Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Classes Are Required In College

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Admission Requirements For Ontario College Programs

College View: Required classes to take before graduating
  • Applying
  • Admission Requirements
  • Admission requirements vary between specific colleges and programs. In most cases, an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent is required. Graduate Certificate programs require a prior college or university certificate, diploma or degree for admission. In addition, colleges may establish program-specific admission requirements. Please visit college websites to learn more about these requirements.

    Applicants are responsible for ensuring they meet academic criteria and complete any special prerequisites required for admission . These requirements are listed as admission requirements in the individual college calendars. The Office of the Registrar will inform applicants of any changes to the admission requirements if they are not contained in recent publications and on college websites.

    Programs considered highly competitive will have different requirements than non-competitive programs. Visit our Highly Competitive Programs page to learn more.

    Arts And Other Electives

    Enrolling in courses in the arts shows creativity and is a great way to expand your academic experience. Its a good idea to have at least a few creative courses on your transcript by the time youre a senior, and if you play an instrument or sing, several years of music is a great way to show dedication! Other electives, such as media or journalism classes, are sometimes not available until junior or senior year of high school. Dont worryyoull get your chance.

    General Comments Regarding Course Requirements

    Preparation for medical school in the 21st century should reflect contemporary developments in medical knowledge, the pace of discovery, and the permeation of biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics into most areas of medicine. Although the Committee on Admissions has established course requirements in discrete subject areas, we will consider alternative course formats or combinations that demonstrate equivalent preparation. We encourage students to pursue interdisciplinary courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics and the integration of principles across the preclinical sciences.

    Please note that these requirements are subject to change from one application cycle to the next therefore, students should review our requirements prior to the application cycle in which they decide to apply.

    The Committee on Admissions considers the level of coursework completed when evaluating candidates academic performance and determining their suitability for medicine. We require strong preparation in the areas of science and mathematics that are basic to medical studies. Candidates should take courses in these areas that are comparable to courses taken by subject majors.

    Prerequisites do not need to be completed in order to submit an application to Harvard Medical School however, the required courses must be completed prior to matriculation. The majority of successful applicants will have completed most of the required courses prior to application.

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    How To Choose Gen Ed Classes

    Since the point of gen ed is to broaden college students’ perspectives, students normally can’t take classes within their major to fulfill general education requirements.

    Two years of college dominated by gen ed may feel frustrating for those who want to dive into their chosen fields straight away, but students often have more choice over what they learn outside their majors.

    Most colleges allow students to choose from long lists of courses for each general education requirement. Options typically include 101 courses and upper-level classes open to both undergraduates and graduate students.

    What You Will Learn

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    In USask’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, you will learn all aspects of health and well-being across a persons life span as you study nursing, health and the health-care system through the creation and integration of knowledge from research, education and practice. The nurse of the twenty-first century uses advanced technology to provide nursing care to individuals, families, groups and communities.

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    Sample College Requirements For Admissions

    The table below shows minimum course recommendations for a sampling of different types of selective colleges. Always keep in mind that the “minimum” simply means you won’t be disqualified immediately. The strongest applicants typically exceed the minimum requirements.

    2 yrs 1 year art and another college prep elective required

    In general, it isn’t difficult to meet these requirements if you put in a little effort as you plan your high school courses with your guidance counselor. The bigger challenge is for students applying to highly selective schools that want to see high school coursework that goes well beyond minimum core requirements.

    Always keep in mind that your high school record is the most important part of your college application. When selecting classes, you may be handicapping yourself on the college admissions front if you take the easy path.

    English Language Proficiency *

    The language of instruction at the University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing is English. A high level understanding and functionality in English is essential for safe client care in health professions in Saskatchewan.

    For students to understand, communicate, and be successful in programs at the university, an acceptable level of academic English is required. You may be asked to provide proof of English proficiency.

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    General Education Course Topics

    The university or degree program usually has a set of goals or learning outcomes they expect their students to achieve through taking general education classes. Broadly, most universities expect their students to cultivate the following basic skills through general education:

    • Analytical reading and elucidative writing: Students learn to read and understand complex subjects and describe them
    • Critical thinking: Students learn to understand the nuances of reasoning and distinguish logical reasoning from defective
    • Mathematics: Students understand mathematical ideas and quantifiable reasoning
    • Oral communication: Students can verbally communicate their ideas and thoughts clearly

    Typical subject areas and courses are:

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  • Accounting/Finance
  • Art/Design
  • Business/Business Management
  • you

  • Communication/Speech
  • History
  • Journalism/Writing
  • Physical Education
  • Political Science
  • Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science/Web Design/Development
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    Why Are Pre Reqs Important

    For incoming college freshmen, pre reqs might seem like nothing more than annoying hoops to jump through to earn a degree. But in reality, they serve an important purpose, which is to prevent undergraduates from enrolling in courses that theyre not prepared to take.

