Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does It Matter What College You Go To

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Does A Degree Matter In Programming

Does it really matter which college you go to?

It is not necessarily the case. Nick emphasizes that the ability to demonstrate what you can do and what you have done will always be more important than whether or not you have a degree, even if the company has stated that you must have one. A degree does not mean you can attend any interviews you wish.

Why Mba Prestige Does Help

Top schools boast strong alumni networks and employment pipelines. For that reason, attending a school with name recognition grants more access to coveted employers who often recruit directly from what are commonly known as feeder schools, or âcore schools,â as Clarkson calls them.

Campus recruitment is an investment for employers, so theyâll continue to create opportunities for students at schools where other alumni have been successful employees.

âThere is great talent everywhere,â says Dee Clarke, an independent talent acquisition consultant who held MBA recruitment leadership positions with , Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs. âBut the challenge is where is the most ROI â for companies that recruit directly from MBA programs.

While deciding on which MBA program to attend, Clarkson suggests prospective students spend time investigating which companies each school has as a âcore schoolâ partnership.

âThat is not to say that by going to a less prestigious school, you will not be able to be recruited by a top-tier company,â she says. âIt just means you will have less access.â

The Return On Your Financial Investment When You Get A University Degree

Once you graduate, and assuming you work in the US, youre expected to earn $54,576 a year, versus $32,544 if you only have a high school diploma. Thats $22,032 more a year, or $110,160 more in the next 5 years, and thats not counting promotions and salary increases, which will be more easily accessible as a university graduate.

As a side note, if you attend an online affordable university, like UoPeople, you can choose your own class hours and study at your own pace, which makes it easier to combine a full-time job and earn more than the average student. Alternatively, because the cost of the degree is so low, you might be able to live off a part time job and live a more balanced life than the average college student.

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Does Going To A Good College Make A Difference

Studies suggest that students admitted to a more selective college who then chose to enrol at a lower-ranked institution don’t earn less in later years. Not all researchers come to the same conclusion but most studies suggesting any causal effect of attending a more selective college find at most a modest difference.

Attending An Elite College Provides No Long

Does It Matter Where You Go To College?

Its no secret that young people today are stressed. A poll by the American Psychological Association revealed that high-school kids are the most stressed-out people in America, and 83 percent of them attribute their stress to school . Anxiety, depression, and suicides among young people are now at record highs. Even kids who would seem to have it made who are bright and come from well-to-do families are stressed. In fact, they may be the most stressed. Just this week, the Boston Globe published an article about a rash of suicides occurring among kids in the twin wealthy towns of Acton and Boxborough, just outside of Boston . This follows many similar articles about suicides among high-school kids in other wealthy areas where achievement pressures seem especially high.

Almost everything we are doing in relation to our schools seems to be in the direction of upping the pressure. Academically gifted kids for whom school should be a walk in the park are encouraged into honors and advanced placement classes and are made to feel that their life will be ruined if they dont get all A’s in those classes. As an illustration of the stress, here are quotes from four high school students or recent graduates who commented on one of my past essays:

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Does It Really Matter Which University You Study At

“Does it really matter which university you study at?”

This is the question that’s been chosen by the BBC News audience – and it is a very immediate concern for hundreds of thousands of families wrestling with university application forms.

Of course, on the idealistic side of things, what really matters is that someone is following a course that they really like and in a place that suits their needs.

But there are thornier worries about the cost of university and how much degrees are worth after graduation.

The evidence suggests that going to university remains a good investment. Organisations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development have tracked whether the rising number of students will erode the benefits in the jobs market.

So far it seems that the graduates have kept their advantage. A changing jobs market has generated more opportunities for graduates and people who went to university are likely to be earning more and are less likely to be unemployed.

Does University Ranking Matter In Australia

Alongside a university’s location, its reputation and global ranking might be your deciding factor of where you choose to study. But why do university rankings matter in Australia and what will they mean to you if you get a degree from UQ? Rankings can be a strong indicator of: your teaching and learning quality.

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If Youre Wondering Does It Matter Where You Go To College The Research Shows That It Really Depends On Many Different Factors

Theres a belief that if you attend a more elite institution to earn your degree, youll achieve more success and land a better job. If you find yourself applying to colleges and wondering, Does it matter where you go to college? you may be surprised to find out that the answer depends on many variables. You may question if it means less to earn an online degree versus attending an on-campus institution? Does an Ivy league diploma count for more than one from a traditional state school?

