Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Pick The Right College

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Its Never Too Late To Learn

How to Pick the Right College

Theres no handbook saying you must attend college straight out of high school. Some students decide to take time off to travel or for personal reasons. Admissions officers will embrace the opportunity to hear about your experiences, so dont fear that youre too old or that its too late to apply. The truth is its never too late to learn.

Ethnic Cuisines And The Importance Of Keeping An Open Mind

Do you like Nepalese food? Guyanese? Turkish? Youve never tried it? Youre willing to go on faith that you might like it if you had the opportunity to try it? Hold that thought.

I think its kind of funny that we ask 16 and 17-year-olds what kind of characteristics they want when they choose a college when theyve had, at best, limited exposure or experience with many of these variables to be able to respond in any kind of educated way.

So, Sam, do you want to go to a big school or a small school? Even kids who go to exceptionally large high schools cannot fathom what campus of 20,000 or more might feel like. Sitting in an introductory biology course with 400 students or engaging in an upper-level recitation class with only a small handful of other students can both be wildly intimidating experiences. But how could your high school junior predict this? They may say they want to be far from home, but on the 4th hour of an 8-hour drive, it hits them exactly how far, far really is. Theyre likely never to really know any of this, until theyve tried it, much like Nepalese cuisine.

Seek Advice From Your Trusted Friends And Family

A really underrated piece of advice, if you ask me! Brijette Esteva is a BS Nursing graduate from the University of Santo Tomas. As someone who didnt initially go to college for Nursing, one thing Brijette learned along the way was that, when youre feeling lost, its important to have people around you to remind you of your potential and even your own dreams. Like many university students, Brijette was planning to shift to her dream course, Psychology, after a year of taking up the course she was accepted into. But when the opportunity to shift to her dream course closed, she had absolutely no idea where to go. That is, until she was reminded and affirmed by her loved ones of her childhood dream to become a nurse. An unplanned venture to which she said, why not?

Dont pressure yourself too much, Brijette advises. I know that’s easier said than done, but when there is too much pressure, we don’t get to think clearly.

And the best way to relieve yourself of all the pressure is to lean on those you trust! When deciding on your college course, dont go through it alone! Grab a friend or a close family member and process your thoughts, plans, or doubts with them. Who knows? They might point out a dream of yours that you may have forgotten yourself.

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How To Choose A College That’s Right For You

The college search doesn’t have to begin and end with the Ivies and the name brand schools. There are many schools out there to choose from — some known and some less known, all worthy of your attention. Here’s some advice for trying to find the school that works for you.

1. Start with who you are and why you are going.

You need to examine yourself and your reasons for going to college before you start your search. Why, really, are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life something tangible or intangible?

Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need warm, familial support? Talk with your family, friends and high-school counselors as you ask these questions. The people who know you best can help you the most with these important issues.

2. Size matters: Your college does not have to be bigger than your high school.

Most good liberal arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4,000 for a reason college is a time to explore, and a smaller community is more conducive to internal exploration. It is not the number of people, but the people themselves and the kind of community in which you will learn that really matters. Many large universities have established honors colleges within the larger university for these same reasons.

3. A name-brand college will not guarantee your success.

4. You dont need to pick a major to pick a college.

5. Dont be scared by the stories.

Top Tip #: Where Would You Like To Study

How To Pick The Right College For You!

There are really two parts to this. Where is the best country to specialise in this subject area? Maybe its a country with plenty of internship and graduate work opportunities in that industry. Or a city that has access to specific resources. If youre interested in marine biology, why not head straight to the worlds largest coral reef in Australia and learn right at the source?

Its also a good idea to ask yourself: where in the world would you love to live for a few years? This is an opportunity to learn a new language and a new culture, make new friends, and experience a different way of life. And if youre happy in your life, youll be happy in your study.

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Dont Lurk: Using The Internet In Your College Search

Thanks to the electronic superhighway, you could actually conduct an entire college search from the confines of your home. College websites, virtual campus tours, school-sponsored blogs and chats, and online college newspapers allow you to collect a tremendous amount of information without a school ever knowing who you are or that you exist. But, simply lurking on the internet can be the wrong approach when it comes time to make your decision.

