Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Are Some College Classes

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Weekly Homework Assignments Vs 2

Are AP Classes Worth It?

Even in AP, Dual Credit, or IB courses, you probably have assigned nightly homework and reading that helps to refresh the material you learned that day. That homework and other worksheets will sometimes be graded and can boost your overall semester average if you do it well.

I most college classes, there will be relatively few assignments throughout the semester. Usually, there will be a midterm exam, a final exam, and perhaps a large paper/project. Those will determine your grade for the class. This way, you have less time-consuming busy work, but you always have far more pressure to do well on each assignment since it counts for such a large percentage of your grade.

Check Your Email Regularly

Normally, I wouldnt advise you to spend more time checking your email. But with online classes, its crucial to keep up with messages from your instructor. This way, youre aware of changes to due dates, new guidelines for assignments, updated study resources, and announcements of office hours.

Depending on how youre taking online classes, there may also be an online message portal to check in addition to or instead of email. Whatever method the professor uses to communicate, be sure to monitor it regularly. To make sure you dont forget, create a recurring task on your to-do list called Check for messages from my professor.

Easiest College Classes For Success

Take a look over this list and see if anything suits your interests. If so, be sure to check out your colleges catalog to see whats offered. Also, it may be the case that the difficulty level of these classes vary based on where youre learning. You can always check online forums or ask peers about their experience in such classes before enrolling.

That being said, heres a look at some college classes that tend to be easier than some core classes.

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Learning By Listening Vs Learning By Reading

In high school, it is possible to do well in a class without ever opening a textbook. The material that a teacher went over in class would largely follow the textbook, so as long as youre focused and engaged during class, you should be able to learn all the material you need to know.

In college, the material changes so rapidly and the concepts are so much more advanced that its often difficult to follow a lecture without doing the textbook reading beforehand. A professor will assign the chapters of reading beforehand, and itll be up to you to do the readings so that you can follow along with the professors lecture during class. Youll be responsible for knowing the lecture material and the textbook material for an exam.

Surviving The Coming Zombie Apocalypsedisasters Catastrophes And Human Behavior

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If you’ve ever wanted to know if you would make it out alive in a zombie apocalypse, Michigan State University has the one course that can give you a definitive answer. Better yet, since the class is offered entirely online, you can study in the privacy of your own room, even further reducing your chances of becoming an undead being’s next meal.

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Form A Virtual Study Group

If youre used to studying in groups, then online classes can be an adjustment. Sure, you still have classmates, but there isnt the same connection youd get sitting next to someone in class. And you cant just ask a few classmates if they want to go to the library after class to study.

However, you can still get the benefits of studying with other people even in an online class. You just have to be a bit more creative.

If your class has some kind of online discussion forum, post and ask if any classmates want to study together over video conferencing. And once youve found some study partners, try to meet with them at the same time each week. This way, youll get the learning benefits of studying in a group and have someone to hold you accountable.

If you cant find study partners from your actual class, you can use an app like Focusmate. Focusmate lets you find an accountability partner with whom you can virtually study/work over a video call. Even though your accountability partner wont be studying the same material, knowing that theres another person working in the room will keep you from slacking off.

Patternmaking For Dog Garments

The Fashion Institute of Technology in New York offers this class, which is exactly what it sounds like.

Students learn how to turn basic sketches into patterns for dog clothing, and its actually more complicated than you would think. Students use a doggie dress form to understand the slopes and body features of different dog breeds, so theres a science involved.

And I mean, come on, this knowledge could come in very handy some day.

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Beware Of Sneaky Deadlines

In an in-person class, the professor probably reminds you of upcoming due dates. But with online classes, you may not get these reminders. Therefore, you need to be extra diligent about monitoring deadlines.

At the start of the class, read through the syllabus and find all deadlines for assignments. Put this information on your calendar, and consult that calendar regularly. Also, look out for changes to deadlines so that you can update your calendar accordingly.

Having a calendar of deadlines wont guarantee that youll turn everything in on time . But it will help you avoid damaging your grade just because you forgot an assignment was due.

