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Does It Matter Where You Go To College

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The Difference: Earnings 10 Years After Graduation

Does It Matter Where You Go to College? | HPL

Some of the differences between colleges, like prestige and student experience, are hard to compare. It is easier to compare the impact of college selection on income.


Source: Inside Higher Ed

These figures show a clear relationship: in any given field, graduates from more selective institutions earn more, and graduates of the most selective institutions earn a lot more.

They also reveal a less obvious truth: graduates in high-value fields at less selective schools may earn more than graduates in lower-value fields from more selective schools.

Other studies suggest, however, that the income gains from attending a selective school vary widely among majors. Specifically, they found that the gap between more selective and less selective schools was minimal in engineering and other STEM fields, but much more significant among business and liberal arts graduates.

Diplomas from prestigious schools boost future earnings only in certain fields, while in other fields they simply dont make a difference.

Eric Eide, Professor of Economics, Brigham Young University

Does University Location Matter

If you are reading this article that probably means you want information on whether a better location should be preferred or an university with a better ranking. The first thing you need to figure out is what comes to your mind when you hear a better location. Stay tuned and read till the end because we are going to unleash some facts that will help you opt for the right choice leading towards your dream destination overseas.

What is a better location?

A better location might be variable based on your future plans i.e generally classified as going for industrial sector or research plan. When it comes to working in an industrial sector, look around where your University is based

  • Are there good firms available nearby?
  • Is it a city which is known for technology?
  • How is the job market in that city?
  • There might be many other factors that would define a good location. But, these factors listed above are the ones that pops up immediately in a students mind.

    What about students who opt for Research?

    If you are a student whose plan is to drive the focus towards research, location doesnt matter that much because your University provides you the facilities and perks required for you to excel in the field of research. Location doesnt really affect your decision.

    Better location Ranking

  • Figure out what you want to opt for in the future Industrial Sector or Research?
  • Selected Industrial Sector? Always go for a better location than ranking.
  • What If My Grades Are Not Very High

    It’s never too late to improve your grades. Even if you started high school on the wrong foot and your early grades reflect that. Change now.

    Showing improvement in your grades as you move through high school demonstrates your ability to succeed in college.

    If your grades aren’t high enough for you to go to your first choice college, you have other options. For example, you can go to your local community college for a year, work hard and improve your grades. Then you can they stay at the community college to complete a 2-year degree, or transfer to a 4-year college.

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    What Is An Elite College

    For the purposes of this article, elite colleges are the most selective, prestigious colleges in the country. These colleges are seen as the gold standard, and that’s why so many students spend years of hard work and worry to try to get into these schools. Some examples of elite colleges are the Ivy League schools, MIT, Stanford, and the University of Chicago. If you’re looking for a complete list, I’d include the top 15 National Universities and the top 5 National Liberal Arts schools in US News on this list of revered super schools.

    The Importance Of Your Mcat Score

    Does It Matter Where You Go to College?

    One last consideration is how medical schools evaluate the meaning of your GPA given your undergraduate institutions reputation. A 3.79 from MIT, a school notorious for its grade deflation and for giving out very few As, might register as more impressive to an admissions committee than a 3.85 from either the University of Iowa or Dartmouth.

    However, if our hypothetical MIT student with a 3.79 also gets a 507 on the MCAT, that will factor as a real deterrent to his chances. No undergraduate institutions reputation is powerful enough to make up for a poor GPA or MCAT score.

    The MCAT functions as a great equalizer in the eyes of medical school admissions committees. It offers a standardized context for every applicant regardless of which school, geographic area, and walk of life they come from. Thats why scoring well on the MCAT is essential to getting into the med school of your dreams.


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    Many Who Say It Doesnt Matter Where You Go To College Dont Believe Those Words Themselves

    So to the folks who say, It doesnt matter where your child goes to college. All that matters is that your child is happy, continue to smile and nod politely. When a high school counselor at The Derryfield School in New Hampshire pens entire op-eds about how going to an elite university is essentially overrated, check out . Note the kid featured prominently in the Yale t-shirt in the profile photo. Note the schools featured prominently on the high school counselors own schools college counseling website. So, yes, those people are often hypocrites. Those people may say it doesnt matter where you go to college, but that doesnt mean even they believe it. But smile, nod and go about your day anyway.

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    Lower Barriers For Entry:

    Its commonplace for traditional universities to require the completion of standardized tests like the GRE to apply. Scores must meet a specified level to be considered and there are often required minimum GPAs to apply. However, online universities may request less specific requirements to attend. At UoPeople, students can apply from anywhere as long as they show proof of high school completion as well as the ability to communicate in English .

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    Colleges: Whats The Difference

    Your college options fall into a few broad categories.

