Thursday, July 25, 2024

What You Need To Know About College

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Take Challenging Classes Even During Senior Year

COLLEGE 101 // what you need to know before your first year.

Yes, even during second semester. Theres this thing called rescinding – where schools can withdraw an admission acceptance if you slack off too much and they will use it. Its hard to resist the pull of senioritis, but its important to keep your grades up. Youve made it this far continue working hard as you finish high school.

Polish Social People And Soft Skills

Your student is going to be interacting with a lot of people in college, from their classmates to their professors to campus staff. Help them be ready by working on their soft skills as well as their social and people skills. For example, they probably wont want to talk with a professor the same way they talk with a classmate. Do they know how to adjust depending on who they are interacting with?

Things To Know About College: Availability Of Your Preferred Course

Set on enrolling in a particular program? Find out whether it is easy to get into that program. Hugely popular programs fill up fast and you may not be able to get in. Others may be difficult to get in because of the limited class size or because the programs is not offered every semester. Landing on the wait-list can mean wasting time and money. Understanding how difficult it could be to get into your chosen program can help you make an informed decision when choosing a college.

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Advice For Getting Your First Semester Of College Off To A Good Start

Setting off for your first semester of college can be scary, and even the most eager aspiring first-year will have questions. Although colleges do their best to make new students feel welcome, there are some issues that wont be addressed in the orientation package. Heres a little guide to some of the more practical matters of getting your college career started right.

Social Stress And Anxiety Condition Symptoms & Therapy Options

What You Need to Know About Applying to College with a Learning ...

Social Anxiety Disorder is a mental disorder where the person has a too much fear of social situations. It is usually activated by feeling evaluated by others and can bring about avoidance of social interaction.

The signs and symptoms are normally categorized right into 2 categories physical and psychological. Physical signs and symptoms include too much blushing, sweating, shaking, nausea, fast heartbeat, or breathlessness. Psychological symptoms are harder to recognize, yet some people may really feel very worried before a gathering or experience sensations of fear later.

Several therapies for Social Anxiety Disorder are readily available, which can be generally categorized into cognitive behavior therapy and also medication/drugs. CBT focuses on transforming the ideas and habits that contribute to the problem. In contrast, medication focuses on lowering the stress and anxiety really felt in social circumstances. Depression Online Classes College

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Find A School Club You Find Interesting And Go To A Meeting

You do not want it to almost be graduation time, while you are wishing you could have checked out a club. Explore. Look online to find clubs if you do not come across them in the beginning. If you do not like the first one, try another. You might not enjoy them, but at least you can say you went. You might also find a talent you were not aware of.

How Else Can Your Student Become Ready For Starting College

Here are four more ideas. They arent necessarily to-dos, but more like good things to know.

  • Professors value research, deep thinking and asking insightful questions. They want to see evidence that your student is interested in the class. Really interested. Not just trying to memorize some facts, get a passing grade and move on.
  • Students must develop their knowledge outside of the classroom . In high school, your students teachers provided about 80 percent of the information your student needed to learn the material, and your student learned the other 20 percent by doing homework and other tasks. College is different. Now professors provide about 20 percent of the information, and its up to your student to produce the remaining 80 percent by developing knowledge outside the classroom.
  • Read material before class. This one your student probably knows, but still could use a reminder on. Reading the material before class ensures that they are prepared, and also arms them with questions they can ask their professor about any aspects of the material they arent understanding.
  • This is, of course, not a complete list of everything your student should do or know before starting college. That list is almost endless. But encourage your student to keep exploring ways to be prepared by Googling college prep websites, participating on college chat boards, and talking to friends or siblings of friends who are in college. Good luck!

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    Everything You Need To Know About College Transcripts

    College transcripts are the closest thing a student has to a permanent record. They detail your academic history, including your grades, the courses you have completed, and whether or not you graduated. They may also list additional information, such as a history of academic probation, honor code violations, or awards for your school performance.

    Your transcripts can unlock academic doors. Theyre key to transferring credits from one university to another and are the best way to verify your prior academic performance. Yet many students struggle to get their transcripts and dont know how to ensure that their previous work follows them from one institution to another. If youve found yourself struggling to navigate this process yourself, heres everything you need to know about transcripts before applying to a college degree program.