How To Watch Television

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You probably think you know how to watch TV pretty well by this point: put on comfy pants, plant yourself on the couch, and zone out. However, undergrads at Montclair State University can fine-tune this art with the school’s How to Watch Television class, the aim of which is “for students to critically evaluate the role of television in their lives as well as in the life of the culture.” And when it comes time to plop on the couch for hours, you could do worse than powering through the;30 Funniest Sitcoms of All Time.

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Why You Should Take Classes For Fun

Your academic semester will get mundane if youre going through the same type of classes for around 15 weeks.

For some of you, your class schedule looks like three major classes and two minor classes, every semester, until you graduate. If youre major and minor are under the same department, you may only take classes in one campus building.

Because of that, theres no diversity of subjects, students, or professors in your academic schedule.

See how that can get old and make learning less fun?

So an underrated aspect of scheduling an enjoyable class is its a refreshing change of pace;during the week. Youre free to relax and soak in the knowledge of a subject youre interested in, instead of piling on more knowledge for your major.

There are also specific benefits and possible benefits of taking a fun course:

Boosts your intellectual curiosity The brain needs to be introduced to new ways of thinking and information to grow, otherwise it doesnt perform at its best capability. When you take a course you know little about, you force your mind to adjust. Its for the same reason that reading is so beneficial.

Practice getting outside your comfort zone Many people fall into the spell of publicly talking about getting outside their comfort zone, yet privately taking no action to be uncomfortable. You can reverse this reality by taking a course, like acting, to stretch your comfort zone. Taking an interesting course is one of the safest places to do something out of the norm.

Use The Resources Your Teacher Provides

Just like with in-person classes, academic success is about more than attending class and reading the textbook. To master the material, you need to take advantage of all the resources available to you.

For instance, if your professor offers virtual office hours, be sure to attend them. Bring any questions you have about homework, lectures, or upcoming exams.

Likewise, if your professor provides additional resources to practice and understand the material, use them. Especially since you can do all of this without leaving your house, you have no excuse.

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Anticipated Career Or Graduate School Requirements

Some courses might be necessary for getting into graduate school or pursuing a career in a certain field. This is especially true for aspiring healthcare professionals, from doctors to physical therapists topharmacists. Make sure you read up on what youll need to do when youre planning your course schedule.

Putting Yourself On The Road To Success

Many college students take remedial courses, but only some ...

There are steps you can take to avoid the pitfalls that some online students encounter and give yourself the best chance at success. Dont make the mistake of thinking that your college course will be easy just because its online. Instead of waiting until the last minute and putting yourself at risk for not finishing your work at all give yourself plenty of time to complete your assignments. To avoid feeling disengaged by the lack of face-to-face communication, take advantage of opportunities to interact with your peers and instructor, through virtual class discussions and email. Remember that just because some students fail doesnt mean that online college isnt a good idea, or that you personally wont succeed.

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How To Enroll In Community College Classes

After you have decided which class you want to take, you need to begin the enrollment process. Before you enroll, talk to your academic adviser at your high school to learn if this class will be included on your transcript or if you will be able to use it to substitute for another course. You may need to provide them with a course description or syllabus to review. You should also ask them if your high school will cover the costs of the class, and, if so, how and when they will do so.

Next you need to enroll in the community college. This process varies by school. Some only require you to fill out basic information about yourself, especially if you will only be taking a few classes. Others require the same enrollment process a full-time student attending the school goes through, which may mean filling out an application and submitting test scores. This process can take up to a few weeks, so give yourself enough time to complete it before classes start.

Once you are enrolled, you can sign up for the class you want to take. Remember that, as mentioned above, oftentimes high school students have to wait until after current college students have had a chance to select their courses before they are able to sign up for classes.

When Should You Take Community College Classes

You should think carefully about what semester and year you want to enroll in a community college class. It’s recommended that you don’t take community college classes until you are at least a junior in high school. By the time you are an upperclassman, you will likely have had more challenging courses and will be more prepared for college-level classes.

If you take a community college class early on in high school, you may find it overwhelming or too challenging. This can cause you to get a low grade that won’t get you many of the benefits listed above.

Another important decision is whether to take a community college class during the school year or over the summer. Most community colleges offer both options, though not all courses may be offered each semester. If you are getting high school credit or replacing a high school class, then you will likely take the community college class during the school year.