    • 2-year state colleges or community colleges, offering a range of certificate and Associate degree options.
    • 4-year state colleges, offering 4-year Bachelors degree programs.
    • State Universities, offering both Bachelors and post-graduate Masters and PhD options. In-state students typically pay much lower tuition.
    • Private for-profit colleges, operated as private businesses and typically offering 4-year degrees.
    • Private colleges and universities offering Bachelors, Masters, and PhD programs.
    • Highly exclusive private colleges are at the top of the cost and prestige pyramids and are the most sought-after schools.

    The differences between these schools are clear enough, but the impact of those differences on your future may be less clear. For example, imagine that a student is accepted at both a private university and a state university in their state of residence. What would that student lose by selecting the much more affordable state option?

    Student Drive & Ambition

    Does It Matter Where You Go To Medical School?

    Statistics arent an indicator of destiny. There are plenty of success stories about graduates who didnt attend prestigious schools and as many stories of failure about those who did.

    Consider, for example, that only a handful of Fortune 500 company CEOs got their degrees from elite schools. Randall Stephenson of AT& T graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma, Tim Cook of Apple is a graduate of Auburn University, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon went to the University of Arkansas, and John Mackey of Whole Foods studied at the University of Texas at Austin .

    And, even though more U. S. senators and representatives graduated from Harvard than from any other school, more than half of U.S. congressmen and congresswomen attended less-prestigious schools, including public state universities.

    Even though elite universities tend to have the best networking scenes, you can get many of the opportunities these schools offer at other colleges you just might have to work a little harder to find them. You may not instantly gain recognition as a student of an elite university, but you can complete internships, attend networking events, and volunteer to gain the type of job experience employers are truly looking for, anyway.

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    Yes College Choice Makes A Difference

    Richard D. Kahlenberg is a senior fellow at the Century Foundation and the author of “All Together Now: Creating Middle-Class Schools Through Public School Choice,” and “Tough Liberal: Albert Shanker and the Battles Over Schools, Unions, Race and Democracy.”

    November 30, 2010, 2:34 PM

    We wage war in this country over affirmative action in higher education because people realize that attending a selective college with a large endowment offers numerous advantages, which can put students on a more favorable trajectory in life.

    If you attend a highly selective college, the per pupil expenditure is $92,000, compared with just $12,000 at the least selective colleges.

    If you attend a highly selective college, the per pupil expenditure is $92,000, compared with just $12,000 at the least selective colleges. The richest colleges require students on average to pay just 20 percent of the total cost of college, compared with 78 percent at the least wealthy colleges. At selective institutions, a student is surrounded by talented and high achieving peers, a fact illustrated by the story of physicist Freeman Dyson, who many years ago asked his daughter Esther, a Harvard undergraduate, why she was ignoring her coursework. Dad, were not here for those classes, she replied. Were here to meet each other.

    Your Major Isnt The Only Decision That Matters

    What if I told you that your college major doesnt matter any more than your summer plans or how you spend your Sunday afternoons?

    Its true. Life trajectories arent contingent on one big decision. We make decisions every day that can either bring us closer to our goals or stunt our growth. Every time you decide to spend five hours binging The Office, you are also making the decision not to invest those hours in your future .

    The things you do on a daily basisyour routines, habits, and hobbiesare just as important as the seemingly bigger life decisions like your major.

    Even if your goal is to be a stellar paper salesman, be honest with yourself. Youd be better off reading Forbes, shadowing an experienced salesman, and practicing your pranking skills on your unsuspecting friends than trying to passively glean knowledge from any sitcom character.

    Make daily decisions that will bring you closer to your goals, and youll find success, no matter what major you choose.

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    Does It Matter Where You Go To College For Engineering

    If youve just finished your 12th standard and looking for a fine engineering college, and are interested in getting an Engineering degree, there must be many thoughts create a mess up in your mind for which college to choose, and which branch of Engineering to choose can seem like the most difficult task, and at the same time you have to take the most integral decision of your life. Students always get confused in choosing the right college for them which would be based on my experience here is the advice that I give to prospective engineers.

    To complete an engineering course and to fulfil your dreams in this field you have to be crystal clear about your choice of field or just choose as per your interest level. Many students stay confused to choose an engineering college. Whereas Most students and parents seem to be very focused on getting into the best branch of any engineering college Everybody wants to get into the top branch. Everybody wants to get to know which branch has the best scope in the future. Does it Matter Where you go to College for Engineering

    There are Many reasons to Choose a Perfect College:

    College does Matter

    City Does Matter a lot for an Engineering College:

    So the answer of “Does it Matter Where you go to College for Engineering?” is YES , It does matter a lot to choose a better college of engineering and to choose a city which is well equipped with the number of engineering colleges.

    Need help?

    Does Where You Go To College Really Matter We Asked 10 Chicago Ceos

    Does Where You Go to College Really Matter?