While the numbers show that the most highly paid employees do come from the most highly selective schools, the research also ends up telling the story that the most telltale marker of ones future is, in fact, the students work ethic and perseverance. For example, of the top eight Ivy league schools in America, less than 10% received admissions offers. This shows just how competitive and elusive these schools are so its obvious that even without attending these institutions, people can still pursue purposeful and passionate paths.

While the name of the institution you graduate from may have some impact on your future, its not the end all and be all measure for your level of success and opportunity.

Lets take a look at all sides of the coin by checking out the pros and cons of attending an elite college, as well as the differences between attending a traditional institution versus an online university.

Developing Skills You Can Use In The Workplace

Does The College You Go To Actually Matter?

One of the main arguments of those who are not in favor of going to college is that it doesnt train you to work in the real world, but according to Entrepreneur, academic assignments develop skills that are in high demand among top employers, including general communication skills, writing skills, research skills and collaboration skills.

In the 2016 University of the People Students Satisfaction Survey, many of our students shared that they already use the knowledge and skills they gained in courses in their workplaces.

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There Are Happy And Unhappy Students On Every College Campus

We understand and appreciate that in our everyone is a winner climate, the parents of students who dont earn admission to highly selective colleges are often quick to say that it doesnt matter where students go to college, all that matters is that theyre happy. If that soothes their egos, were all for such thinking. But, to cut through the nonsense, it absolutely does matter where you go to college. Sorry, Malcolm Gladwell, weve read every one of your books including your latest, Talking to Strangers but lets just say your arguments, while absolutely gripping and always worthy of the purchase, are often unsubstantiated.

Q: Does The Ranking Of Your High School Matter To College Admissions

A: Yes, at least at the university Ive worked at.

For each application evaluation, the high school the applicant attends is given a score on a numeric scale and that score is based on a number of factors including how rigorous the high schools academics are compared to other high schools in the state , the free/reduced lunch rate, and the number of different AP tests taken. As a file reader, I see that high school score and use it when conducting the overall assessment of the applicants profile, especially as I consider their GPA or the number of AP/IB classes on their transcript.

So, for at least some schools, a high schools ranking does matter to admissions officers who assess the overall rigor of the environment and coursework at the high school of each applicant when considering the applicants overall GPA, curriculum, and academic profile compared to their peers across the nation.

Courtesy of College Board.

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Traditional Vs Online Colleges

Like elite universities, the entire traditional system of education where attending classes in big lecture halls with hundreds of students may not be the right choice for every student. Thanks to the rise of technology, online universities are spreading rapidly and growing each day. Online universities offer both upsides and downsides when compared to traditional universities it all is just a matter of perspective and preference. However, employers are taking notice of online universities, especially accredited institutions like University of the People.

Finding A Job And Remaining Employed

Does it even matter where you go to college? Here

Lets face it, a college degree holds a higher prestige than a high school diploma, and many people seem to appreciate those whove made the effort and graduated.

According to a 2016 study by Georgetown University, the majority of the jobs still go to bachelors degree graduates. Reporting on the study, CNN Money noted that of the 11.6 million jobs created after the Great Recession, 8.4 million went to those with at least a bachelors degree. This is a substantial difference in proportional terms: Only 36% of Americans earned a bachelors degree or higher, compared to 30% of Americans holding an associate degree and 34% holding a high-school diploma or less.

If you still have doubts on whether a college degree is worth the investment, check out this 2016 report from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics about 2015s employment rates by educational attainment:

While the median unemployment rate in the country was 4.3% of the population, those with a bachelors degree were only 2.8% of the unemployed population, and those with only a high school diploma were 5.4% of the unemployed population.

In other words, those who graduated from high school but did not go on to college were twice as likely to become unemployed than those with a college degree.

And according to Forbes, the demands for higher education is steadily increasing in the job market.

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Do Employers Really Care Where You Went To School

Perhaps an even better measure of graduates potential earnings in the workplace is what employers themselves are looking for in job candidates. Here, too, research consistently shows that where you go to school matters far less than we tend to think.

For example, Glassdoor reports that a number of companies particularly tech giants like Apple, Google, and IBM dont require a college degree at all, so they certainly dont care where you went to school. Companies are more interested in hiring candidates whose experience and skills best suit them for the job.

Google, in particular, has spent years analyzing which employees succeed at their company and discovered it has little to do with where they got their degrees. When the company was small, Google focused on recruiting from schools like Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, but as it grew, it discovered this was the wrong strategy. Laszlo Bock, former Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, told The New York Times that too many colleges dont deliver on what they promise. You generate a ton of debt, you dont learn the most useful things for your life. Its an extended adolescence.

