Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Are College Courses In High School

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Essential Math For Machine Learning: Python Edition

High School Students AP Courses

Offered by

Machine learning is arguably the hottest new field students can pursue in the 21st century, and this class offered through Microsoft will introduce students to the fundamentals of the topic. Many students may not even consider a career in the machine learning field, thinking they lack the complex math skills necessary to accomplish the task. This course is meant for them.

Its not a mathematics course in the traditional sense. Instead, its meant to bring students up to speed and fill in any learning gaps necessary to work with data. It focuses on concepts and how to express them using a hands-on, practical approach.

Students can take the free online course for high school or opt for the paid certification. After taking this course, you may have the confidence you need to go forward with something you never dreamed you would pursue.

Cost: Free

Certificate: Yes, with a fee

Time to Complete: Five weeks

Curriculum: Introductory to intermediate

Offered by Skillshare

Cost: Free

Time to Complete: One hour

Curriculum: Introductory

Some students find the class too basic

Big Ideas In Programming: Expressing Yourself With Python

Platform: Future Learn

Those individuals interested in learning to code may consider adding Big Ideas in Programming: Expressing Yourself with Python to their shortlist of online college courses for high school students. One of the newer online courses offered by the University of Michigan, the class covers topics such as:

  • Basics of Python Programming
  • Functions and Strings
  • Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries

This course lasts just four weeks, making it ideal for high school students looking for online summer college courses. The suggested amount of study time per week is approximately four hours.

Cost: $0/59

How Can A High School Student Take Community College Classes

Aren’t community college classes just for college students? Actually, no. While the primary purpose of community college is to provide an education to college students, most now also offer classes to people of varying ages and levels of education, from children to senior citizens.

Many community colleges allow high school students to take certain classes. Sometimes high school students are only able to enroll in introductory classes, and they may also be required to submit their high school transcript or a teacher recommendation as proof that they can handle a college-level course.

Some high schools have organized programs with community colleges that allow high school students to take college classes as a replacement for one or more of their regular high school classes. This is especially common in smaller high schools or those with few advanced or AP course offerings because it lets high school students take challenging classes they wouldn’t have been able to take otherwise. These classes can help high school students strengthen their transcripts and prepare for college.

Other times, high school students choose to take community college classes without receiving any high school credit however they may be able to receive college credit once they enroll in a college or university.

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Taking College Classes In High School

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Taking college classes in high school can boost your college admission chancesand give you inexpensive college credit. Sound interesting?

Taking a college class while you are in high school shows colleges that you are serious, motivated, and willing to challenge yourself. Even better, it offers you an invaluable advance look at college academics and college life.

How To Apply To College


Platform: Coursera

In terms of college classes that are free online for high school students, the University of Pennsylvanias How to Apply to College is one that any college-bound student can benefit from. This 19-hour class provides a unique insight into the college admissions and selection process, covering subjects like:

  • How the U.S. College System Works
  • Common College Terms
  • Writing the Personal Statement
  • Financial Aid

The class is taught by leading higher education experts, including UPenns Dean of Admissions Eric J. Furda. It is self-paced and can be accessed entirely online.

Cost: $0

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About Dual Credit Programs

Dual credit programs allow eligible students in high school to take college or apprenticeship courses that count towards:

  • their Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • a postsecondary certificate, diploma, degree or a Certificate of Apprenticeship

High school students taking dual credit courses benefit from the supervision and support of their college instructor and the dual credit teacher at their school. Students also have access to a variety of college supports and services.

The Ministry of Education approves all dual credit programs.

Ontario high schools have a variety of job skills programs to help meet the needs, interests and strengths of all students, engaging them in learning and preparing them for graduation, life beyond high school and the jobs of the future.

Search for dual credit programs at your local publicly funded college and talk to the high school principal or guidance counsellor to see if they are offered at the school.

All publicly-funded school boards with secondary schools and all Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology are involved in providing high school students with opportunities to earn ministry-approved dual credits.

What Are The Requirements And Prerequisites

There are not many restrictions when it comes to taking online courses for students in high school. Some coursework requires a full desktop operating system, and most online classes assume you already have proficiency in typing, computers, and the internet. The most important thing to bring to the table is enthusiasm and a desire for learning.

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What If Your School Doesn’t Offer One Of The Classes Listed Below

It would be impossible for any single school to offer every course in this list there are simply too many. Schools decide which classes to offer based on multiple factors, including student interest, school location, and teacher expertise.

If you are interested in one of the courses listed below but don’t see it offered in your school’s course catalog, first talk to your guidance counselor or the department head. Your school may, in fact, offer the course, but under a different name. If there is no comparable course and you are really interested in the subject, you may be able to do an independent study or take the course at a local community college for credit. Ask your guidance counselor for more information on pursuing this option.

