Thursday, July 25, 2024

Should College Be Free Pros And Cons

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Should Public College be Tuition Free? | What are the Pros and Cons of Tuition-Free College?

on campuses and across the college conferences. And its shocking to see the level of support the answer yes is gettingbecause the idea tears at the very nature of amateur college sports . There are views from both sides as this is quite the controversial subject in the sporting world. Looking at the facts, it is difficult to decide either way. First off, we must decide what qualifies under the pay to play category. There are numerous ways that college athletes can be compensated

The Pros And Cons Of Free College

During the 2016 primary season we heard a lot about the issue of free college. Should every American be able to get a bachelors degree at no cost? What are the pros and cons of free college? If you have student debt yourself or you have kids who plan to go to college, you probably have strong feelings one way or another.

Check out our student loan calculator.

2016 was a big year for the subject of free college. President Obama introduced a plan to make community college free, and presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders wanted to make public university tuition free for all. Not sure what the arguments for and against free college are? Weve got you covered.

The Importance Of Making College Affordable

Today, I will speak of a very important issue that is present today in the United States of America. We need to make college affordable to every American. The cost of education has skyrocketed over the past few decades. Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has more than a tripled, while a typical familys income has barely budged . Every hardworking student should be able to go college despite of how wealthy they are.

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Students From All Financial Class Can Get College Education

It can also be considered as a success or an achievement for this nation if students from all financial backgrounds get access to a college education or higher education. Many students drop out of college because they are unable to pay the colleges tuition fee for four years. Having a relaxation in tuition fees or free college education will be a great help for students who cant afford to pay high amounts of tuition fees. This will drastically reduce the college dropout rates and increase the graduate percentage of the nation.

Con : Not Enough Jobs For College Graduates

Should University be Free for Everyone

One argument against free college is that it is a job requirement. Now that there arent enough jobs to accommodate every graduate, why offer free college education for everyone?

  • True: Too many college graduates have diplomas that do not match job opportunities.
  • True: At least 43% of US college graduates are underemployed in their first jobs.
  • False: Many colleges prepare students for jobs that dont exist in the present, including robotics, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine.
  • False: College education is not only about preparing for careers. Its also about learning communication, empathy, money management, and so on.

Takeaway: Aside from offering free college to all, there is a need to implement better job prediction, job-matching, and enrolment choice as well as to create a healthier economy that increases job opportunities.

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Why Do College Athletes Get Paid

Just imagine being a student athlete. For many college athletes a pursuit in athletics will provide for their family, if needed, and gives them many other luxuries. Being an athlete is hard enough,imagine being a student athlete it is literally a full time job. By paying college athletes they will receive a reward for being excellent students and athletes. To accomplish this goal colleges will have agreed to certain terms and conditions.

How Might The Government Pay For Free Public College

Technically, free college isn’t really free. Someone does have to pay for it. In the case of public college, that means taxpayers. But some economists believe that every American who wants to could go to college for free if the federal and state governments made a few reasonable changes. They don’t see the concept as a fantasy. They see it as a very realistic option. Some of the ideas that they’ve put forward include:

  • Closing corporate tax loopholes that allow companies to legally avoid paying their full share of taxes
  • Increasing the tax rates for America’s wealthiest millionaires and billionaires
  • Implementing new taxes on speculative Wall Street transactions
  • Diverting most of the public money currently spent on student financial aid toward making all public colleges and universities tuition-free instead
  • Cracking down on wasteful government spending

If you only count the money doled out in federal grants, it costs about $2.8 billion each year to make college tuition-free for over 585,000 low-income students at public colleges and universities in the U.S. . However, grants alone are often not enough to cover all of a student’s fees and expenses. So the federal government also offers work-study programs as well as subsidized and unsubsidized student loans, which can sometimes be difficult to repay.

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Should College Tuition Should Be Free For Everyone

College Tuition should be free for everyone It’s a controversy that might be more relative now than before: Should college be free everywhere? Many argue the importance of education and its cost. Truly, this is an issue that students face in the process of acquiring their lifelong career of choice. Americans all over the world aspire to receive not only a bachelor’s degree but a master’s as well. The millennials are a large portion of the ones referred to above. They have such high hope for a

More Kids From Poor Families Could Attend College

Should There Be Free College in the US? (Pros and Cons)

Free college education is especially important for kids who come from rather poor families and who would never be able to afford college education if there were high tuition fees.

