Thursday, July 25, 2024

Should I Go To College Or Military

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Contemplate Different Courses Of Study

Should you go College or Military First?

Depending on your chosen field, you need to explore the various means for acquiring the necessary skills to enter into your desired profession. You may need professional license, certification, associate, bachelors or masters degree. These vary greatly in both time and cost, so its necessary to weigh these considerations with what is recommended to acquire the best jobs in your field.

Dont Take Rejection Too Personally

Finally, McCarty stresses the point that veterans should not take rejection too personally.

A lot of factors go into an admissions decision, and a rejection may not be your fault, he says. Plenty of strong applicants are rejected during each enrollment cycle. Dont let one deter you from pursuing your degree somewhere else.

He recommends that students who had their hearts set on a particular institution inquire about other alternatives.

For example, does that university have a professional college for non-traditional students? Oftentimes, these colleges offer full/part-time programs that can help you build more of an academic history of success. This can be helpful if you decide to reapply for a future semester.

Free Accommodation And Uniforms

Military members who are unmarried with no children are provided accommodation in barracks on the base. Sharing a single room entitles you to extra pay, and if you live off-base, you will receive a tax-free housing allowance. All active-duty military members are eligible for a tax-free monthly food allowance that can be used in both base dining halls and off-base. Recruits also receive a complete set of uniforms during their initial training and a clothing allowance to replace uniforms as they are worn.

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It Accelerates Military Ranking

The U.S. military branches such as the Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Navy, enables those with college degrees to bypass its general enlistment requirements and become a military officer

Particularly those in the medical, legal, and ministry fields can gain direct commission as an officer due to their college degree. As a bonus, officers are charged with leadership roles in their respective military functions and earn reasonable incomes.

Another Way To Have A Career

Should I Join the Military or Go to College?

Some students are not always sure if they want to pursue a college education after high school. However, they might still want to continue learning and have a career. The military provides training in a specific field with skills that are transferable to civilian sectors.

Some people go to college straight after high school only to realize they are not doing what they love and wind up wasting money to either not use their degree or go back for a new degree. Joining the military before going to college can help save you time and money while you are figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life.

If you didnt have military experience before college, youve probably had to work to discipline yourself and your studies. Get assistance from our team of coaches at Student Coaching Services. Well get you on track and help you stay on top of your studies.

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How To Select A College

On top of the type of school you decide to attend, it’s important to select the specific college that’s the best fit for you. Learn how to choose a college. Also, make sure you do ample college research before you apply.

Some factors to consider as youre doing your research are the location, undergraduate enrollment, selectivity, academic programs, and on-campus culture of the schools.

You can use college websites, finders, guidebooks, ranking lists, and search websites to help with your research.

Additionally, you may want to consult with counselors, teachers, current students, and alumni to help you with your college decision.

Dont Overlook Distance Or Online Opportunities

In the past, you were limited to whatever colleges or universities were close to where you lived, which you could physically attend.

Those days are long over. Veterans and students of all backgrounds now have many options for earning their degrees remotely, online, or through a hybrid mix of in-person and online courses. This enables them to pursue the best possible education while also juggling other responsibilities likely competing for your attention, such as work or family obligations.

For this reason, McCarty strongly encourages veterans to consider universities beyond their immediate geographic region, and not to automatically assume they must attend a local college.

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Apply For Financial Aid

Though veterans are eligible for generous educational benefits through the Post-9/11 GI Bill, they do have limits. Sometimes, veterans may find themselves unable to fully cover the cost of college with these benefits alone, and they should be aware of the options available to help them pay for college.

That is why all veterans who apply for college should submit the free FAFSA application to determine what federal and state financial aid they may be entitled to in addition to their GI benefits. Grants and scholarships can be especially helpful, as they do not need to be repaid.

Financing your education isnt something you should worry about after youve enrolled at an institution, just like you shouldnt drive off the lot in a brand new car that you clearly cant afford, says McCarty.

He suggests veterans ask questions like:

  • Does the school participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program? If so, do they offer limited or unlimited contributions?
  • Do they have grants or scholarships specifically for veterans?
  • What will my out of pocket costs be ?
  • Will I have to incur any education debt, either through federal or private loans, in order to obtain my degree?
  • If so, what is my plan for repaying those loans?