    The national college admissions scandal that has rocked elite universities revived the discussion about whether where you go to college determines success and the role of privilege in that process.

    With actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman and other wealthy parents appearing in court Wednesday to face charges, the conversation over college cred is particularly timely as colleges release their admission decisions and high school seniors and their families send off deposits by May 1 to secure a spot in the class of 2023.

    The Tribune reached out to some Chicago-area CEOs to ask where they went to college and what they got out of it. Many went on to earn advanced degrees at other institutions, but we found they put a lot of stock in their undergraduate experiences.

    Matt Maloney

    Founder and CEO, Grubhub

    Michigan State University, class of 1998

    B.S., natural science

    Matt Maloney has a theory: It doesnt really matter where you get an undergraduate degree.

    There was no conscious decision to end up in tech, he said. It was what excited me, what problems did I enjoy solving, what experiences did I have, what connections did I make.

    Working through college and maintaining a social life taught him time management skills, and studying acted as brain exercise that honed his problem solving abilities, Maloney said. He would also routinely sneak into random lecture halls and sit in on classes he wasnt involved in.

    B.A., history

    Charlie Bachtell

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    Does The College Matter For A Cs Major

    Everyone says for computer science it doesnt matter where you go for college but if you had a chance to get into MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford or Berkeley for CS does that change things? Of course it being predicated on money being in range for the colleges.

    Itll be easier to get internships at the top firms as they recruit there. Itll help get into top grad schools if you want to get into research.

    If all you want to do is get a job after graduation then it doesnt make a huge difference as long as you perform. My spouse teaches CS at a not top-ranked university and shes had plenty of her old students/TAs that got co-ops at firms like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc and jobs there after graduation.

    It depends. If you have to go into massive amounts of debt to pay for private/OOS colleges, then its not worth it. Any prestige bump in salary would be more than offset by your debt payments. Also, it doesnt even have to be a tier 1 school. I graduated from a tier 2 school and I had no trouble finding a job. I never did an internship either. A masters degree at any school will squash a tier 1 bachelors degree any day of the week. Most of your education will be on the job. Just choose an affordable practical school and get good at programming.

    Where those schools will provide a huge advantage is if you ever want to found a startup or be a major player in a startup and need to get VC financing. Certain degrees will open doors for financing ventures.

    Going To An Elite School Isn’t Essential For Future Professional Success

    As previously mentioned, a study concluded that students who were admitted to top schools and opted to go to less selective schools ended up earning as much as their peers who graduated from the top schools. Therefore, you can conclude that what really matters isn’t where you go to school but possessing the attributes that make you competitive for admission to the top schools.

    Similarly, a Wall Street Journal study found that the prestige of a college doesn’t impact future earnings for many students. Specifically, the study concluded that a school’s prestige does have an impact on future earnings for business and liberal arts majors, but there is virtually no impact on future earnings for STEM majors.

    Additionally, even though graduates from the top schools are more likely to become CEOs or ridiculously wealthy, the majority of people who do aren’t graduates of elite institutions.

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    Why It Does Matter Where You Go To College

    There are a number of reasons why going to a more prestigious school can benefit your future. Below, I’ll detail some of the most important benefits of attending an elite college.

    Keep in mind that I’m focusing on the potential financial and professional benefits of going to a top college. Additionally, elite colleges may challenge you more academically, and you may enjoy surrounding yourself with other incredibly motivated and successful students. On the other hand, some of the classes at top schools may make you feel overwhelmed. You may feel compelled to select a less rigorous major, or you may not have time to do as many extracurricular activities or have an enjoyable social life.

    When It Does Matter Where You Go To College

    Does it Matter Which Nursing School You Attend?

    My post last week on a new book by New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, Where You Go Is Not Who Youll Be, generated hundreds of comments here and on Facebook. Many people agreed with Bruni, telling their own stories of attending less-selective colleges and turning out just fine. But lots of others mentioned the very real recruiting practices of a handful of blue-chip companies, especially on Wall Street and among consulting companies, that only look at graduates of elite schools.

    Brunis book largely focuses on students who made choices between selective colleges and slightly less selective colleges or brand-name public flagship campuses. The difference between going to Penn State, for example, instead of Carnegie Mellon, or Indiana University instead of the University of Michigan.

    Those are the choices most high-school seniors are making at this time of year. They applied to a bunch of colleges that are probably similar in many ways. They are all small, private liberal-arts colleges or they are all large, public universities or maybe all close to home or in a specific region. Rarely do students apply to both Yale University and Radford University, for example.

    In most cases, as readers pointed out, students mostly make the college experience what it turns out to be in the long run of life. There are plenty of failures at Harvard just as there are plenty of successes at Shenandoah University.

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