So, rather than focusing exclusively on attending an elite school, start by deciding on your major and then seek out the school with the best fit for your career goals.

A Tale Of Two Students

Let us illustrate this with an example. Johnny goes to a state school that is not highly ranked. Rather, his school is known for being fun, if you know what I mean. He was able to avoid the allure of the frat parties, though, and by the time hes ready to apply, he has a 4.0 GPA, an MCAT score of 520, two publications, leadership experience in a couple organizations, and excellent letters of recommendation.

Sally attends Harvard, and by the time shes ready to apply, she has a 3.5 GPA, an MCAT of 508, and while she has letters of recommendation from some of the most world renowned Alzheimer disease researchers in the world, she wasnt able to create as strong of a personal connection, so the letters are somewhat generic.

Between Sally and Johnny, who do you think is going to be the more competitive applicant? Despite going to a top university, Id put my money on Johnny. But that isnt always the case. There are some advantages to going to a more prestigious university. Allow me to explain.

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Many Who Say It Doesnt Matter Where You Go To College Dont Believe Those Words Themselves

So to the folks who say, It doesnt matter where your child goes to college. All that matters is that your child is happy, continue to smile and nod politely. When a high school counselor at The Derryfield School in New Hampshire pens entire op-eds about how going to an elite university is essentially overrated, check out . Note the kid featured prominently in the Yale t-shirt in the profile photo. Note the schools featured prominently on the high school counselors own schools college counseling website. So, yes, those people are often hypocrites. Those people may say it doesnt matter where you go to college, but that doesnt mean even they believe it. But smile, nod and go about your day anyway.

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Ask Away: Does College Matter Anymore

Does it Matter Which Architecture School You Go To?

Welcome to Ask Away, Recruiter.coms weekly column! Every Monday , well pose an employment-related question to a group of experts and share their answers. Have a question youd like to ask the experts? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in next weeks Ask Away!

This Weeks Question: Received wisdom says that, if you want to get a good job and have a successful career, you need to go to college first. But plenty of commentators have taken to the Internet in recent times to argue that college degrees dont really matter in this day and age. So, I ask: does a college degree matter anymore?

It depends on the job. When it comes to my legal/accounting/finance work, I need you to have a degree and show working knowledge of your capabilities.Those are jobs that require certifications by state and lengthy hours of study time.

But customer service, marketing, illustrators, graphic design, IT, etc.: I just need you to be able to do the job. I could care less about your degree. And thats because most of those jobs are intuitive. A degree may help, but most of the good people in these fields are self-taught.

Jazmin TruesdaleMino Enterprises

Yes! And they do on so many levels.

College is an excellent time of transition, and many students can show that they have loyalty and commitment by getting their degrees.

John M. Crossman

Noel GriffithCareersWiki

Psynet Group

Felicia G. MeadowsTomorrows Future Coaching and Consulting

Christie GartonUChic

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Is Computer Science The Only Degree Worth Getting

Many students find that a computer science degree is worth the cost. Computer and information technology occupations are projected to grow by 11% over the next decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By majoring in computer science, you will be prepared to take on a variety of challenges and opportunities.

Youre More Likely To See Financial And Professional Success In Your Future

Although it is tough to show a direct correlation between elite schools and a certain level of success, there does seem to be a strong relationship. Students graduating from more prestigious schools generally have higher incomes, usually giving them the best return for their educational investment. Only about 2-5% of graduates annually are coming out of elite schools, but over a third of Fortune 500 company CEOs and more than 44% of billionaires graduated from top schools.

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When A Schools Name Mattersand When It Doesnt

Applicant expectations vary from employer to employer, but some industries still tend to hire from top MBA programs. The banking, private equity, consulting, and finance industries have historically recruited from prestigious business schools where theyâve created relationships.

In turn, that may influence where you decide to apply.

âIf you want to work at an elite New York private equity firm, youâre probably looking at a very narrow subset of schools,â Shinewald says. âIt depends on the kind of job you want.â

The tech industry, however, is generally not married to where you attended school. Rather, these companies may be more interested in the skills you picked up along the way, particularly in program management, cross-functional leadership, and data visualization, Clarke says. Tech companies also tend to hire on a âjust-in-timeâ basis, she adds, which means theyâll begin recruiting for a position only when they have an opening.

Businesses in the financial services and consulting industries, however, start recruiting up to a year in advance, often visiting campus during the fall and spring semesters in search of future full-time employees or interns. A lot of business schools are struggling to manage the anxiety of students who wait for tech companies, which come to campus much later.

âAnd with that, thatâs changing the dynamics of campus recruitment and business schools,â Clarke says.

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