    You may be wondering: Whats the harm in taking pre reqs that you may not be ready for? For one thing, you could get poor grades that end up tanking your GPA . Its also unfair to upper level college students who want their professor to skip the basics that they learned a long time ago.

    If you truly feel that youre ready for an upper level course and have the ability to prove it, meet with your advisor. You may be able to take a CLEP exam to earn college credit for the things you already know and effectively waive some pre req requirements in the process.

    What Is A Prerequisite

    Prerequisites, or pre reqs for short, are specific courses or subjects that you need to take before you can take higher-level courses in that same subject. At the undergraduate level, these courses typically come in 100-, 200-, 300-, or 400-levels, with the higher levels indicating more advanced courses.

    Pre reqs were designed as part of the building block system, meaning that higher level courses should build upon the knowledge that was established in lower level courses. For example, your college degree might require you to take Calculus I as a freshman before you take Calculus II as a sophomore.

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    When Do I Need To Complete My General Education Courses

    Typically, colleges allow students to complete their general education course requirements any time throughout the degree program. To make it easier for students, some colleges offer them online with multiple starting dates throughout the year. For example, Penn State University offers online general education courses at a discount during the summer sessions to help students stay on track for their degree requirements.

    Students can complete these courses online before they enroll in a degree program or after they finish their specific major requirements. Some states like Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma have concurrent enrollment schemes that allow you to earn college credits for your general education courses while still finishing high school.

    F Visual And Performing Arts

    Degree Requirements
    UC-approved high school courses

    One yearlong course of visual and performing arts chosen from the following: dance, music, theater, visual arts or interdisciplinary arts or two semester courses from the same discipline

    AP or IB examination
    Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP History of Art, Art and Design or Music Theory Exam

    score of 5, 6 or 7 on any one IB HL exam in Dance, Film, Music, Theatre Arts or Visual Arts

    College courses

    Grade of C or better in any transferable course of 3 semester units that clearly falls within one of five visual/performing arts disciplines: dance, music, theater, visual arts or interdisciplinary arts

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    Common General Education Courses

    • First-Year Orientation
    • Diversity and Inclusion

    That said, the many general education courses to choose from can hinder students’ progress through college. Taking advanced gen ed classes that negatively impact a student’s grades is undesirable, but so is chasing easy A’s.

    To offset the time burden of gen ed requirements, many students sometimes on the advice of their academic advisors opt for the easiest gen ed options. A better tactic, though, would be to treat general education requirements the same way students treat minors: as opportunities to explore other interests, whether they counterbalance or complement a student’s main course of study.

    For example, a computer science student might supplement their understanding of human-computer interaction by taking psychology and sociology gen ed classes. Or, they might prefer to take a break from screen time with a more hands-on course like forestry.

    Requirements For A Bachelors Degree

    The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences awards Bachelor of Arts , Bachelor of Science , Bachelor of Fine Arts , and Bachelor of Music degrees.

    To earn a Bachelors Degree, you must:

    • complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit towards graduation
    • meet the Colleges academic standards
    • clear any I marks from your record

    It is your responsibility to be aware of current requirements and to frequently consult with your advisor about your progress toward completing them.

    If you already have a bachelors degree, see Earning multiple undergraduate degrees

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    What Pre Reqs Should You Take In High School

    Even though pre reqs and admission requirements may vary from school to school, most colleges and universities want students to complete a standard core curriculum. To give you an idea, here is what a standard high school curriculum generally looks like:

    • Four years of English, with a focus on Writing and Critical Reading Skills
    • Two years of Foreign Language
    • Three years of Math, including Algebra and Geometry
    • Two or three years of Science, including Chemistry, Biology, and Physics
    • Two or three years of Social Studies, including World History and U.S. History

    If you already know what you want to major in after high school , its a good idea to take classes that will help prepare you for college coursework. For example, students preparing for an undergraduate degree in microbiology might want to take courses that give them a solid chemistry background, whereas students in the liberal arts would be better off taking a wide range of intro-level courses in the humanities.

    Basic Core Classes In College

    How to Pick The Right Classes in High School

    Basic core classes are the classes required of all college students, regardless of their major. Some areas of discipline in the core curriculum include writing, math, science, history or a seminar course. There are also required core classes for respective majors. These classes are intended to help students effectively analyze, think critically and communicate information in diverse disciplines.


