Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do Illegal Immigrants Get Free College

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Truth Squad: Do Illegal Immigrants Get Tuition Discount

Students Want Free Tuition For Illegals…But Will They Donate Their Own Money?

At Thursday nights presidential debate in Orlando, Florida, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney hit Texas Gov. Rick Perry hard on the issue of immigration, characterizing his policies as encouraging illegal immigration. He specifically criticized Perrys support for a Texas law that allows children of illegal immigrants to qualify for in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities, likening it to a $100,00 educational discount. Perry defended the state policy as important for integrating future generations into the economic mainstream and said its heartless to deny the children of illegal immigrants a chance at in-state tuition rates.

The statement:

I gotta be honest with you. I dont see how it is that a state like Texas to go the the University of Texas, if you are an illegal alien, you get an in-state tuition discount. Thats $22,000 a year. Four years of college. Four years of college, almost $100,000 discount if you are an illegal alien go to the University of Texas.

former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts

The facts:

What States Have Their Own Dream Act

Since 2001, 17 states have enacted their own version of the DREAM Act. Of these states, which include California, Oregon, and New Jersey, New York State and Washington State are the most recent to pass a Dream Act. State Dream Acts arent paths to citizenship, which only the Federal government can grant; rather, theyre paths to higher education.

Can You Be An Illegal Immigrant And Go To College

You can be an illegal immigrant and still go to college. To understand how this could work, consider the case of Chicagos Star Scholarship program, which has seen a number of undocumented immigrants attending community college for free. Wait a minute, you say, doesnt that contradict the assertion from earlier that illegal immigrants cant go to college for free? In a sense, it does and in another sense, it doesnt; Chicagos case is unique.

The citys Star Scholarship program awards free community college scholarships to public school students who graduate high school with a B average and pass a college entrance exam. In 2017 and 2018, 21 percent of the programs scholarship winners were undocumented immigrants. In creating the program, the city insisted that undocumented immigrants students should also be able to qualify for the scholarship.

Illinois is an example of a state that will give in-state tuition and financial aid to DACA Dreamers. Other states, such as Georgia and Arizona, make sure Dreamers have to pay more by barring them from qualifying for in-state tuition. A total of 20 states have paved the way for Dreamers to receive some sort of financial aid, either by state legislative action through the public education system. The other 30 do not qualify Dreamers for financial aid. Alabama and South Carolina are examples of states that dont allow Dreamers to attend public colleges at all. ;;

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Requirements Of These Tuition Equity Laws Or Policies

Requirements of tuition equity laws and policies vary from state to state, but eligible students generally must have:

  • attended a school in the state for a certain number of years; and
  • graduated from high school or obtained a GED in the state.
  • These laws generally provide that U.S. citizen and lawfully present students who meet these requirements but have since moved out of the state can qualify for the same tuition rate immediately after enrolling.

    Provide Multilingual Counselors And Other Staff


    Undocumented students often face the challenge of learning a new language. This barrier can stand in the way of information access, awareness about legal rights, opportunities for financial support, or even a basic sense of belonging.

    Colleges that provide multilingual counselors, financial aid officers, admissions personnel, and educators can create more than just a sense of inclusion. Reducing barriers to communication and information can also help undocumented students remain supported, protected, and successful while pursuing a degree.

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    Daca Resources For Undocumented Students

    • CitizenPath – DACA Resource Center: This resource offers a comprehensive guide to DACA, including a breakdown of paths to legal status, instructions on replacing a DACA card, and answers to frequently asked questions. CitizenPath also offers guidance on filling out DACA applications.
    • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: This site provides the most official information that you can find on DACA. Visit this page to learn about the filing process and how to access forms.
    • Cal State – DACA Updates: You don’t need to attend a school in the California State University system to access this resource, which helps keep readers current with the latest DACA news. This page also offers guidance and links to resources.
    • UC Berkeley – DACA Guide: This guide breaks down DACA in an easy-to-understand manner and provides step-by-step instructions on how students can apply for and renew their DACA status.
    • Annotated Initial DACA Application Packet: Published by the Immigration Legal Resource Center, this annotated application packet gives advice by directly adding helpful notes to the application form.

    Editor’s Note: This article contains general information and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a professional advisor before making decisions about health-related issues.

    Virginia Senate House Pass Bills To Grant Undocumented Immigrants In

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – Undocumented immigrants in Virginia could soon be guaranteed in-state financial aid on top of in-state tuition.

    Two bills moving through the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates are expanding on legislation passed last year in the General Assembly which allowed students to get in-state tuition regardless of immigration status.

    I just think its so important that all the kids growing up in Charlottesville and across Virginia to know that no matter how they came here or who their families are, that college is ready and waiting for them as they want to take that step when they grow up, 57th District Delegate Sally Hudson said.

    Now, Democratic leaders are taking it a step further, making financial aid more widely available to those undocumented students. What the bill does is make sure that any student who qualifies for in-state tuition also qualifies for in-state aid, Hudson said.

    Many Republicans strongly opposed the legislation. I think none of us have anything to lose, from supporting every child in thriving in their education, Hudson said.

    To be eligible, a student has to have spent at least two years at a Virginia high school, graduated, and submitted a FAFSA form.

    The House version of the bill will now move forward and be sent to the Senate, and vice versa with the Senate version going to the House.

    College is a wonderful bridge to opportunities for so many students and we just want to make sure that its there for everyone, Hudson said.

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    Education And Immigration Law

    Educators and colleges do not have a responsibility to enforce America’s ever-shifting immigration laws.

    While enforcement initiatives and executive policy orders may shift culture and behavior around the treatment of immigrant and undocumented Americansespecially given the uncertainty surrounding the DACA initiative legal precedents regarding the rights of undocumented students remain unchanged.