    Loan Forgiveness Could Be Life


    As federal student loan forgiveness remains up in the air and the moratorium on repayment is set to end May 1, many borrowers are left hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

    Some students have even taken a laissez-faire attitude on student loan debt. As a 24-year-old graduate student who finished an undergraduate degree in 2020, a lot of my peers are recent graduates who haven’t made a single student loan payment due to extensions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    One friend has said to me that they don’t have any plans at all on repaying their student loans, and they said they “just can’t think that far ahead” because they have too many other bills to pay.

    It can be a contentious debate on the economic effects that student loan forgiveness could have on the U.S. economy, but the varying proposed amounts in forgiveness $10,000, $50,000 or more could all mean tremendous relief for borrowers.

    If the federal government does forgive any amount of debt, it could be life-changing for borrowers from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, like Jacho, who is a first-generation, Latina student, a demographic most adversely affected by student loan debt.

    “All I know is I would be crying in tears knowing that all my debt is paid,” Jacho said. “I’ll be able to sleep better at night if I didn’t have so much debt that I have to pay.”

    “If all of my debt was paid off, I’d basically be okay with my career and move forward with life,” said Jacho.

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    Your First Roommate Might Not Be Your Best Friend

    Many college students pick a roommate randomly in their first year. Odds are you will probably do same, but its not the end of the world. You might think that both of you will be the best of friends. But the reality is that both of you might not get along. Especially when your goals, interests, and hobbies are in contrast with those of your roomie.

    College life will expose you to people with different personality traits. And sadly, you may have to cope with it. For instance, you might love studying online and reading books at the library. And when the tasks become severe, you look for someone that will write a research paper for you. But it might not be the same story with your roommate. Who may want to study inside the room at night and with the lights switched on? As time goes on, you can either learn to cope with such discomfort or choose to live alone.

    What To Take With You To College

    For most students, going to college is the first time they live away from home.

    So, the question is:

    What do you take with you when moving into a dorm?

    Before deciding

    Get in touch with your college and ask for their approved and prohibited items checklist. Every college will have one and each college will have slightly different guidelines.

    Some colleges wont even allow a power strip!

    Make sure you contact them before spending money on things like mini-fridges and microwaves.

    Another thing to consider is space.

    Freshmen tend to underestimate how much space they need, and dorm storage space is notoriously less than it seems at first.

    A good rule of thumb is just only to take whats necessary:

    • Comfortable clothing for class.
    • School supplies i.e. pens, rulers, calculators, sticky notes, etc.
    • Eye mask, ear plugs, and pain medication

    Of course, theres more, but these are the essentials.

    Many students wonder if you can bring your car to campus. This is something you will need to check with your college. Some allow cars others dont.

    Talking about transportation .

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    Do Not Buy Your Books Before You Start Classes

    You can even wait until the second week of school to see if you actually need the book. If you know you are not going to actually use the books, save your money. Sometimes the books that are recommended are never used. You can also save so much money by googling cheap text books instead of going to the school store. If you cannot afford your books, try to borrow from a classmate or see if they are in the library. You can also sell your books at the end of the semester online to get some of your money back.

    Get Your Documents In Order

    What You Need to Know About Applying to College with a Learning ...

    This can be especially important if you’ll be studying abroad, but all universities require some type of documentation to support your application, such as high school transcripts or documents from any other post-secondary institution you may have attended in the past.

    You may also be asked to provide information about any extracurricular or leadership-building activities you’ve participated in. If you know you’re going to be applying to go to college or university, start getting these documents together in advance so you’re not scrambling at the last minute to track down the information you need.

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    Use The Common Application

    When it comes time to start your applications, the Common App is a godsend. It makes it so you only have to fill out one application instead of a separate one for every school you apply to. Not all schools accept it , but even if half of the schools youre applying to do use the Common App, itll save you major time .

    You Can Get Good Grades And Have Fun

    A common fear when starting college is that there will be time for either studying or having fun, but not both. The truth is that with good time management it is possible to get good grades in all your classes and still have time to be in clubs and go have fun. If you manage your schedule well, you may even get a decent amount of sleep, too.

    Want to learn more? Check out these articles that can help guide you as you begin college:

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    How Do I Prepare To Take The Sat Or Act Test

    There are no easy shortcuts. The best way to prepare for college entrance exams like the SAT or ACT is to take challenging coursework while in high school and to learn the material well. For example, the best way to prepare for the math section in the ACT or SAT is to study math! Beyond that, it is helpful to practice and learn tips to help you do your best. Ask your guidance counselor for suggestions that are specific to you and how you test. He or she may be able to recommend specific test prep classes or tutors helpful for the SAT and ACT exams.

