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How Do You Transfer Colleges

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How Do You Transfer From One College to Another College?

There is an AAMC study that shows that, the more undergraduate institutions a student has attended, the less likely they are to get into medical school. However, the same study also determined that students who had attended multiple colleges were more likely to have a low MCAT score, thus explaining their lower acceptance rate.

So long as you boast an excellent GPA and strong test scores, the majority of medical schools, law schools, and other graduate programs wont care that you transferred colleges. Especially if you transfer from a low-ranked school to a high-ranked school, or from community college to a four-year college, programs will likely view your transfer as part of a narrative of improvement, which you can elaborate on in your personal statement and other application essays.

How To Transfer Universities: A Guide To Starting The Transfer Process

Students mustnt settle for just any college or university. Being selective about your education can be a cornerstone for a successful career and fulfilling life. Whether you are a community college transfer student, a four-year-to-four-year university transfer student, an international transfer student, or a military transfer student, sometimes attending one school first can act as a sounding board to finding an institution that best fits your future success.

In fact, success is often found among transfer students. Roughly 75% of college administrators agree that transfer students perform as well or better at their new school, than do students who began at that same institution.

Read this guide to learn about the common reasons for transferring schools, how to transfer universities or colleges, and how to prepare for the process as an incoming transfer student.

Types Of Credit Transfer

There are two types of credit transfer:

  • Course Transfer. Transferring courses from one institution to another or taking a course at a different institution that will transfer back to your current institution.
  • Program Transfer. Transferring a block of courses from one program to a similar program at another institution. For example, you have completed a diploma program in Accounting and want to take an advanced diploma or degree program in Accounting.

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Will I Like The College I Transfer To

If youre enrolled at a college you know exactly how important the people and community are. No platform in the world provides the same insight into the college experience as CampusReel.

This obviously a difficult question to answer. Its also exactly why we created CampusReel – watch more than 15,000 student-made videos that show you exactly what its like to be a part of their communities like this:

How Hard Is It To Transfer Colleges

Think You Should Transfer High Schools?

Admissions forums and college websites overstate how tough transfer admissions are.

For students entering in Fall 2018, the difference between average freshman and transfer admissions rates was only 5 percent, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling . And while some high-ranked schoolssuch as Vassar and Carnegie Mellondo take a significantly smaller number of transfer applicants , the countrys most selective schools accept even fewer.

Stanford, for example, accepted 3.9 percent of transfer applicants compared to 5.2 percent of high schoolers for Fall 2020 admission, while Caltech took in 5.2 percent compared to 6.7 percent. To be clear: thats still a significant gap. But its already difficult to get into top universities, so it makes sense that it would be challenging to transfer in. Dont admit defeat yet.

In fact, The New York Times reported that colleges are making transfer students a larger part of their admissions strategies. Transfers help replace the tuition fees of students whove dropped out after one or two years. They also help boost a colleges yield ratethe percentage of accepted students who actually attend the schoolbecause theyre more likely to accept offers of admission, adding to the universitys prestige.

So dont lose heart. Colleges might need you as much as you need them.

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Transferring From Online College To University

Most on-campus programs accept transfer credits from regionally accredited online schools just like they would from other on-campus colleges.

When you compare tuition prices for your old school and your new one, its helpful to also factor in housing or transportation costs. Those factors may create a price hike if youre used to doing school from the comfort of your own home.

Will Transferring Colleges Affect Your Financial Aid

This might be a tough pill to swallow, but transferring colleges will almost certainly affect your financial aid package and your student loans. Expect that these components will undergo recalculation because of the change in tuition costs and the possibility of different financial aid offers between your current and future school.

Any school-given aid will not be carried over to the next institution. Further, if you are currently accessing state grants that require you to attend an in-state institution, be prepared to lose them if you plan to attend an out-of-state school.

However, when it comes to Federal Student Aid, there are certain programs that can be continued. Update your FAFSA application by logging in to the official website with your FSA ID and add the necessary information.

Remember to scrutinize any changes that you might see in your financial aid package. You can also speak with a financial aid administrator in the school you hope to join to learn about available financial aid packages and scholarship funds that will be available once youve transferred.

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Compare Your Potential Schools

With your list of colleges in hand, its now time to compare! If you can, look up what current students at the institutions youre applying to think of their schools. Theyre likely to be honest about their experiences and can give you an idea of what its like as a student there. However, keep in mind that each student has a different experience, and yours could very well be different than the students youre asking.