Often influenced by college rankings, colleges seek to fill their first-year class by being as competitive or selective as possible. This is their admit rate, which they want to be as low as possible. However, they want the number of students who choose to enroll to be as high as possible. That is their yield rate. Statistically speaking, these colleges know that your odds of enrolling are better if you have shown some demonstrated interest in them. Register as a prospective student on the schools website and visit the campus.

Many schools will keep track of these meaningful interactions. They take this into account when determining how sincere your interest in them really is. At schools that need ways to delineate between similar students, your demonstrated interest could potentially push you into the acceptance pool.

So, bottom line, do your homework using all of the tools available to you . But, dont just lurk. Let schools know you exist and that youre interested in them!

Tips For Choosing A College

Grace Chenhigh school seniorsConsider What You WantTalk to OthersNational Public RadioThink about Social NeedsCompare SizeHuffington PostLook at the StatsNational Center for Education StatisticsList Possible MajorsHuffington PostAsk Good QuestionsU.S. NewsSchedule an OvernightLook at the Price TagColumbus DispatchCompare Financial Aid Packageshigh schoolers

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Other Ways To Help Determine If The Shoe Fits

So you want to be an English Major . According to College Raptor, there are more than 300 four-year colleges with a large English program, so how do you possibly choose a college? After isolating your geographic region of choice, size, and selectivity, you may still find the list is longer than you can manage. You can now look at some nitty-gritty to help you determine which places are best suited for you.

Its here that you will want to begin looking at the personality of the college. Is the campus very conservative and you consider yourself pretty liberal? Is the percentage of students belonging to fraternities and sororities a number that excites you or scares you?

Analyzethe Offer And Criteria At Desired Colleges

How To Pick The Right College Major! | IMPORTANT ADVICE

Once you narrow down the choice of potentialcolleges, analyze each of them thoroughly. Consider the curriculum theyprovide, forms of practical experiences, majors and specializations availablefor future education and finally consider the criteria for getting admitted. Bewell aware of your academic profile, grades achieved so far and compare it tothe average profile of recently admitted students at a given college. Adjustyour plans and ambitions according to realistic possibilities, but also dontbe put down by frightening stories about criteria impossible to meet.

Considerthe financial aspect

The need to consider the financial possibilities foruniversity education is rather tough and unpleasant to many students, sinceits hard to accept that not all aspects of education are available toeveryone. Be aware of your financial situation and the capacity of your budget.However, be also aware of the fact that there are many alternative ways offinancing your education. This includes various scholarships, sponsoring, moneygained via various rewards, even well-paid part-time jobs. If you manage togain money through some of these options, perhaps even some more expensiveuniversities wont be out of the reach.

Whats Education For?

  • Its no secret college tuition is rising. Thats why full ride scholarships are so desirable. Here’s what you need to know about landing one.

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Top Tip #: Whats Important To You

While you are researching, youll come up with all kinds of different criteria to judge a university or course by. So make a shortlist of the top three features youre looking for. These could be school ranking or prestige, research facilities, practical experience and internships, cost of tuition, student support services, safety, social life, chance to travel there are so many variables, and whats right for you may be completely wrong for someone else.

Search And Compare Accredited Colleges

Prospective students can use this tool in their college search. Narrowing results by setting preferences for tuition, student population, degree type, and more is a great way to filter out colleges that do not hit the mark. The comparison feature gives a side-by-side analysis of up to four colleges with even more information on each school’s key attributes.

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Can I Change My Mind

Definitely. One of the most exciting aspects of college life is that it introduces you to new subjects and fosters new passions. You might enter undergrad enjoying physics but discover a burgeoning love for political science. However, keep this mind: Every major has requisite coursework. Some require you to take introductory courses before you move into the more advanced classes. Also, some classes are offered in the fall but not in the spring, or vice-versa. If you change your major late in the game, it may take more than the traditional four years to earn a degree.

Advice On Choosing Where To Apply

How to Choose a College Thats Right for You

There are over 2000 four-year colleges in the United States, each with a unique constellation of resources, course offerings, and extracurricular programs. Schools differ in size, location, academic requirements, selectivity, etc. With so many choices, you will need time to explore what is out there and how the options match your interests and needs. Start your research early, and as you make a list of schools to consider, keep your mind open to ones about which you may not have heard much before. Students who focus only on a handful of the most selective or well-known colleges are missing out on the wonderful range of schools that exist and that might be a good fit for them.

