Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Should I Go To College

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Dad, why should I go to college? | Abel Sanchez | TEDxNatick

In America, college is highly regarded as one of the more important periods in the average persons life. Lot of people find their partners in life, friends that will stick through their adult life, try new things, and find mentors that can change how they think. According to Van Thompson attorney and writer for Demand Media, 68.3% of high school graduates enrolled in college in 2011. With this amount of young and impressionable people enrolling every year, one has to ask. Why do most people feel

Benefits Of Going To College

While there are no obligatory reasons why you should go to college, benefits are obvious, including financial, personal, educational, cultural, even healthcare grounds. As kids, people often interpret higher education as something alike to school with tons of homework that should be completed. This is only partially true because college professors provide more control, responsibility, relative freedom to choose research methods and materials. Yes, there is going to be more than enough homework that should be completed in due time, yet unlike school system, there is time allocated for research, so person manages his or her time table, as well as leisure.

Finally, what young individual does not dream about becoming independent while finally living alone? Seriously though, there are new financial burdens that everyone faces. No reason for panic yet as doing well at college or being in special situation provides sufficient opportunities for financial help or scholarships. In other words, one studies, paying off with good grades. Depending on college, there may even be additional benefits like internship at leading companies in chosen discipline or participation in interesting research projects.

College Teaches You To Think Critically

In the democratic society that we live in you cannot be ignorant and survive. Thats why it is important to be able to think for yourself. Going to college teaches you that. Being educated and prepared for the job market is important of course, but learning how to solve problems and control your destiny can be more important. Earning your college degree teaches you to design, create, support, and contribute to society in a very effective way. If you have ever asked yourself Why should I go to college? Consider the many things that you can do with a set of critical thinking skills.

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You Want Networking Opportunities For Your Field

Some jobs are only attainable when you know someone who can get you in the door by introducing you to the right people at the company. Networking is important and is widely available across college campuses. From professional organizations to internships, colleges offer a chance to get your name out there. You also have the opportunity to get to know your professors, especially when you are taking courses specific to your degree. These professors may be able to help you secure a job in the field through their contacts.

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Reasons You Should Go To A Community College

Reasons why n why not go to college

Choosing which college to attend is a major life decision. Here are some facts that make it clear why community colleges may just be the best option:

  • Cost: Lower tuition and fees than traditional universities make community colleges a great value. At under $4,000 per year, Miami Dade Colleges tuition and fees are nearly 10 times less than those of private universities and almost half as much as state universities.
  • Graduate Debt-Free: Tuition is usually so low that youre way more likely to graduate without student debt. Fewer than one in 10 MDC students take on student loans. And, with the help of Pell Grants and MDC scholarships like the American Dream Scholarship, many students attend the college for free! MDC Honors College students also get a free ride, propelling them to success at transfer institutions without a penny of debt.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Community college classes are designed with convenience in mind for people at every stage of their life and career. At MDC, in addition to daytime, classes are offered on weekends and nights, and online, too. Plus, with eight campuses located all over Miami-Dade County, distance is a nonissue.
  • Convenience: Staying close to home will help you ease into college life with less stress than striking out on your own and will probably also save you a ton of money otherwise spent on rent, food and/or airfares for the holidays.
  • Average Published Undergraduate Charges by Sector, 2015-16

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    What Do You Study In The It Support Professional Career Certificate Program

    The Google Career Certificates are taken through Coursera, an online course provider. There are five different courses that are part of the Google IT Support Professional Career Certificate.

    • Technical Support Fundamentals
    • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
    • Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User
    • Security Administration and IT Infrastructure Services
    • IT Security: Defense Against the Digital Dark Arts

    Per their description of the program, youll also learn valuable other skills. They include customer service, network protocols, troubleshooting, systems administration, and encryption techniques.

    When you graduate after completing all five of these courses, youll be prepared for an entry-level role in IT support.

    Why Is College Important

    College is important for many reasons, including long-term financial gain, job stability, career satisfaction and success outside of the workplace.


    With more and more occupations requiring advanced education, a college degree is critical to your success in today’s workforce. But earning an accredited college degree can also have a significant impact on other areas of your life.

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    You Have Potential Exceed It

    Whatever your goals â getting a degree, owning a home, traveling the world â you can attain them. They require dedication and focus, but also financial stability. Hereâs how a college degree can help over a lifetime:

    • Someone with a high school diploma can expect to earn $1.3 million.