If there are certain times of the year when you are less busy , you may want to take a community class then so that you can spend more time on it. However, if the community college class you are interested in isn’t earning you high school credit or replacing a high school class, it may be easier for you to take it during the summer. Taking a community college class during the summer gives you more time to concentrate on it because you won’t have to balance a full high school course load at the same time.

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Have A Dedicated Study Space

If your class were meeting in real life, youd be in a classroom or lecture hall. While you dont need to recreate that environment at home, having a dedicated study space will help you stay focused when its time to study and disconnect when it isnt.

Your study space can be anywhere that helps you focus. Whether its a nook in your bedroom, a spot at your kitchen table, or even a chair on your balcony, get creative with the space you have.

My only word of warning is to avoid somewhere thats too comfortable or distracting. Dont study sitting in bed or next to your game system. Find a place that signals its time to work.

For more detailed advice on creating a study space, check out this guide.

Train Your Brain To Support Your Professional Journey

Universities switching to online classes leaves some students scrambling to find housing


  • Accounting/Finance
  • Art/Design
  • Business/Business Management
  • you

  • Communication/Speech
  • History
  • Journalism/Writing
  • Physical Education
  • Political Science
  • Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science/Web Design/Development
  • Don’t Miss: How Many College Credits Do You Need

    A For Effort Vs Greater Expectations

    Sometimes in high school, if youre lucky, youll get assignments that are graded on completion instead of accuracy or youll get extra credit assignments to help boost your grade. In college, there is usually no such thing.

    All assignments in college are graded based on your critical thinking and analytical abilities, and professors expect a much higher level of performance than teachers did in high school. Its up to you to keep up with the material and perform adequately on each assignment.

    Top 7 Reasons To Take Summer Classes

    For many college students, summer means a time of relaxation. Its time to reset, recharge, and take a break from classes. Some go on a summer vacation or back home to visit their family and friends while others decide to stay put and unwind.

    However, one thing to consider is filling the time or part of the time with summer classes.

    Here are some benefits of taking a summer session for you to consider:

    1. Youll usually graduate faster.;

    Taking classes over the summer gives you the opportunity to earn more credits, which can bring you that much closer to graduation. If you dont have anything else going on during the summer, why not use that time to be productive and work toward finishing your degree sooner?

    2. More availability.;

    While its true that course selections in general can be more limited during the summer, you may not have to fight your way into a spot for what is being offered. This means that even those highly coveted classes will have a lot more availability, which makes it much easier to take popular courses that are required for your degree.

    3. Smaller classes.;

    Popular courses during the spring and fall semesters usually mean jam-packed classrooms. This can make it difficult to get a good seat, pay attention to lectures, ask questions, and have one-on-one discussions with your professor. Because fewer students opt for summer sessions, it also often means smaller classes. Not having to fight for a parking spot is a pretty great perk, too!

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    Maple Syrup: The Real Thing

    Have you been suffering the indignity of being offered fake maple syrup tine and time again? Well, no longer, thanks to this unique course offered at Alfred University. While students do get to tap maple trees in the class, the course also explores everything from local maple sugaring operations to environmental science along the way. And for more sweet foodie fun, discover The 50 Best Foods for Your Brain.

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    Eat This, Not That!

    Drawback #: They Can Be Expensive

    The surprising reason some college professors are telling ...

    Most students do not have to pay for the classes they take in high school, and it can be difficult to afford the tuition required for college classes. Even though community college classes are typically less expensive than regular 4-year colleges, tuition is still usually at least $100 per credit hour, which means taking one community college class can cost several hundred dollars or more.

    Sometimes high schools will pay for their students to take community college classes, especially if they don’t offer a particular class themselves. Ask your academic adviser what your school’s policy is for covering the costs of community college classes. If they do help with costs, this can save you thousands of dollars!

    However, if your high school doesn’t cover community college costs, be sure to choose your community college classes carefully so you know you are getting the best value for your money. Also, if your high school offers a similar course, such as an AP class, you may want to consider taking that instead.

    Taking community college classes may mean you have to pay tuition fees and other expenses.

    Read the sections below to learn more about how to make smart decisions when taking community college classes and minimize negative impacts.

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