Its also a good idea to discuss with your parents or guardians what is important to you and what you hope to get out of college, so you will all be on the same page by the time you start working on the applications.

Your goal is to create a list of schools about which you are truly excited. By visiting schools, talking with current students, reading viewbooks, and digging into websites, you will figure out why you are excited about each school on your list. The more carefully and thoughtfully youve considered each possible college, the stronger your applications to those colleges will be.

Here are some questions we recommend you try to answer while researching colleges:

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Can You Change Your Major

You can absolutely change your major in college.Studies find that most students change majors at least once and many students switch several times. No matter what year youre in, sometimes the major you declare doesnt end up being the right one. If you decide to change your major, make sure the credits you need align with your expected graduation date. Go to your counselor for guidance on picking a new major and setting up your schedule.

Its a big decision, but you know yourself and your interests better than anyone. Remember, when choosing a major, the most important thing is to make sure youre happy and clear about your priorities for your life and career after college.

Once Accepted How Do You Choose Between Colleges

If you have done your homework prior to applying you should have decided on these schools for very specific reasons. I encourage students to return to those reasons and start filling in more information. At the stage of acceptance you have probably learned more about the schools in relation to your initial selection criteria. Fill that information in. Now expand it. Are there new things you wish to consider now that you have been thinking or picturing yourself at those schools. Make a pro and con list for each school. What does this tell you? If there is a clear stand out school or if there are several, I suggest returning to campus for another look. It will either confirm what you believe you saw the first time or now that you are paying attention to some of these things more seriously, you might see the school in a whole new light for good or for bad. Each of these steps should help you to visualize your self in the setting better to know if this will be the right fit for you or not. Just remember to be true to who you are and not who you wish you were in making the final decision. The former will always lead to a better decision!

FounderAcademic Decisions

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Research Top Colleges In Your State

When it comes to how to pick a college, you can start by researching colleges in your state. In-state schools offer several benefits over out-of-state colleges. First, public or state universities offer significant tuition discounts for state residents. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, out-of-state tuition and fees topped $26,000 per year on average in 2018. In contrast, in-state tuition averages around $9,000 per year.

Second, in-state colleges appeal to working professionals who do not want to relocate to earn their degree. A shorter commute to college can help busy students balance school with other responsibilities.

Finally, students planning to pursue careers in their current area often benefit from attending a local school. Local colleges can offer an edge in terms of job placement and networking opportunities. Many schools build relationships with local employers to hire graduates.

Career Services And Other Campus Support

How to pick the right college

For many students, college success means tutoring. Others might need counseling for dealing with homesickness or other emotional issues. And most college students need at least some guidance as they conduct their first internship and job searches.

Thats why colleges and universities have ample resources to support you throughout your time on campusand often long after you graduate.

Questions to ask

  • How will the school help me determine and achieve my career goals?
  • What is their postgraduate job placement rate like ?
  • What does the career services office offer?
  • What kinds of experiential education opportunities, such as internships, co-ops, and volunteering, exist on and around campus?
  • What academic services are available, such as tutoring?
  • What health and wellness services are available, such as mental health counseling and fitness facilities?
  • Are any of these services available after graduation?

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How To Pick A University That Feels Right To You

Simran and Sara, students

So youre thinking about going to university. With so many programs and universities, how do you pick? Here are nine factors to consider.

Have you thought about what you want your university experience to be? In Canada, were lucky to have such a range of options, from small rural universities to large urban campuses and every experience will be different.

Choose A Field Of Study You Will Be Motivated To Finish

Four years may seem like a short amount of time on paper, but, boy, it really isn’t. And chances are, itll feel even *longer* when your motivation for your chosen course isnt enough to carry you through to the finish line. This is one advice that filmmaker and photographer Maqui Castello hopes to share to those who are in the midst of deciding on their college course.

If you enjoy your course, then learning wont be a drag and youd find enjoyment in it even when its hard, Maqui shares. Your college course isnt a make or break for your future. But it would be nice if it would help you in some way to prepare you for the future you want.

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How Important Is Your College Major

The major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Many graduates find jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average twenty-something switches jobs once every three years and the average person changes career fields two or three times in their lifetime.

If you intend to earn a professional degree after college, you will probably need certain courses, or prerequisites, under your belt. But many future doctors major in non-science related fields.

Read More: Top 10 College Majors

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