Hence, for children from poor families, free college education would be a real blessing since they would now be able to get good college education without having to pay large sums of money for it.

In turn, it would become more likely that children from poor families would be able to get out of poverty since education and financial wealth are strongly correlated.

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Pros And Cons Of Free College Tuition

The cost of college tuition is an enormous problem now days. For a long time, the subject never got brought up and today things are changing. Students study hard and try their best to get that college acceptance letter from their dream college. Students all around the world are struggling with college debt and trying their hardest to receive those so-called perfect grades. However, college tuition is not very affordable and is increasing every year.

Pro : It Is An Excellent Investment

Another argument is that investing in education isnt just the right thing to do its smart economics.

  • True: Eliminating tuition fees at all public colleges and universities would cost at least $79 billion a year. However, in terms of lost revenues and increased social services, out of school or unemployed young Americans cost taxpayers about $93 billion a year .
  • True: Low graduation rates can cause the states to lose at least more than $100 million in income taxes and at least $15 million in federal income taxes.
  • True: On the individual level, the cost of illiteracy in terms of social and economic effects costs more than $300.8 billion in lost business productivity and earnings as well as expenses for social welfare, crime, and health.
  • True: An uneducated society will cost hundreds of billions of dollars for health services, welfare, and unemployment benefits, lost tax revenues, lost productivity, and poor economic competitiveness as well as poor civic engagement.

Takeaway: It costs less to offer free tuition for all than to let Americans go through life without a college degree.

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We Are Wasting Some Of Our Best Resources

High school students with the best grades, particularly when they come from low-income households, are not necessarily the ones who go to the best schools. Even though some might have been the most successful students in high school, they often see little choice but to go to lower-rated, more affordable colleges. Thats if they are able to go to college at all. We are wasting Americas brainpower, brains that could be contributing to medical breakthroughs, economic advances, and leadership in all fields.

Free College Is A Natural Extension Of Free Elementary School And High School

Pros and Cons

The idea of free college is really no more radical than free kindergarten through grade 12. At one time, few people went to high school and few elementary schools or high schools were free. There were some free common schools in the United States as early as the 1700s, but the concept of free education for elementary school-age children did not start to really gain traction until the mid-1800s, partly due to the efforts of Horace Mann, the Secretary of Education in Massachusetts. He also advocated compulsory schooling. By the 1880s, there were many free high schools in the North. By 1900, only 34 states had compulsory schooling laws, but by 1918, all children in the United States were required to complete elementary school. By the 1940s and 1950s, over of half young adults graduated from high school. Today, 88% of students graduate high school. Free education in this country has been a process of evolution. Free college is the next step.

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Students Will Have The Freedom To Choose A Major They Wish To Study

Most of the students in America prefer practical majors which give them a high paycheck. But whether it’s due to the pressure of parents or the fear of not being able to pay off the debts or the education loan in the short term, students are forced to choose such practical majors so that they get a good salary after graduation and pay off their loans as soon as possible. But if the college fees become free then most students will be able to choose a major or specialization they wish to study or they are interested in rather than being forced by parents or falling prey to their poor financial conditions.

How To Be Free Persuasive Essay

advantage of the ability to go to college for free. This would result in clogging the classrooms, sinking graduation rates, and the value of a degree would be worthless impacting the students who have a bright future. Some people believe that if the federal government made college free in the United States , tuition would just disappear. Unfortunately, everything must be paid for. The money would have to come from somewhere. If the student who is attending college does not ultimately have to

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Free College Education : Pros And Cons

College is a head turner, eye catcher, and attention grabber. From making the decision to even attend to selecting the perfect school, the whole experience turns out to be incredibly stressful and multiple aspects go into what seems simple at first glance. The cost of attending college is on the rise. Parents and students anxiously await scholarship letters to help with these rising costs of education. State schools usually offer a financial advantage, but a new law is being proposed – free in-state

Pro : College Grads Pay More Taxes To The Government

Pros and Cons of Free College Tuition | Should College be Tuition Free?

In terms of governance, one strong argument for free college is that more employed college graduates mean that the government earns more taxes to provide better serves to everyone.

  • True: Studies indicate that, within a 40-year career, a college graduate can earn about $650,000 more than a high school graduate or up to $800,000 more by retirement age.
  • True: Each college graduate pays more than $510,000 in taxes during their lifetime, while high school graduates pay $273,000 less.
  • True: For every $28,000 state investment in a student who earns a degree in four years, there is a resulting $355,000 in reduced government spending and increased tax revenues across all levels of government.
  • False: Americans practice tax avoidance worth almost $200 billion each year.