It would also be very beneficial to talk to admissions officers and financial aid advisors at each of your potential schools, to get an idea of what theyre looking for and the financial aid typically offered. Admissions officers can also tell you if they think theyre school is a match for what youre looking for, and can even schedule for you to speak with a current student about their experiences.

If you have the chance, visiting campuses could also be a great opportunity to get a feel for what its like on campus. If youre unable to do this, however, many schools have tours posted online by the schools themselves or from students who go there, so feel free to check those out instead!

Explore Financial Aid Options

College Transfer Advice | what you need to know before you transfer

Once you submit your application, begin researching scholarships and other financial aid opportunities. Try to prioritize scholarships that specifically target transfer students or another attribute of yours, such as your intended major.

Several websites make it easy to search for college scholarships using various criteria. Taking the time to explore financial aid opportunities allows you to select the best option for your budget.

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Transferring To Another College

Students transfer colleges for all sorts of reasons, including the social scene and the financial expense. Wanting to pursue a field of study thats not available at your current college is a top reason.

You can help set yourself apart as a good transfer candidate if you maintain a high GPA, participate in campus life, and get to know professors who can write you recommendations.

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Its strategic to maintain open lines of communication with the offices of both schools so that you dont miss any details. Your tasks will typically include getting credit for your previous coursework and securing financial aid.

Limits On Federal Financial Aid

Additionally, students who are transferring will need to remember that federal financial aid can only be used for 8 semesters of an undergraduate education. This is important for transfer students, because if your credits do not transfer and you need need-based financial aid, you may not be able to rely upon federal financial aid for the entire duration of your time at your new college.

This is especially important to keep in mind if you are transferring colleges and intend to pursue a very different majors than at your previous college.

See also:This years FAFSA guide

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Motives Behind The Move

If you are considering transferring universities, you are not alone. Today, there are more than 1.2 million transfer students enrolled in postsecondary institutions.

Common reasons students choose to transfer include: A mismatch between their current colleges program offerings and their career goals A need to change geographic locations A desire for more flexible or online curriculum options, that do not exist at their current school Wanting a school that is the best fit socially either a different student population size or a complete change in campus culture.

Transfer-friendly institutions typically have separate supports specifically for the unique needs of transfer students. These schools often have articulation agreements already in place with transfer centers containing specialized advisors, transfer orientation sessions, and accessible information on transfer admission rates and transfer scholarships.

Consult Your International Student Advisor And Academic Advisor

How To Know If You Transfer Colleges

Every college or university has their own unique transfer process, though there may be similarities between them. Some processes will be smooth while others most definitely will not.

Your current schools International Student Services Centre will be your best bet in helping you with the transfer process. Source: Shutterstock

The people who would know this best will be sitting in your International Student Services Centre. Your International Student Advisor or Academic Advisor would probably have helped former students start the process, informing the correct authority and taking the necessary steps to get things rolling.

Important information that students should consult with their ISS include the number of credits that can be transferred and whether things like special English language classes are transferrable to the new school.

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Check For Articulation Agreements

As you research potential schools to transfer to, try to find out whether they hold any articulation agreements, particularly with your current institution.

An articulation agreement is a formal agreement between colleges that simplifies the transfer process for students. These agreements normally mean that more of your college credits can transfer, saving you time and money toward your degree.

Plan Out Your Classes

There are a few things you want to keep in mind as you plan out your college classes, to maximize the quality of your transfer admissions app.

First, show off your brainpower and work ethic by taking classes outside your year group, without taking too many and tanking your GPA.

Second, take classes that are important for your specialty field, while pursuing a few other interests to demonstrate your intellectual dynamism.

Finally, make sure that you take more than one class with each of your potential letter writers, so theyll have enough material to write your letters of recommendation when the time comes. Admissions committees understand that you havent had much time to build relationships with your instructors, so dont worry too much about this. But strong letters of recommendation can only improve your application.

The ideal reference would be a professor who works in your chosen field, has been impressed by your work, and is reasonably well known in their field.

So pick courses with relatively small class sizes, go to your professors office hours, and ask them tons of questions.