    Check the college catalog. The basic core curriculum requirements vary by college or university. For example, the Duke University Language Arts program in North Carolina requires first-year students to enroll in a writing and seminar course, whereas Columbia College in New York City requires students to take six core classes, including writing, literature and civilization, before they can graduate. In the electrical engineering course at Duke University, the core curriculum consists of classes in mathematics, social sciences, science, computer methods, humanities and fundamental engineering courses. At Columbia College, however, the required core curriculum for engineering are fewer, which include introduction to electrical engineering, circuit analysis, signals and systems, electronic circuits and fundamentals of computer systems.




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    How Much Of My Degree Will Be General Education

    Colleges have a lot of leeway in determining how many General Education credits go into their offered degrees. However, most general education requirements cover to ½ of a degree, between 42-60 semester-based college credits. Highly-focused or technical degrees may have fewer Gen Ed requirements to allow for more time on core subjects.

    By offering accredited online courses that are 36% less expensive than the average price of college courses, we allow students to meet Gen Ed requirements and save money on their degree. Want to learn more? Reach out to Accelerated Pathways and see if we can help you meet your degree requirements for less.

    What Is General Education

    General Education requirements represent the foundation of a UW education and will support the advanced learning students will do the rest of their life. The objective is to introduce students to many new ideas, rather than training them in one specific subject, so that they are in a position to create linkages across a wide expanse of different topics and disciplines. Areas of Knowledge are meant to allow students to embrace the exploration of new ideas and work diligently to make connections, especially where none seem to exist.

    Basic Skills

    English Composition

    English Composition courses emphasize how to organize and express your ideas effectively. In composition courses, you will refine your skills by rewriting your papers after receiving feedback on them. Learn more about your options for fulfilling your English Composition requirement.


    This is in addition to the 5-credit English composition requirement, you will need to complete additional Writing credits. Writing courses can be found across disciplines and must require 10-15 pages of graded, out-of-class writing, in the form of a longer paper plus a revision or two or more short papers.

    Learn more about your options for fulfilling your Writing Requirement.

    Areas of Knowledge

    The number of credits of AoK required by each college of the UW varies and some courses may count towards more than one AoK.

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    High School Classes Required For College

    Planning to go to college? Its important you take the right classes in high school. Beginning in ninth grade, the majority of your classes should be ones that will prepare you for college. When it comes time to apply, you want to make sure you meet the admission criteria for ALL colleges in which you are interested. Its always better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.Heres what you need by the end of your senior year in order to meet the admission criteria at a majority of colleges:EnglishMake sure your take four full years of English classes. This includes courses in which you study writing and courses in which you read literature. You need to be able to write well in nearly every career. Use your English classes to read, analyze, and develop strong communication skills.MathSign up for four full years of math classes. Students who take math in each year of high school are far more successful in college than students taking only three years. Never skip a year of math in high school because you will lose your momentum. Your math classes should include at least four of the following six classes, taken in this order:

    • pre-algebra
    • calculus

    ScienceTake three to four years of laboratory science classes. You will have the strongest background if you have taken at least one year each of:

    • biology
    • physics
    • government
    • psychology

    What Pre Reqs Do You Need For College

    Health Sciences

    It depends on the school and the program youre applying for. For instance, the pre reqs you need to get into a nursing program will vary greatly from the pre reqs you would need to get into the graduate program at a liberal arts college.

    Recommended Reading: What Is a Liberal Arts College?

    Also, keep in mind that traditional four-year bachelors programs dont always start at the freshman level. For instance, some colleges and universities have upper-division-only nursing programs that require you to earn your associate degree before you can continue your education.

    Interested in getting your associate degree? Read our blog,What Is an Associate Degree?, to learn more.

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    Can I Take General Education Courses Online

    If youre working full time and/or have a family, this might discourage you from getting your degree but dont let it. Online general education courses make it possible to take these courses without having to attend college.

    Because of the flexibility associated with online programs, taking your general education courses online can help you finish them at your own pace, in the convenience of your own home, allowing you to balance work, life and family commitments.

    Purdue University Global

    • Experience world-class education online with more than 175 programs at associates, bachelors, masters and doctoral levels.
    • Apply eligible work experience and prior college credits toward up to 75% of your undergraduate degree.
    • You have the option of trying out a Purdue Global undergraduate program for an introductory 3-week period. Theres no cost beyond the application fee.
    • Competency-based ExcelTrack programs may allow you to earn your degree faster and for less money

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