How Do I Consent To The Covid
If you choose to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, you will need to consent to having one when you attend your COVID-19 vaccination appointment.
Consent means giving permission for someone to do something. The person giving you a COVID-19 vaccination must ask if you consent to being vaccinated.
They will also need to tell you:
- why you should get the vaccine
- why its safe
- what will happen when you have it
You cantalk to your doctorbefore you decide to have the COVID-19 vaccination. You may want to ask them questions, such as:
- how it might affect any health problems you have
- if there are any risks for you
You can also ask questions of the person who will vaccinate you. You can ask questions such as:
- what will happen when I get the vaccination?
- why do I need it?
- how will I feel after I have it?
- what could go wrong?
- what will happen if I say no?
You can consent in different ways. You can:
- say yes or no
- sign a consent form
You can say no if you dont want the vaccination.
You can also bring someone you trust with you to your vaccination appointment. If you cant consent, your guardian can consent for you. A guardian is a person who acts and makes decisions for you. Your guardian might be a member of your family, a friend or chosen for you by the government.
Los Angeles Public School Students Will Need A Negative Covid
Los Angeles Unified students will now be required to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test prior to returning to school after the winter break and will have an extra day to comply.
School was originally slated to resume on Jan. 10, but the district has deemed that a Pupil Free Day and students will return to the classroom on Jan. 11.
Los Angeles Unified now requires COVID-19 testing for all students and employees, regardless of vaccination status, before the first week back from winter break. All students and employees will be required to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test in order to come onto campus on January 11, the district wrote in an email to parents on Monday.
LAUSD becomes the largest district in the nation to require a negative Covid-19 test and is offering rapid self-tests for students to pick up at various locations across the county on Friday and Saturday.
Weekly testing which has been in place since students returned to school in the fall will continue, and masks are required both indoors and out. They will be provided if necessary.
Vaccinations and boosters are being strongly recommended, but will not be required until the Fall semester.
Students Not Meeting School Requirements By County
Policies on exclusion from school are developed and enforced at the local level. Many school districts allow students on a catch-up schedule to attend classes. Other school districts allow students to attend classes while awaiting updated immunization documentation. Beginning in 2016, the Immunization Division calculated the number of students that do not meet school requirements , and this number is often referred to as the gap. Students counted in the gap might be appropriately immunized, but the school lacks proper documentation of all received immunizations. However, in the event of a case of vaccine-preventable disease in the school setting, these students would also be subject to exclusion from school due to lack of documentation of immunity. The greater the percentage of the gap, the more significant the potential burden on schools and the community, should those students face exclusion during a breakout.
Immunization requirements are enforced by the grade the student is entering parents can do their part to make sure their children are appropriately immunized for their grade level, and that updated immunization records are on file with the school nurse.
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Providing Proof Of Vaccination
Colleges who have vaccination requirements will provide proof from the student. This proof can be provided in three ways.
- Their healthcare provider can complete a form indicating what vaccinations the student received and when.
- The student can provide immunization records from an official source, such as their doctors office.
- If an official document contains vaccination information showing the student meets the colleges requirements , this may be sufficient proof of vaccinations.
What Are The Top Vaccines That College Students Need
“Each patient will have a different situation, and their medical records can bring them up to date. Overall, the ones I’d emphasize are meningitis and hepatitis B.”
“Almost every college requires or strongly recommends students be vaccinated for meningitis, especially if they plan to live in the dorms. Close quarters make it easier for bacteria to spread.”
“Hepatitis B is a blood-borne infection, but can also be transmitted through sexual activity. The disease can have long-term liver consequences. The hepatitis B vaccine is a three-dose series, and might be among the safest vaccines ever made.”
“I would also recommend the combined tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine.”
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Can I Get A Covid
You can have both a COVID-19 vaccine and flu shot on the same day. Studies have shown that both vaccines produce an appropriate immune response, however receiving 2 different vaccines on the same day may increase your chances of having a mild to moderate reaction .
COVID-19 vaccines can also be given at the same time as other vaccines, but there is limited research, so its still recommended to wait a few days between vaccinations.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more advice on when to schedule your vaccinations.
Detroit Schools Closed Until Wednesday Because Of Record Covid
From CNN’s David Shortall
Public schools in Detroit are closed Monday through Wednesday as the city faces an all-time high Covid-19 infection rate, according to a letter sent to parents Friday from superintendent Nikolai Vitti.
No virtual classes will be offered as an alternative, Vitti said. Instead, employees will be required to take Covid-19 tests during the days off on Monday and Tuesday. Students are not required to test, but are encouraged, Vitti said, and 10 sites at schools across the city will offer free tests.