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Can I Choose Which Credits To Transfer

Yes and no. Although you can choose not to transfer certain course credits , you also dont get to decide what your new school will accept. For example, if youre majoring in American history and you took several core courses required to graduate from school A, school B still might not accept them. Each school has its own major requirements.

Settle All Outstanding Fees And Formalities


Depending on when you choose to transfer, you may be liable to pay a partial or full term of tuition. Check the actual amount youll have to pay with your current schools finance department.

Same goes for other financial liabilities, like rent or return air tickets to your home country . Be prepared to forfeit your deposit and other costs youve already paid for, especially if youre set on a hasty transfer.

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Assess Your Primary Reason For Transferring

First, its important to understand why you want to transfer schools in the first place. Does your current school have insufficient lab or research opportunities in your field? Did your academic program face significant cuts? Is the student body too large, too small, too homogeneous? Does the career advising at your current school not meet your needs? Do you need to be closer to your family for personal reasons?

Whatever it is, having a strong reason for transferring into a new academic program will help ground your application and make you a more competitive applicant.

How To Transfer Colleges: The Complete Guide For 2022

Each year, every college updates its transfer requirements and process

This article leverages the most up-to-date data so you can navigate your college transfer process with ease and certainty. CampusReel contains transfer data on every college and university in the country.

Transferring colleges can be exciting, scary, overwhelming and – well, you get the point

Rest assured that you are not alone in this process. In fact, 37.2% of college students transfer to another college within six years of starting at the original institution.

There are A LOT of moving parts that go into transferring colleges, so lets break the process down step by step.

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Tips For Transferring From Community College To University

Begin with the end in scholarshipsadmission requirements

2. Check transfer policies. Call the admission offices of the community college and the university. Ask whether the university has a transfer agreement with your community college .

Pro tip:University of Phoenix offers a 3+1 Transfer Pathway, which allows students who enter an eligible degree program to transfer in 87 credits. This means such students can complete a bachelors degree in as little as 14 months.

3. Review the cost. Just because a university will be more expensive doesnt mean there arent ways to save money. Some universities offer transfer scholarships specifically designed for students making the leap. University of Phoenix even offers a special tuition rate to students with an associate degree.

4. Understand entrance requirements. Some universities require essays or entrance exams while others dont. And while youre looking at entrance criteria, brush up on academic placement tests for community college too! You might think if you place lower, classes will be easier but remedial classes may end up offering no credit. Aim high. You may save yourself a higher-tuition headache later.

6. Take an academic success class. A community college can be a great place to learn the skills youll need to succeed at a university. Many colleges have courses that review good study habits, time-management skills and career-planning tips.

Key Takeaways: Transferring Colleges

How to decide if you should transfer to another college
  • Make sure you can present to the admissions folks specific reasons why the new school is the right match for you.
  • Make sure your classes at your current institution will transfer to the new school. It can be costly if they don’t.
  • Watch transfer deadlines. Often they are in March or April, but they can be much earlier.
  • Don’t make enemies at your current schoolyou’ll need good letters of recommendation.

To transfer successfully, you need to know how the process works. With some careful planning, you can avoid many of the hidden costs of transferring and improve your chances of being admitted. Done improperly, you may end up with a rejection from your target school, or your transfer may lead to a longer and more expensive path to graduation.

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Make Sure Your Transfer Application Essay Is Specific And Polished

Don’t underestimate the importance of your transfer application essay. Transfer applicants using the Common Application may select one of the seven Common App prompts unless instructed differently by their desired school. Some colleges will also ask applicants to respond to the question: “Why do you want to transfer to our school?”

As you write your transfer essay, you’ll want to have clear, school-specific reasons for your transfer. What exactly does your target school offer that makes it attractive to you? Does it have a specific academic program that speaks to your interests and career goals? Does the school have an approach to learning that you think is a good match for you?

As a test to see if your essay succeeds on this front, try replacing your target school’s name with a different school’s name everywhere in your essay. If your essay still makes sense when you substitute in a different college’s name for your target school, your essay is too vague and generic. The admissions officers don’t just want to know why you want to transfer to a different school. They want to know why you want to transfer to their school.

Finally, keep in mind that a good transfer essay does more than present clear and specific reasons for transferring. It also needs to be polished and engaging. Proofread and edit carefully to improve the essay’s style and ensure that your prose is free of awkward language and grammatical errors.

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