Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Get Ready For College Applications

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Compare Financial Aid Offers From Colleges Youve Been Admitted To

EP 25 -How To Get Ready For College: Read College Bound!

By around March and April, you should start receiving admissions decisions from the colleges you applied to. As you get these letters, begin to compare the financial aid offers from the ones youve been accepted to.

With your parents, estimate overall costs and how much money youll likely need for living expenses and food .

Take your time herefinancial aid can seem overwhelming at first, but its definitely worth it to be sure you understand how much college costs and what you will actually pay in order to attend. It might also help to create a spreadsheet listing the total costs and aid offers you’ve gotten.

Visit Campuses Even If It’s Virtually

Are you one of the 42% of high school seniors whos visited a college or university campus? If so, congrats! Youre on your way to making a fully informed decision about higher ed.

Campuses vary wildly across the country. Some schools have huge campuses with shuttle services, others might be small enough to cross in 10 minutes, and other schools might be integrated into city blocks. By taking an on-campus or virtual tour, you can explore dorm rooms, classrooms, the dining hall, and other key campus spotsand youll be able to see if it feels like home away from home.

Another reason you might want to visit campus is for a . Not all schools offer interviews, but when they do, they can help you learn more about the schoolor help determine whether you might get accepted.

How Do You Get The Most Out Of College Visits

To make the most of your visit, spend a little time preparing. If you are vacationing in Portland, OR and want to visit the University of Portland, contact UP Admissions to register for a campus tour. You can also attend an information session. These official offerings give potential students a lot of important information about what the school has to offer and what makes it unique.

You can also make an appointment with theOffice of Financial Aid. This is a great chance to ask about scholarships and learn how to apply for financial aid. You may want to learn more about a particular degree or program. For example, if you want to become a teacher, it is helpful to meet with someone in that department and possibly sit in on an education class. Keep in mind that while campus tours are a great way to gain a lot of information, be sure to walk around the college campus on your own as well. To get a true feel for the school, take some time to talk to college students and explore, using a campus map as your guide.

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Build Relationships With Mentors

Coaches, teachers, employers, and religious leaders are all potential mentors who can provide valuable support. Look for people that make you say, I want to be like that when I grow up! or I want to do that job when I graduate. Get to know them and find out about their lives. Learn from their mistakes and their successes. Share your dreams and concerns with them and ask for advice about choosing a college and career.

Mentors can open up opportunities for you, and can help you identify your strengths . A mentor will suggest ways to improve and provide wisdom when making decisions. You can also ask your mentor to write a letter of recommendation. Building relationships with mentors is a skill you will develop throughout your life. Start now. And hopefully, you can be a mentor for someone else someday!

Build Your Resume Virtually

Getting Ready for College Applications Parent Webinar

STEM-focused students can gain hands-on research experience through an online camp. One example of a virtual research opportunity for high school students is Rising Researchers, which allows students to earn two college credits. This experience goes beyond the Zoom screen students are mailed a lab kit, including a microscope, to perform their research at home under the guidance of a leading scientist at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst.

Remember to stay productive during the upcoming weeks or months. By using your time wisely, you can get ahead on your college applications.

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Know Your Online Application Account Username And Password

You set up your online application account username and password during the RRC Polytech application process.

If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it by going to the reset password page.

If you have forgotten your username or are locked out of your account, please contact our Student Service Centre.

Do More With Your Summer

Yes, you should have fun this summer. But summer vacation should be more than sleeping in, hanging out with friends, and enjoying the weather. Stay focused on your goal of getting to college.

There are many things to do that will keep you energized and engaged and look good on your college application:

  • Contact your guidance counselor about a summer school program if you need extra help in any subject or to get you on track to college.
  • Summer is a great time to volunteer or intern.
  • Work at a part-time job, preferably doing something that interests you or adds to your skills and experience.
  • Take a class at your local community college.
  • Join a summer program such as Upward Bound, a national program that lets students like you spend the summer living and studying on a college campus. A program like this allows you to experience college and puts you on track to college.
  • Keep challenging yourself. Read books, newspapers, and magazines. Write in a journal. Watch the news or educational programs on PBS or the History Channel. Never stop learning.

Wondering how to find a summer program?