Remember that any debt you incur now will be repaid later with interest, he says. What kind of a lifestyle will you have when this debt is added to any other financial obligations you have?

The Military Or College Insight From A Veteran

Should I Go to College Before Joining the Military?

Growing up, I never thought I could go to college. I was never very book smart and I was never a very good student. No one told me I could even go to college, in fact I was somewhat discouraged. For me, the military was not only a dream, but also my next logical course of action.

What you do after high school is a simple question, but with so many ways to answer, this simple question can feel completely overwhelming. Sometimes, it can lead to knee-jerk decisions which can change the course of your entire life.

Theres one option in particular Id like to address: join the military or go to college?

For full disclosure’s sake: I have been both a Sergeant in the United States Army and a college graduate. Using my own personal experiences, knowledge, and just some straightforward facts, I hope to help you make the best decision you can.

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Tips For Veterans Going To College After The Military

For many veterans, the transition from the military to a civilian career begins first with earning a college degree, and for good reason. A college education brings a number of powerful benefits, including higher wages, increased marketability, increased employment opportunities, economic stability, and greater job satisfaction.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for veterans and servicemembers to question their ability to earn a college education, or to experience anxiety about the unique challenges that it will bring.

Applying To A Military Junior College

Military junior colleges are the least competitive of the military colleges. Completion of high school is a requirement and some colleges require standardized tests. However, Early Commissioning Programs are more selectiveto qualify, its necessary to meet certain GPA and standardized test score thresholds, along with meeting other requirements such as a medical exam, passing a fitness test, and meeting height and weight standards.

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Enlist Support From Friends And Family

Eduction and life in general are easier to handle when your family and friends support your goals. Be sure to let them know how important your dream of an education is and do your best to support them in return.

Remember, each situation, degree plan, unit work load, and other factors are different, so you may need to exercise more flexibility and patience if you want to attend classes while on active duty. I feel very fortunate to have been able to complete my Bachelors Degree while on active duty because it gave me options when it came time to make the decision to reenlist or separate from the military. Ultimately, I chose to separate from the military because I was ready for a new challenge in life. But I am forever grateful for the opportunity I had to achieve my degree and make that decision.

Do you have any tips for taking classes while on active duty?

Health Professions Scholarship Program

Should I Go to College or Join the Military?

Those interested in joining the Army, Navy, or Air Force can take advantage of a scholarship to attend medical or dental school.

The scholarship includes full tuition and fees, health insurance reimbursement, other school-related expenses, and even a monthly living stipend.

If you want to pursue a career in medicine and join the military, this is a great option to take full advantage of the financial incentives that come with that path.

The program is open to those with an undergraduate degree who are applying for medical or dental school, as well as those currently enrolled in medical or dental school.

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Military Members Generally Only Serve For A Limited Time

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the required enlistment service time for military personnel is between 2 and 6 years. Of course, there are many factors that determine this, and each branch is unique in certain rules.

For all branches, the average enlistment time is just shy of 15 years. On average, military officers stay in the armed forces for about 11 years. As for those who are members of the reserves, most are committed for between only three and six years.

These enlistment figures demonstrate that a large percentage of military members will return to civilian life with many years to devote to another occupation. As such, attaining a college degree within your field of choice can significantly aid in your professional pursuits, career advancement, and a higher quality of life.

Tips For Military Spouses Going Back To School

by MilitaryBenefits

As a military spouse, furthering your education can benefit your family in many ways. Financially, it can certainly boost your earning power and help widen your career opportunities. On a personal level, acquiring a higher education can translate to a feeling of accomplishment that allows you to feel confident about investing in yourself, your career, and your future. The following tips provide a great starting point for military spouses who wish to go back to college.

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Make Education A Priority

It should go without saying, but if you want to balance your military career, your family, and an education, you need to set priorities. Obviously, your family and career come first, but you will have a hard time if you dont list education directly after those. I dont recommend completely dropping your social life and extracurricular activities, but you need to maintain a balance. That may mean skipping some nights at the club or hanging out with the guys a little less frequently. But it also means completing your degree.