Takeaway: College graduates can earn more and pay more taxes, but some dont. At the same time, due to government corruption, taxes in the billions benefit a few.

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Pressure On Students May Decrease

Due to high tuition fees, students often feel quite a lot of pressure on their shoulders to perform well in college since they know that their parents will pay a lot of money and they urgently want to pay them back for that with good grades.

However, for some students, this pressure will become too much and they might start to suffer from mental issues like depression.

This is especially true for students who are not able to perform well.

Thus, by abandoning tuition fees, we could take away some of the pressure on students, which may translate into a higher quality of life for them and also lowers the risk for mental problems.

Con : The Higher Education System Cannot Be Changed

Still another argument against free college is that the higher education system is a bastion of stability in a constantly changing world. This consistent resistance to new ideas means the system wont change and offer free tuition for all.

  • True. In colleges and universities, implementing change can be slow, difficult, or even impossible. Much value is given to tradition as well as established systems and processes.
  • True. Due to conflicts of interest, real change is not expected from the higher education system, not by the dozens of higher college education groups in Washington, D. C., nor by college or university presidents or boards of trustees.
  • True. And change certainly cannot be expected from student loan providers. They have too much to lose.
  • False: The US higher education system can be reformed by teachers who care, students who pay, and employers who need them.

Takeaway: The US tertiary education system can be changed, not by those who have much to lose, but by those who have more to gain.

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Pro : It Improves Academic Output

Another common discussion is that forgiving all student debts will improve academic output of current and future students.

  • True: There will be fewer working students and more graduates. College students working more than 20 hours a week are less likely to earn a degree in six years.
  • True: More students will complete college degrees. For instance, those who enroll at a for-profit institution are 59 percent less likely to earn a degree compared to those who enroll in public institutions.
  • False: Free tuition is not the primary factor in academic performance. The strongest factors of student achievement include teacher quality, quality of teaching environment, and materials, as well as physical and mental student health.
  • False: Loan forgiveness is not proven to affect academic output. There are existing loan-forgiveness programs based on income-driven repayment plans and, depending on the plan, remaining loans are forgiven at the end of a 20- or 25-year period, says an NPR report.

Takeaway: Free tuition and loan forgiveness are not proven to improve academic performance and output. Other elements strongly affect education quality.

Con: The Value Of College Would Decrease

The Pros and Cons of Free College [In

Its kind of shocking to know how many people underestimate the value of college. Going to a university for free might decrease the overall value of a college degree, including a Ph.D. Its the idea of getting a good job that ultimately motivates us to keep working hard and mastering the skills of our chosen program. Honestly, what people truly want is to have the cost of college reduced, not entirely free. If people were allowed to college any time they wanted with no risk or reason, they might not see the benefit of earning their degree.

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Should College Textbooks Be Free Analyzing The Outcomes

  • Should College Textbooks Be Free? Analyzing the Outcomes

Students typically pay thousands of dollars in tuition alone each semester, often through student loans with accruing interest. On top of higher college costs, the average cost of textbooks has risen about four times faster than inflation over the last 10 years.A semesters worth of textbooks costs $1,200 on average, so a reported 65% of students skip buying books, both in print and electronic form. Although print costs should go down with easier access to electronic textbooks, access codes from publishers reportedly keep college textbook costs high. These access codes expire at the end of the semester, so unlike print books, electronic books cannot be transferred or resold. The problem of both print and e-books being so expensive has led to calls from students, administrators, professors, and parents for a solution. Everything from providing free college textbooks to lumping the cost of books into tuition has been proposed.

Con : The Government Cannot Afford It

Another argument against offering free college nationwide is that it will require a huge amount of money that the government doesnt have.

  • True: Eliminating tuition at all public colleges and universities would cost at least $79 billion a year, according to a Department of Education report, and taxpayers would need to foot the bill.
  • True: America must meet repayment schedules for its foreign debt, such as $1.18 trillion to China, $1.03 trillion to Japan, Brazil, Ireland, the U.K., and others.
  • False: Only 5.4% of Americas GDP goes to education. The US public education budget is more than $700 billion or about $11,825.89 per student.
  • False: Theres money set aside for higher education every year. For 2020, the US government already allocated approximately $8.12 trillion for higher education.

Takeaway: The government has the money to fund tuition-free college for all.

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