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Gather The Necessary Information For Your Financial Aid

You can fill out the FAFSA and your CSS profile as early as October 1st, but before that you’ll need to prep some materials. Not only will you need to provide your own information, but your parents will also need to supply their personal and financial data. Start talking with your parents early about tackling both of these forms and, most importantly, make sure that your familys tax forms from the previous year are in order and easily available.

Understand College Application Requirements Early

Getting Ready for College Applications Parent Webinar

Along with regular visits to your high school guidance counselor, begin requesting college application packages early on in your high school stay. Build up a tentative list of colleges and universities you would like to attend, and request admissions packages from them. Familiarize yourself with the application process, and consider what a college application entails so you can plan accordingly. By looking over a few college application forms, you’ll get a good idea of any high school coursework you may still need to take. You might also begin thinking about any extracurricular activities you may want to be add to your college applications to help make you more attractive to the admissions board.

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When Should I Start The College Admissions Process

The earlier you can start, the better your chances of getting into a top school might be.

As a high-achieving and motivated student, you may dream of getting into an Ivy League or other elite school. Knowing when to start preparing yourself for the epic journey that is the college admissions process is important. In general, the earlier you can get started in the process the better it will be for you. Your preparation for college and to get the best scores on your standardized admissions tests should be continuous, starting from the beginning of your freshman year until you graduate from high school.

Recap: College Application Preparation

Preparation to apply for college shouldnt start during junior or senior year. It should be a process that begins in 9th grade.

Throughout high school, you should devote time to extracurricular activities, leadership opportunities, and volunteer experiences.

Make sure that you record all of your involvement and accomplishments.

Begin exploring colleges and careers early on, take practice SAT and ACT exams, research financial aid, and visit schools.

Take challenging classes and earn good grades in these courses. Additionally, pay attention to deadlines well in advance and meet them.

If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, youll be prepared to not only be accepted to a great college, but also to succeed once you get there.

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Preparing Your College List

Ideally, at this point youve been curating a college list for a while now, but if youre just getting started and need some guidance, check out our Seven Tips for Creating Your College List.

During your first semester of junior year, start to consider which characteristics of a college are most important to you. Use this information to narrow down your choices, though dont eliminate any schools just yet. Lots can still change in the next year, so its smart to keep all schools on the table until you really need to narrow your choices down.

During the second semester of junior year, start to make some preliminary lists of schools to apply to. Try to decide if every option represents a school youd be happy to attend while also offering a well-balanced variety of selectivity. For more about finalizing your college list, see these posts:

Use Resources From Admissions Offices

Getting Ready for College Applications Parent Webinar

Every college has countless events, online webinars, virtual tours, blogs, student ambassadors, and Q& A sessions where you can directly interact with the Dean of Admissions. All of these resources are intended to provide you with an insider perspective on campus life. They also help you understand what each college will be looking for when they read applications! Sign up for newsletters and notifications so that youre sure to take advantage of these free resources.

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Stay Focused In School

Even though theres a ton to do your senior year, its still important that you work hard to maintain your grades and do well in challenging courses during both semesters . As a result, don’t stop studying hard for midterms, finals, and AP tests.

Remember that colleges will want to see your mid-year report, which shows your most recent senior-year grades, so definitely avoid falling victim to senioritis!

Send Your High School Transcripts And Test Scores

As soon as you complete your part of the application, ensure your school counselor sends your transcripts to the right colleges. Make sure your SAT, ACT, and AP scores have been sent to the correct schools. Some schools allow results to be self-reported, while others require official score reports from testing organizations.

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Important Info Before You Apply

  • The application processing fee is $95.00 .
  • An application allows you up to 5 program choices .
  • All program choices must start within the same academic year .
  • There may be additional fees to request transcripts.
  • Your username is permanent.
  • Your password must be between 8 and 14 characters in length.
  • Use a valid email address.
  • DO NOT create more than one account.
  • The application works best in certain web browsers.

Get Your College Applications Ready To Send Off

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Your senior fall will be extremely busy since this is when many college application deadlines are, including most early action and early decision deadlines. So youll need to start putting together your applications by writing your essays and gathering all necessary materials, such as your high school transcripts and recommendation letters.