    • A worker with some college but no degree earns $1.5 million.

    • An Associateâs degree-holder earns $1.7 million.

    • A worker with a Bachelorâs degree will earn $2.3 million.

    • Graduate degrees provide for even higher earnings:

    • A Masterâs degree-holder earns $2.7 million.

    • A Doctoral degree-holder earns $3.3 million.

    • A Professional degree-holder earns $3.6 million.

    Why I Attend College

    Why Should I Go to College?

    in the world am I attending college? In fact, this question visits my mind several times a week, I guess I overthink it. I was born and raised in a small city in Mexico, it could be even considered just a village. My parents always told me to get good grades, in fact, excellent grades only As were acceptable. I think this is my primary reason for my actions. I have been residing in the United States for 5 years, I left Mexico by myself when I was almost 17, I attended high school, although I had to

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    Is College Worth It

    In most respects, The Hamilton Project has found, a college degree has never been more valuable. Even with rising tuition costs , the bottom line is this: while college may be 50 percent more expensive now than it was 30 years ago, the increase to lifetime earnings that a college degree brings is 75 percent higher. In short, the cost of college is growing, but the benefits of collegeand, by extension, the cost of not going to collegeare growing even faster.

    Read: Regardless of the Cost, College Still Matters

    The Hamilton Project has also recently studied how earnings vary across college majors. In a new interactive feature, the project found that lifetime earnings vary tremendously by major but that a college degreein any majoris important for advancing ones earnings potential.

    Visit the interactive.

    Gary Burtless argues that The economic reward from attending and completing college has probably never been higher. Despite the very real increase in costs to attend college and the tighter labor market college grads face today, the key to understanding why college still has such a big payoff, explains Burtless,is that the prospects for twenty-somethings who do not complete college are much worse than those of the ones who do. What is more, the economic prospects of the young adults who do not complete college have worsened over time, and much faster than the prospects facing new college grads.

    Get more data and analysis on this issue here.

    Reasons To Go To College Explained By Professionals

    Reasons to go to college vary, yet one thing that remains constant can be summed up as striving for better life. Some people believe that going to college is inevitable part of life because degree earned helps with better job opportunities, while others become involved in research work. According to statistics, American students name social interaction and scholarship opportunities as primary college benefits, which reveals important socio-cultural aspect of going to college.

    No matter what future career is chosen, Masters or PhD degree means that student has completed certain research and learned how information is analyzed, collected, and processed. Moreover, major difference of college life from schools is independence, an opportunity to make solid personal decisions, seeking for information that voices an opinion.

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    Figure Out What You Believe

    You will be challenged by the people you meet, the books you read, and the lectures you hear from your professors. In college, youll be in a place where people have different beliefs and values from you. By engaging in conversations, discussions, lectures, assignments, and personal reflection, you may find that your opinions start to change. Or you may find ways to defend your beliefs and grow more confident in what you believe. Either way, college is a great time to explore, shape, and affirm your core beliefs.

    How Do You Decide If You Should Go To College Or Get A Job

    Why should i bother going 2 college

    Well answer that question with a question: What type of work do you ultimately want to do?

    As we mentioned above, there are definitely careers for which you must have a college degree. If you are strongly considering one of those professions, college is a necessity for you.

    However, if youre not in one of those specific fields, you should give serious consideration to getting a job instead of going to college. Youll likely need additional education for a future job, but that education can come in different forms other than a four-year college. Earning micro-credentials instead of a degree is a faster and less expensive way to get the knowledge you need on particular subjects.

    all depends on the real requirements of the job Certainly professional positions such as a CPA are going to require a related degree. But there are other positions where someones hands-on experience can be just as good. It all depends.

    So in order to choose between going to college or getting a job, you need to know what you want your career to be. If its a vocation that requires higher education, then absolutely pursue that degree. And if you dont know what you want to do or you can secure the job you want without going to college, that makes the decision easy. Dont go right out of high school and you may not need to go at all.

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    Going To College Can Advance Your Career

    According to the University of North Texas, college graduates with a bachelors degree earn 74% more than those with only a high school certificate. If you still need a reason to answer your question why go to college, spendsome time thinking about the skills and experience you will get by studying. By adding new interests and finding new knowledge areas, you can empower yourself with the skills required to land a job or even start your own business.