College In The High School

Palm Beach County middle school students take high school, college classes

College in the High School programs provide college-level academic courses in high schools for qualified students.

To provide CHS classes, a high school contracts with a college or university. Together, they define the criteria for student eligibility. Each contract defines whether participation is limited to those students who want to earn college credit, or whether students who do not want to earn college credit may also take the class.

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Taking Community College Classes In High School: A Guide

Are you a high school student who is interested in taking classes at a community college? Community college classes can be a great way for high school students to take more challenging courses and prepare for college.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about community college classes for high school students: the benefits of taking community college classes in high school, when to take them, and how you can start getting enrolled.

Computer Science: Programming With A Purpose

Platform: Coursera

Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose is one of the few online classes that are truly free for high school students currently available. Its a must for students interested in pursuing a STEM degree. Offered by Princeton University, the course introduces students to the basics of computing, including topics such as:

  • Basic Programming Concepts
  • Mathematical Models
  • Programming Languages

This is one of the more comprehensive online courses for high school students featured here, requiring roughly 88 hours of study to complete. It is offered entirely through online education and students enjoy flexible deadlines.

Cost: $0

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About College Courses For High School Students

Its generally assumed that students need a high school diploma prior to enrolling in college courses, but this isnt always the case. With online college courses for high school students, college-bound students can get a head start on their undergraduate coursework while simultaneously saving money on tuition. For years, colleges and universities have been offering ways for high school students to access their courses. For example, dual enrollment programs provide ways for students to enroll in college while still maintaining their status as high school students. In addition, early college programs allow students to take classes over the summer prior to their official enrollment as college freshmen.

Consideration #: When Are Certain Classes Offered

Should We Take Online High School Classes Offline?

Logistics are also an important consideration when choosing classes. There may be certain days of the week or months of the year when you have more time to devote to your community college classes.

As mentioned above, it’s important to make sure you have enough free time in your schedule before you enroll in a community college course. By choosing classes that fill well in your schedule, you will make your community college experience less stressful and more enjoyable.

Looking through your calendar may help you decide which community college classes to take.

One of the single most important parts of your college application is what classes you choose to take in high school . Our team of PrepScholar admissions experts have compiled their knowledge into this single guide to planning out your high school course schedule. We’ll advise you on how to balance your schedule between regular and honors/AP/IB courses, how to choose your extracurriculars, and what classes you can’t afford not to take.

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What Are College Prep Courses In High School

Taking college prep courses in high school is one of the many ways a student can prepare for college. For an overview of all the college preparatory options available to students today, read our What is College Prep? blog.

College prep courses are designed to prepare students for colleges and universities. Students who take college prep courses have a head start in college by being well-prepared before they even get there.

Students might take these challenging academic courses in high school to position themselves well for college and stand out from other applicants during the admissions process.

Be Sure You Can Handle It

College courses are very different from high school courses. In most cases, the work is more abstract, there is more of it, and the pace is faster. You will need to show initiative and self-discipline. And, unless you take your class in the summer, you will need to work around your high school scheduleand keep up your grades.

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Introduction To Chemistry: Structures And Solutions

Platform: Coursera

Students who require remediation in chemistry prior to enrolling in university-level coursework might consider taking Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions on Coursera. One of the online college courses for high school students offered by Duke University, the class features coursework on topics like:

  • Light Wave Particle Duality
  • Simple Structure, Formal Charge, and Resonance
  • Phases of Matter

This beginner-level course requires approximately 17 hours to complete and is available entirely online. Nearly 43,000 students have taken the course thus far, and it enjoys a 96% approval rating.

Cost: $0/49

How Things Work: An Introduction To Physics

CWI officials say the college is losing money on dual credit courses from high schools

Platform: Coursera

One of the more popular online college courses for high school students, How Things Work: An Introduction to Physics is offered by the University of Virginia. The class is taught by UVA Professor of Physics Louis A. Bloomfield and covers topics such as:

  • Newtons First and Second Laws
  • Rotational Versus Translational Motion
  • Frictional Forces
  • Momentum

The unique appeal of this course is that it teaches intermediate physics concepts using simple, everyday objects such as wheels, ramps, and balls. Students can access the course content completely online and finish the class within just 14 hours.

Cost: $0/49

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Dog Emotion And Cognition

Platform: Coursera

One of the online college courses for high school students that can be taken for fun or for credit is Duke Universitys Dog Emotion and Cognition. Taught by Associate Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology Brian Hare, the class features engaging content surrounding topics such as:

  • The Paradoxical Canine
  • Communicative Intentions
  • Origins of Dog Social Cognition

This unique course is available fully online and requires roughly 22 hours of study to complete. It is a popular offering on Coursera, with nearly 185,000 enrolled students to date.