Nearly 20 percent of school employees who took voluntary Covid-19 tests last week tested positive, Vitti said. The city’s infection rate is even higher at 36 percent.
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Will We Need An Omicron
If two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine are not enough to guard against omicron, would we need a variant-specific booster to restore protection? According to Fauci, “At this point, there is no need for a variant-specific booster.”
But getting from the two-dose definition to three will take effort: The CDC website says almost 206 million Americans right now are “fully vaccinated” with the Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. That’s 62% percent of the total US population. However, only 68 million in the US have received a booster — only a third of the so-called fully vaccinated, or a little more than 20% of the total US population.
“That’s why getting more Americans vaccinated and boosted is central to the president’s plan to fight COVID and confront omicron this winter,” Zients said during last week’s White House briefing.
Moderna has said it is studying an omicron-specific vaccine, as well as a multivalent shot that could protect against the alpha and delta strains, but clinical trials aren’t expected to start until next year.
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What Will This Mean For The Spring Semester
The hope is that schools will be able to prevent a massive spread of COVID infections on campus. While the past fall semester looked a little bit more like Fall 2019 and less like Fall 2020, the Omicron variant now poses a renewed threat. Again, safety precautions will still be in place, but the vaccine allows students to return to their campus with less fear and more excitement about classes, activities, and all of the things that make college…well, college.
“For us, it will mean we’ll have at least 80% of our classes face to face, it means that we will be back to the exciting and wonderful things that make campus life so wonderful and that includes, not just lectures and labs, but performances and athletics,” said Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, President of Oakland University, before the start of the Fall 2021 semester.
According to a survey conducted in March 2021 by Arts-Bridge, 62% of high schools students and parents are concerned they won’t have the “ideal college experience” because of the effects of the pandemic. Plus, 64% of high school juniors and seniors feel the price of college isn’t worth it when you’re learning from behind a screen instead of in a classroom.
The hope is that a vaccinated campus will help to solve these problems, to allow for that “ideal college experience” and for students to fully be back in the classroom.
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What Vaccines Do You Need Before College
31 May 16
College-bound students are about to make the transition to adulthood, but that doesn’t mean that they’re done with vaccines. In fact, lifestyle changes and dormitory living can put college students at higher risk for certain infections.
Here’s a list of vaccines that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for young adults before they go off to college:
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine: In addition to the CDC’s recommendation that students get vaccinated against meningococcal disease before starting college, some states actually make the shot mandatory.
Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection that can cause meningitis, or a swelling of the membranes that cover the brain or spinal cord. The bacteria that cause the disease can spread from person to person, and the illness can be life-threatening.
People living in close quarters, including college dorms, are at higher risk for becoming infected with meningococcal disease. Outbreaks of the disease have also been reported on college campuses over the last several years, the CDC said. For this reason, the CDC recommends that the vaccine be given to first-year college students.
Whooping cough vaccine booster: Adolescents should get a whooping cough vaccine booster shot when they are 11 to 12 years old. But if they didn’t get this booster shot as a preteen or teen, they should get one dose of Tdap before college, the CDC said.
Covid Vaccine On Campus
During the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak many colleges moved to online college classes. As states reopen, universities are welcoming students back on campus. Some schools require that students receive the vaccine before resuming regular classes. Students should research their current school policies on the COVID vaccine.
Currently, there are three different vaccines available. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna both require two doses to be considered fully vaccinated. The Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine has resumed in the United States and requires one dose. Below are three vaccine finders that allow students to locate vaccination sites. Students should also look for their state specific vaccine finder.
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The Oklahoma Immunization Law
Oklahoma’s Immunization Act was passed by the state legislature in 1970. It requires all students to meet immunization requirements before they enter or attend any public or private school in the state. The law states that the Oklahoma State Board of Health will establish the regulations specifying which vaccines and how many doses of each vaccine are required.
The immunization requirements are specified by the State Board of Health. The regulations specify in detail:
- What vaccines are required,
- How many doses of each vaccine are required,
- The minimum intervals of time that are needed between doses and the minimum ages for vaccine doses,
- How parents or guardians can obtain an exemption to a vaccine for their child, and
- What is needed to document immunity to a disease.
The Oklahoma State Board of Health changes the regulations when new vaccines become available and as old vaccines are no longer needed because the diseases have been controlled or eliminated.
Can I Get The First And Second Dose Of A Covid
You dont have to get your second dose at the same location. This includes if you are travelling interstate.
Your first dose of the vaccine will be recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register , so your vaccination provider will be able to check which vaccine you received, and when you received that first dose.