College Tuition With No Debt

Should You Join The Military Or Go To College

The constantly rising costs of getting a college education have led to an increasing number of high school graduates thinking about alternatives to college. The average annual tuition bills for students at private colleges studying for a four-year degree was close to $37,000 last academic year, totaling just under $150k over a four-year program, and thats before considering additional expenses like living costs, textbooks, electronics, food, and travel. Even with merit- or need-based scholarships, students only enjoy a discount of a few thousand dollars per year. Excessive student loan debt can have significant consequences over ones lifetime, including affecting the purchase of homes, getting married, and having kids. More and more graduates are accepting jobs outside of their fields of interest, working long hours, or even working multiple jobs to supplement their income and pay off their student debt. While entering the military doesnt guarantee a free college degree, it provides significant financial benefits for service members who do go to college as they are eligible for tuition assistance while on active duty or in the Reserves. This can cover up to 36 months of financial assistance for tuition, fees, supplies, textbooks, and accommodation.

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Online Colleges Are The Way To Go

Picking an online college is going to benefit you in more ways than one. The biggest benefit is that you can learn at your own pace. This allows you to take on more classes if your spouse gets deployed and you find yourself with more time on your hands.

Online colleges are also more affordable and offer more degree options. With the ability to create your own learning schedule you can adapt to whatever life throws your way.

Prepares Students For Studying

Some people are not mentally prepared for the amount of studying they will need to do in college. They are unaware of the long hours they will have to commit to their courses as well as a potential part-time job during that period. Enlisting in the military before college is a great way to instill discipline and focus before taking college-level courses.

Before basic training, recruiters provide recruits with a book to study from, and they are tested on that knowledge during training. The Armed Forces place importance on studying and gaining knowledge, which is why individuals often come out better students after training.

After basic training, members of the Armed Forces go to their specific school for their enlisted rating. There is so much knowledge to gain, and the military prepares students to learn in an atmosphere that will help them during college.

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Low Cost And No Cost Options

Davila spent some time exploring the federal work-study program, a service providing part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay for education expenses and offset military tuition. The program encourages community service work and work related to the students course of study. Corporal Davila, however, didnt pursue that option because another great opportunity came his way.

Even though I didnt quite make the 36 months needed for service, I havent paid anything for my education, explains Corporal Davila.

Eduardo is modest when he describes how he entered National Universitys educational programs with no cost. While the Post 9-11 GI Bill begins providing some student benefits after only 90 days of military service, Corporal Davila did not need to worry. As a National University Scholar, his tuition and related costs were fully covered.

There was a lot to the scholarship application process with National University, admits Davila. I had to write essays and take part in specialized training. I needed three recommendation letters. I sat with eight department heads and then I gave a full presentation on artificial intelligence and on computer programming. It was a lot of work but it was worth it.

Enroll In A Technical/ Trade School

Should I go back to college or join the military?

There is a growing domestic demand for high-precision skills. Skilled trade workers like carpenters, plumbers and electricians are a disproportionately older population.

As they begin to retire, there will be a large number of jobs to fill. The technical college will prepare you to take on those roles.

Positions such as information technology experts, dental hygienists, radiology technicians, and medical transcriptionists often require a certification that takes much less time to earn than a bachelors degree. You can easily get these certifications through trade college.

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Should I Join The Military After High School

For thousands of young American men and women, serving in the military has long been a path to both social and economic mobility. Military service is a great way to see the world while learning valuable skills that can be transferred to civilian life. And, there are many benefits to military service many individuals would not have otherwise had the opportunity to get a college degree or purchase a home without their decision to join the military. And, veterans who opt not to go to college are more likely to earn more than civilians who do the same.

Theres no denying that the discipline, focus, and responsibility that you learn when serving in the military can benefit you for the rest of your life. But before you enlist, its important that you have a thorough understanding of both the risks and benefits of military life and understand exactly what a commitment to a career in the armed forces involves.

Big Benefits Of Joining The Military Before College

During high school, college is a commonly talked about topic among friends and family. People tend to forget about the other options students have after graduating from high school, yet an option such as joining the military might be better for some than going straight to college after graduation as it provides a plethora of benefits.

Here are three reasons why everyone should consider joining the military before college.

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