Cost: $0/49

Dual Or Concurrent Enrollment Programs

Dual or concurrent enrollment programs are partnerships between local educational agencies and Institutions of Higher Education that allow high school students to enroll in college courses and earn transferable college credit, setting them on an accelerated path to postsecondary success. Key characteristics of high quality dual and concurrent enrollment programs are:

  • Collaboration by high school and college faculty within the same discipline on curriculum and assessment alignment

  • Efficient resource sharing between the K12 and postsecondary systems and

  • Sustainable professional development to raise the rigor of the high school experience.

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    The Complete List Of High School Classes

    Are you wondering which classes to take in high school? Do you want to find out what courses may be offered for each subject?

    We’ve compiled a complete list of high school classes for you to see all the possible course options high school students may have. We’ll cover everything from science and math to electives and the humanities.

    Mindware: Critical Thinking For The Information Age

    High School English Courses Needed for College

    Platform: Future Learn

    Offered through the University of Michigan, Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age is one of the shorter online college courses for high school students on our list. This beginner-level class takes just four weeks to complete and includes subject matter such as:

    • Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics
    • Avoiding False Correlations
    • Cost-Benefit Analyses
    • Logical and Dialectical Reasoning

    Students should expect to devote approximately four hours per week to this course. Learning is self-paced and takes place entirely online.

    Cost: $0/59

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    Programs Available To High School Students

    Inver Hills offers programs that allow students to earn college credits for free while still in high school, smoothing the student’s transition to higher education. Qualifying high school students will be able to seamlessly transfer the credits earned to any Minnesota State college or university as well as many others nationwide. Studies on dual enrollment programs show that they have positive outcomes in college enrollment, grades, and completion rates. We provide students with opportunities that increase their success in academics and in their careers and welcome the high school students as Inver Hills Community College students!

    Post Secondary Enrollment Options

    Post-Secondary Enrollment Options offers high school sophomores, juniors and seniors in public, non-public, or home schools the opportunity to take college courses at eligible post-secondary institutions. You can earn high school credit, and then following high school graduation, transfer your completed PSEO coursework as college credits.

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    Shakespeares Life And Work

    Platform: edX

    One of the top online university courses for high schoolers in English language arts, Shakespeares Life and Work, is offered through Harvard University and hosted by edX. As a beginning-level humanities option, the class is entirely self-paced and requires just four weeks of study. Harvard Professor of Humanities Stephen Greenblatt teaches, and topics include:

    • Biographical Information about Shakespeare

    International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

    JCPS offers more dual credit, AP courses to high school students

    The International Baccalaureate Program uses a similar approach to Cambridge AICE but assesses different content areas and takes around two years to complete. Graduates receive an internationally recognized diploma that demonstrates proficiency and skill in three core elements and a single subject as chosen by each student. Options include math, science, or the arts. Only approved schools can administer IB diploma programming.

    IB exam sections are scored on a 1-7 scale and include in each course or program area. IB combines individual assessment scores to calculate a final diploma result. Diploma-seekers need at least 24 points.

    Over 3,000 colleges and universities throughout the world accept IB diploma transcripts, but as with other methods of earning college credits in high school, individual policies vary.

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    Free Great Online Courses For High School Students

    With most schools and universities shut down during the coronavirus outbreak, there has never been a better time for online learning. For high school students who want to stay ahead of the curve, a wealth of courses, tutorials, and resources are available.

    Covering every imaginable subject, these free online courses for high school students can help you not only pass the time but may even propel you forward academically. And theres no need to focus solely on tough academia either. There are plenty of offerings on our list that are entertaining and engaging for those with the right mindset.

    Featured Programs

    Disclaimer: Some courses may include an affiliate link. Courses were chosen first based on the methodology with affiliate links only added after the ranking was complete.

    Many prominent universities have opened their doors for free courses in subjects ranging from literature to robotics. How cool would it be to go back to school and inform your teachers that youve completed classes from Harvard, Duke, and Yale during your isolation? And if youre worried you dont have what it takes to be admitted to these courses, forget about it. This is open courseware, available for anyone who wants to learn!

    Dealing With Limited Class Offerings

    Of course, your high school is unlikely to offer all the courses on our list. Limited resources and funding mean that most schools have to pick and choose which classes to offer. However, if you have good grades and room in your schedule, you might be able to pursue a subject that interests you through an independent study. Additionally, some students opt to take classes not available through their high schools at a local community college.

    If your high school has limited class offerings, dont panic. According to an article from Yales Admissions department, colleges only evaluate students course selections based on the options available to them. In other words, you wont be penalized for neglecting to take advantage of opportunities your high school didnt provide.

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