To be fully vaccinated, you must have 2 doses of the same vaccine, given at the appropriate intervals.
- If you get Pfizer, you’ll need 2 doses, administered 21 days apart
- If you get Moderna, youll need 2 doses, administered 28 days apart
- If you get AstraZeneca, you’ll need 2 doses, administered 4 to 12 weeks apart.
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Do You Need A Booster To Be Considered ‘fully Vaccinated’ Against Covid
The CDC and other organizations are considering changing the definition of the term “fully vaccinated” in light of the surging omicron variant. The current COVID-19 vaccines are less effective against omicron than delta or other COVID variants, and protection from the vaccines also decreases over time, particularly after 6 months.
Recent evidence demonstrates that booster shots are needed to protect against infection from the new omicron variant. On Monday, the FDA expanded the authorization of boosters of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to include children aged 12 to 15.
“Breakthrough cases” of COVID in people who’ve completed two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have become increasingly common. On Monday, NBC New York reported that the rate of breakthrough infections in the state was five times higher for the last week of December than it was during the first. On ABC’s This Week on Sunday, New York City Mayor Eric Abrams said that he is considering implementing a booster mandate for teachers, police and other city workers.
Public health officials are also discussing whether the term “fully vaccinated” should be modified to include boosters. In December, on CNN, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, said that it was a matter of “when, not if” the definition of “fully vaccinated” would be updated to include boosters.
How Much Does Covid
COVID-19 vaccination is free to everyone living in Australia. This includes:
- Australian citizens, permanent residents, holders of temporary visas and those not eligible for Medicare
- refugees, asylum seekers, temporary protection visa holders and those on bridging visas
- people currently in detention facilities including those whose visas have been cancelled
Healthcare providers wont charge you any consultation fees associated with administration of the vaccine.
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Can Older Or Elderly People Have The Covid
Yes, older people are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated.
Australias Therapeutic Goods Administration has provisionally approved Pfizer for people aged 5 years and older. There is no upper age limit.
However, Pfizer is being prioritised for people aged 16 to 59. This is because the risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome which is linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine is slightly higher in younger adults.
People aged 60 and over are being offered AstraZeneca. Those aged over 85, in particular, are extremely susceptible to the impacts of the COVID-19 infection and the benefits of vaccination are considered to outweigh any risks.
Access may differ between states and territories so you should check your state health department for the latest information.
The TGA and the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation will continue to monitor the safety of all COVID-19 vaccines as they are rolled out in Australia and internationally.
What About Those Who Got The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine For Their First Shot
According to UCSF’s Wachter, it’s still too early to know how protected those who received the J& J vaccine are. “There’s always someone who got J& J and says, ‘What about me?’ And the answer is, we have no idea,” Wachter said. “Do they need a third shot? I think that question is going to be important to answer.”
According to a Dec. 29 study by the South African Medical Research Council, for individuals who received one dose of the J& J vaccine, known as Ad26.COV.2, a booster delivered six to nine months later raised their odds against hospitalization from 63% to 85%
It’s the earliest proof of the Johnson & Johnson booster’s effectiveness, the author of the non-peer-reviewed study wrote. And it comes at a time when the more contagious omicron variant is running rampant. In the period examined mid-November to mid-December 2021 omicron infections in South Africa represented 98% of all confirmed COVID cases, according to GISAID.
It’s possible the J& J vaccine, associated with a rare but serious blood-clotting issue, may make a better candidate for a booster, regardless of which vaccine you initially received. A new analysis of “mixing-and-matching” shots conducted by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found a J& J booster given to individuals who initially received two doses of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine generated a 41-fold increase in antibody response within a month, compared to only a 17-fold increase when given another Pfizer jab.
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What Has Johnson & Johnson Said About A Second Booster Shot
A study of 69,000 health care workers released last week by the South African Medical Research Council found that, for those who already received the J& J vaccine, Ad26.COV.2, a booster given six to nine months later raised their odds against hospitalization from 63% to 85%.The research was conducted between mid-November and mid-December 2021, when the omicron variant represented 98% of all confirmed COVID cases in South Africa, suggesting the vaccine offers strong protection against the highly contagious strain.
“This adds to our growing body of evidence which shows that the effectiveness of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine remains strong and stable over time, including against circulating variants such as omicron and delta,” Dr. Mathai Mammen, global head of Janssen Research & Development, a pharmaceutical subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, said in a statement.
For more on COVID-19, here’s how the new omicron variant is different from the delta strain, what to know about the Moderna COVID booster and how to choose which booster shot to get.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.