Heres a brief checklist of what to do for your college applications at this time:

  • Write your college essays: Youll likely have to write more than one, so get a head start on these. Give yourself at least a month or two to write, edit, and proofread before you submit.
  • Ask for letters of recommendation from teachers: If you didnt already do so your junior year, ask your teachers for rec letters ASAP. Try to get letters from teachers who teach core classes and/or classes in a field you want to major in.
  • Take the SAT/ACT one last time, if needed: By this point, you shouldve taken the SAT/ACT twice. If you still want to take it one last time to try to raise your score, though, nows the time to do it. Don’t forget to check your colleges’ websites to see what the last possible SAT/ACT test dates theyll accept scores from are.
  • Visit campuses if possible: Actually seeing college campuses in person should help you get a better sense for the overall atmospheres of the schools youre applying to, and might even give you ideas for what you can write about in your college essay.

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Request Letters Of Recommendation

Many colleges require one to two letters of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, coach, or employer who knows you well. As early as the end of your junior year, you should unofficially notify teachers or counselors of upcoming requests to give them sufficient time to write a thoughtful personalized letter during the summer.

Once you have completed your portion of the online application, send an official request through the application portals and check whether your recommenders have submitted their letters two to three weeks before the deadline.

Sophomore Year: Final Thoughts

While there are many more tips that I could give sophomores, the main piece of advice that I have is to remember that this is the year that you need to start thinking about the future. Without stressing too much about it, make sure that you try your best to be well-rounded and persistent in everything that you do.

For more personalized tips and answers to all of your college application questions, .

This informational essay on preparing for college during your sophomore year was written by Zoe Edington, UC Berkeley 18. If you want to get help with your college applications from Zoe or other Admissions Experts, register with today.

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Get To Know Your Recommendation Writers

Most teachers have written many recommendations throughout their careers. Im sure youve heard that some use generic templates that they dust off every year and just fill in the blanks. But the best of the best recommendations vividly describe unique individuals, using specific anecdotes that demonstrate character. Cultivating personal connections like this requires time and forethought! Make the effort to get to know teachers all year, so that when the time comes, they can genuinely endorse your application in a thoughtful, personal, original letter.

Finalize Your College List

Getting Ready for College Applications Parent Webinar

Many students dont realize when they begin the college application process that creating a solid college list is among the most important steps along the way. A perfect college list will consist of schools that your student would happily attend, which are a good fit academically and program-wise, and which represent a variety of realistic admissions chances.

When creating a college list, your student will need to juggle numerous priorities and decide which are most important to him or her. These might include things like college size, geographic location, program offerings, and student life. Then, he or she will need to find colleges that meet these criteria and represent a good balance of schools to which he or she has a realistic shot of admissions.

Ideally, your student will finalize his or her college list by the beginning of 12th grade. You can learn more about this step on our page, Where Should You Apply to College?.

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How To Complete Your University Applications In Grade 11

Adam Griffiths – April 20th, 2020

If you want to learn how to complete your university applications in Grade 11 and breeze through Grade 12 stress-free, then this blog is for you.

Lets take two hypothetical high school students.

Meet Jack. Jack gets 98% in every class and never seems stressed. He always seems to have time to hang out. Plus, he has some strong accomplishments in extra-curricular activities.

Now meet Jill. Like Jack, shes focused on keeping her grades up, engaging in extracurriculars, and also preparing for fun Grade 12 activities like prom. However, unlike Jack, shes majorly stressed.

Whats the difference between these two students? After helping thousands of students win scholarships, we at GrantMe discovered the secret.

We first started working with UBC athletes in their 3rd or 4th year. Some of them were in massive debtwere talking $60,000 of debt. Others had no debt and were happy to win scholarships through us for some extra spending money.

We wanted to figure out what separated the students who were drowning in student debt from the students who had money in the bank. So we asked them.

The ones who had money in the bank began planning, saving, and winning scholarships in Grade 12. When we did our research, we realized that there are about 5-10x more scholarships available for Grade 12 students than for post-secondary students and that the ones who got started in Grade 12 were way ahead by the time their 3rd and 4th year rolled around.

Learn How To Pay For College

As a 10th grader, you probably dont know much about paying for college or even what the FAFSA is. So take this time to start familiarizing yourself with key financial terms and what paying for college actually entails in terms of tuition, housing, meal plans, etc.

We recommend checking out our helpful guides on the different types of financial aid and how to save money for college. If your parents are worried about upcoming college expenses, read these articles with them and explain to them how you plan to apply for college scholarships and do well in school to increase your chances of securing a merit scholarship.

If youll be paying for college entirely on your own, get started early by reading our guide.

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