on college graduates shows the number of female graduates outnumbered male graduates. It showed how far the educational system has come, from male-dominated graduates in 1900 to an equal or even greater number of female graduates in the current educational system.

Current graduation numbers suggest that earning a college degree has been implanted in the minds of youths all over the country and indicate that it is the norm with the majority feeling like they have no other options but to pursue a degree.

One barrier that might deter this trend is the continuous rise in the costs of education in the United States from $20,770 for public schools and $46,950 for nonprofit private schools.

Lareau And Concerted Cultivation

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Annette Lareau also addresses the factors that lead to social stratification in educational attainment. Lareau’s idea of concerted cultivation refers to an active involvement of parents in a child’s learning and development experiences by creating and controlling organized activities for their children. According to Lareau, middle-class parents engage in concerted cultivation to teach their children, while lower- and working-class parents do not. Laureau further explains that schools firmly encourage and expect parents to use concerted cultivation as a child-rearing strategy.

The child-rearing practices of lower- and working-class families thus do not comply with the standards of educational institutions. As a result, lower- and working-class students develop a sense of “distance, distrust, and constraint” in educational institutions, while children of middle-class families gain a sense of entitlement. These differences in child-rearing practices lead to children of lower- and working-class families to lack the necessary life skills that the children of the middle class possess, further isolating them from educational opportunities. In the United States, education attainment typically is viewed as a sign of social status.

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College Enrollment In Florida

87.6% of college students are from outside the state 12.4% are residents.

  • 1.07 million students are enrolled in Florida colleges.
  • Thatâs a 4.46% decline since 2010 when 1.12 million students were enrolled in Florida colleges.
  • 153,000 Florida residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 20,100 or 13.1% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 708,000 students enrolled in college in Florida.
  • In 1970, 236,000 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment rates in the state increased 375% between 1970 and 2010.

College Enrollment & Student Demographic Statistics

Report Highlights. College enrollment totals 17.5 million undergraduate students nationwide. College enrollment rates have by an average of 1.67% per year since 2010. There are currently undergraduate students enrolled in colleges nationwide.

  • At peak enrollment, 18.1 million undergraduate students attended degree-granting institutions.
  • 4.3 million graduate students are enrolled in American colleges.
  • 19.5% of the student population is Hispanic or Latino, a 441.7% increase from 1976.
  • The rate of female college attendance has increased 34.7% since 1960.

Related research reports include Student Loan Debt Statistics | College Graduation Statistics | K-12 Enrollment Statistics | College Dropout Rates | Average Cost of College | Student Loan Refinancing

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College Enrollment In New Mexico

89% of college students are from outside the state 11% are residents.

  • 123,000 students are enrolled in New Mexico colleges.
  • Thatâs a 24.5% decline since 2010 when 163,000 students were enrolled in New Mexico colleges.
  • 16,400 New Mexico residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 2,920 or 17.8% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 111,000 students enrolled in college in New Mexico.
  • In 1970, 44,500 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment rates in the state increased 266% between 1970 and 2010.

High School Transition Programs Have Mixed Success In Improving College Readiness

This Is Why 12 Percent Of High School Graduates Don

This post was produced in collaboration with the academic journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

The college completion rate has barely improved for the last 15 years. The latest education statistics show that only about 36% of two-year college students graduate within three years, and less than 60% of four-year college students graduate within six years. For student cohorts that entered college 15 years earlier, the corresponding graduation rates were 33% for two-year college students and 55% for four-year college students.

More alarmingly, despite a substantial decline in racial inequalities in high school completion rates, racial inequalities in college completion rates among college students have been rising or stagnant . In community colleges, the Blackwhite difference in college completion rate has nearly doubled, increasing from 8 to 15 percentage points between 2000 and 2016. And the Hispanic-white gap over this period changed little, with Hispanic completion rate lower by 8 percentage points. The college completion gaps in four-year colleges largely mirror those found in community colleges.

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College Enrollment In Wisconsin

88.8% of college students in Wisconsin are from outside the state 11.2% are residents.

  • 336,000 students are enrolled in Wisconsin colleges.
  • Thatâs a 13.8% decline since 2010 when 384,000 students were enrolled in Wisconsin colleges.
  • 47,200 Wisconsin residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 9,471 or 20% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 307,000 students enrolled in college in Wisconsin.
  • In 1970, 202,000 were enrolled.
  • College enrollment rates in the state increased 90.1% between 1970 and 2010.

College Enrollment In Pennsylvania

88% of college students are from outside the state 12% are residents.

  • 700,000 students are enrolled in Pennsylvania colleges.
  • Thatâs a 13% decline since 2010 when 805,000 students were enrolled in Pennsylvania colleges.
  • 105,000 Pennsylvania residents are enrolled in postsecondary institutions.
  • 20,900 or 19.9% of residents leave the state to attend college.
  • In 2000, 610,000 students enrolled in college in Pennsylvania.
  • In 1970, 411,000 were enrolled.
  • Enrollment in the state increased 95.9% between 1970 and 2010.

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