    Many students need to learn strategies for pacing themselves since the tests are timed. If the first test doesnt go as well as you hoped, dont give up. Many students choose to take the entrance exams more than once. You can use your prior results to focus your preparation for the future test. For example, if math was your lowest score, spend time reviewing for that portion of the test.

    Set a goal to complete your last SAT or ACT test by the summer after your junior year. That will allow you to send your test scores to the colleges at the beginning of your senior year.

    What You Need To Know About College Interviews

    What You Need to Know About Rolling College Admissions | The Princeton Review

    Visit any colleges virtual information website page and you are likely to see the opportunity to participate in a virtual interview. In the past, the majority of interviews were conducted in person — often by alumni regional representatives. Now, with the rise of virtual communication, interviews are offered virtually and are more widely available across the entire spectrum of college selectivity.

    Students may wonder what role the college interview plays in their admissions process. Are they optional? Do they affect their admissions chances? Should they do one?

    Well tackle the last question first and the answer is — yes! But maybe not for the reasons you think.

    Contrary to popular belief, the admissions interview is not a means to weed out students in the admissions process. In fact, according to the NACAC 2018 State of College Admissions Report, only 22% of colleges surveyed attributed interviews as having moderate or considerable importance, while the remaining 78% gave the interview limited or no importance in the overall admissions decision.

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    Keep In Touch With The Financial Aid Office

    Your student should check in regularly with their financial aid office to keep on top of ways of paying for college. The financial aid folks know all sorts of scholarship resources and other ways your student might be able to chip away at their tuition bill. Its good to know these people and for them to know your student.

    College Homework Isnt All That Bad Though

    Sure, youll probably have time for parties and joining a fraternity/sorority, even attend those mythical college keggers . But I hate to break it to you: those are going to be few and far in between. But heres a consolation, however: youre going to be studying something youre actually interested in.

    All of those hours spent in the library, writing down papers, doing college homework? Its going to feel like a minute because youre doing something you actually love doing. And if you fear that youll be missing out, dont worry: all those people that you think are attending those parties arent actually there because they, too, will be busy studying!

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    Questions You Need To Ask Before Choosing A College

    As you search for colleges, questions are bound to come up. But are you asking the right ones? Here’s a comprehensive list of questions you need to ask.

    Originally Posted: Nov 10, 2014

    As you conduct your college search on and go on campus visits, youll probably end up having a lot of questions. But are you asking the right ones? To make sure youre staying on track and not worrying about unnecessary things, weve compiled a list of 30 questions that cover the most important thing you need to know about college. Keep these in mind as you determine the fit and feel of a school, as well as how it can best serve your educational and career goals.

    Who Can Help Me Be Prepared For College

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    Your guidance counselor knows your school offerings and opportunities, including visits from college admissions counselors, college fairs, test prep classes, scholarships, and much more. Your guidance counselor is also a great resource for social and emotional support as well as career and college readiness.

    Unfortunately, most guidance counselors are extremely busy and overworked. Make their job as easy as possible. Come to your appointment with your questions ready and dont expect to take too much time at each appointment. Thank your guidance counselor for information, help, and advice. Remember that you may need a letter of recommendation from your guidance counselor. To write a good letter, your guidance counselor needs to know your best characteristics and as what stands out about you.

    It can be helpful to think of your guidance counselor as you might think about your doctor. They are busy, they care about you, they know a lot, and they give you advice. It is important to follow their advicethough when in doubt, its always good to get a second opinion.

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    Know The Rules And Numbers

    As with most things, once you take out student loans, there’s no going back.

    The best place to start is familiarizing yourself with the rules of your specific student loans, said Carolyn McClanahan, founder of Life Planning Partners in Jacksonville, Florida.

    “Now that you have school loans and you’ve got to deal with them, it’s important to understand what types of loans you have,” McClanahan said. “There are federal loans and then there’s private loans, which are very different.”

    If you take out federal loans through your university or college, make sure to be familiar with the loan provider and access their website to track how much you owe while you’re in school same for your private loans.

    With your federal loans, McClanahan said familiarize yourself with the types of loans you have which can include direct subsidized loans, direct unsubsidized loans, parent PLUS loans and graduate PLUS loans.

    Subsidized loans are for undergraduate students only and are based on financial need, according to the Federal Student Aid office. They are beneficial to the borrowers because the federal government pays the interest for you while you’re in school at least part time and for the first six months after you graduate.

    Unsubsidized loans are for undergraduate and graduate students, and they are not based on any financial need, according to FSA. But the borrower is responsible for paying back interest on the loans.

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