    Lets say you start work after high school and a friend goes to college for a four year degree. You are working as an administrative assistant in a newspaper but what you really want to do is cover stories and write feature reports. Your friend now has a journalism degree, joins the same office and does what you have always wanted to do. You can try convincing your boss that you have great writing skills but what do you have to prove this? Your friend on the other hand has spent four years at a college learning the nuances of journalism and has the skills your boss is looking for.

    As a high school graduate, it is difficult to analyze how you want your life to look in the future, but who doesnt love success and the money that comes with it? Even the richest people in the world went to college. If you are confused about what you want to study, you can always start with an undeclared major and then choose a subject you like. The American education system is versatile in allowing students to study subjects they truly love.

    College Teaches You How To Be An Adult

    Not only does a college education prepare you for the job market, it teaches you how to discipline yourself. We as college students must become reliable and learn to manage time wisely in order to complete a degree. It takes remarkable determination to finish a degree and stay with it. Having a degree shows employers that you have what it takes to complete large projects.

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    You Want Some Real World Experience

    Say you want to travel and volunteer now. Even if you know you could do that later, thats what is really calling you. The good news is that these opportunities can better prepare you for college down the line by teaching valuable life skills and opening up your mind. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to take a gap year, figure out your goals and priorities and then go to college afterwards, if its going to better serve you.

    Become Prepared For Your Next Step In Life

    Why You Should Go to College

    College is a great stepping-stone between high school and the real world. It provides a path for exploration but also for learning and preparation. Whether youre learning how to be a doctor or becoming a better writer, college can help prepare you to take that next step. Itll give you not only the professional skills you need but also the independence, security and connections.

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    To Do What Youre Supposed To Do

    Going to college will probably make your parents happy


    But for how long

    Theyre always going to want more out of you. Once you go to college theyll want you to score certain grades. Once you score certain grades theyll want you to have some fun once in awhile. Once you have some fun once in awhile theyll tell you you should settle down. Once you start settling down theyll think you should push yourself harder!

    It doesnt end.

    They care about you.

    Theyll always be pushing you.

    The game of life doesnt have any winners. We all lose eventually. Sure it makes sense to put yourself in the best position for your future but its all a balance. A job or degree you dont want doesnt have any value on the marketplace because you wont make money off it anyway. Its a waste of your energy.

    There are plenty of smart alternatives to college.

    College may be a good option but its not even close to the only option.

    Take your time. Dont slam doors shut behind you. Youll make the right decision for yourself.

    Are you thinking about going someplace other than college to advance your future? What are your plans? Have you actually done it successfully?

    Please share this post because it can help you and others get better grades. Those better grades can help you live better.

    How would you feel if you could study in less than 15 minutes a night while still scoring As?

    You can discover the newest secrets of the science of studying by joining us today.

    Increase Your Earning Potential

    Not only will college give you access to more career opportunities, but getting your degree will also increase your earning potential. According to the Lumina Foundation, those with a bachelors degree earn $32,000 more annually on average than those with a high school diploma. As students get more degrees, the average salary difference increases. While college tuition can be costly, you can be assured that youre likely to make more in your career after graduating than if you hadnt attended college at all.

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    Should I Go To College

    A helpful breakdown of further education colleges and their advantages and disadvantages, for all school leavers asking themselves: Should I go to college?

    If youre asking yourself, Should I go to college? then let us help: it depends on what you want to study, how you want to study, and the environment in which you want to study.

    FE college , as opposed to school or university, provides technical and professional education and training for young people, as well as adults they prepare students with valuable skills for the workplace. Last year there were more young adults in FE college than in university: 2.9 million compared with 2.4 million.

    College courses range from basic English and maths programmes to Higher National Diplomas they offer a much wider range of courses than sixth form colleges or schools. Most colleges do offer A-levels, the same as sixth form colleges and schools, but also have a huge number of other qualifications available in different subjects and at different levels: NVQs, BTECs, Foundation degrees, HND/HNC courses.

    So if you are looking for something different to the standard academic courses, like A-levels or university courses, college might be the best option for you. Not all colleges, however, will offer the same variety of subjects and courses, so its very important to check carefully what is available locally.

    For example, attending Monday to Friday studying a BTEC National, together with a GCSE re-sit one evening per week.

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