    Educators, colleges, and universities are not merely ethically compelled to protect undocumented students: Judicial review specifies that they are also legally obligated to do so.

    The Intercultural Development Research Association states that “school personnelespecially principals and those involved with student registration and enrollmentshould be aware that they have no legal obligation to enforce U.S. immigration laws.”

    With that in mind, here’s how we, as classmates, colleagues, educators, and administrators, can fulfill our obligation to protect undocumented students in our educational communities.

    How To Apply For College As An Undocumented Student

    NJ Governor signs bill allowing free tuition for illegal immigrants

    Eligible undocumented and DACA-mented students can apply to public colleges in Oregon as a regular student. But you may need to apply as an international student at a private college.

    Do your research before planning your educational and career path. Some careers require professional licenses that may be difficult to get for undocumented students. For example, cosmetology and barbering licenses in Oregon require two forms of identification, most of which require citizenship or permanent residency.

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    Persuasive Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

    today. The inflow of immigrants, both legal and illegal has changed the demographics of the United States and it has an enormous impact on the social, cultural and economic of the country. However, the immigration system of United States has always been an issue, especially when it comes to the education system for the undocumented immigrant students.In the Plyer v. Doe reading, it indicated that states cannot constitutionally deny and are required to provide all students a free public education, regardless

    Where Is College Free For Immigrant Students

    There are many states who are passing legislation that will give residents of that state access to community college, tuition-free. Some are participating in what is called the Promise program, largely funded by that states lottery earnings. While the list is growing, every state mentioned above has passed or is attempting to pass legislation that will give low-income high school graduates free tuition to two-year community college. New York and New Mexico are the first to complete this sweeping legislation, with Washington State, Minnesota and Texas following closely behind. If students who receive in-state status through this legislation continue working hard through high school and beyond, they may have the opportunity to receive free tuition for their community college as well. These encouraging programs that are appearing all over the country shows that the American dream is alive and well, and that it still pays to work hard in the United States.

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    How Do Immigrant Students Benefit Us

    Although misunderstood by some, making a college education financially accessible to all students at least, those who are willing to do the work to get themselves there has many positive impacts on society. These include reducing crime and increasing economic stability for historically low-income communities, ultimately reducing healthcare costs and the number of people requiring public assistance. Generally speaking, as the Baby Boomer generation passes retirement age, the number of educated young people who are skilled workers will be in high demand, and being unprepared for this future is dangerous.

    Information For Immigrant Students And Massachusetts Colleges And Universities On Immigration Enforcement

    Cooper: Democrats say illegal immigrants do no harm ...

    Whether you are undocumented, studying under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or under Temporary Protected Status , you need to know your rights. Neither federal, nor Massachusetts law prohibits you from enrolling in a college or university. There are no legal restrictions on your ability to fully participate in the campus community and extracurricular programs.

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    The Rising Cost Of Education

    For the 2018-2019 school year, the average in-state tuition in a public four-year college was $10,230, while out-of-state students paid $26,290, according to the;College Board’s;trends in higher education.

    Those costs will continue to rise if history is any guide. Over the last decade, the average published tuition and fee prices rose by $2,670 at public four-year institutions, and by $7,390 at private nonprofit four-year colleges and universities.

    It is an even steeper financial hill to climb for disadvantaged students and military veterans. Although giving a quality education to every young person remains a goal, the policy of financial aid to illegal immigrants raises several questions:

    • In practice, states are incentivizing illegal immigration at the same time they are compelling taxpayer parents to subsidize the education of illegal immigrants.;
    • Is it fair to give financial assistance to foreign students when struggling American families are in need?;
    • Furthermore, with limited resources, is it a fiscally prudent decision to give in-state or free college tuition to illegal immigrants?;
    • With 44 million student borrowers owing a total of $1.56 trillion in student loan debts, how can colleges justify hiking tuition and funding scholarships for illegal immigrants?

    Financial Aid For Students With Daca Status

    Undocumented students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status are not eligible for federal student aid funds. However, they may be eligible for financial aid from the state government or the college, depending on where they live or go to school. Some colleges will tell DACA students to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid , since it is a convenient way to get the students data into the colleges financial aid administrative systems. DACA students should select the No, I am not a citizen or eligible noncitizen answer to the FAFSA question about citizenship.

    However, California students with DACA status should not file FAFSA. Instead, they should file the California Dream Act Application at

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    Fairness To Immigrant Youth

    The students who benefit from these policies tend to be goal-oriented, with high academic standing. Many do not realize until they are in the process of applying to college that their immigration status will affect their ability to pursue higher education. High school counselors have testified about the terrible task of breaking the news to such students that the dreams for which they have worked so hard cannot come true. Many parents are concerned that if their sons and daughters are unable to advance, their discouragement could lead to behavioral and psychological problems, including severe depression.

    Are Illegal Immigrants Getting Free College Tuition

    Students Shocked To Learn Illegals Get In-State Tuition
    Original message
    Are illegal immigrants getting free college tuition?
    Where is this line coming from? I know several states have IN-STATE college tuition for illegal immigrants and several more are proposing it. I am against this also, but it’s just not the same as free tuition and I hate when people screw up the facts like that. So what do you say DUers, true or false?
    Response to Original message
    1.;I hope it’s not true
    college is putting me in the poor house I pay 400.00 a month for my kid to go to school I could use alittle free tuition.
    Response to Reply #1
    7.;I’ve helped undocumented students get scholarships. Some “full-ride.”
    It’s a competitive game and no one can doubt that these kids are part of our community. They’ll get educated in Texas, they’ll stay in the US, and they’ll be parents to future Americans. If they deserve scholarships, they deserve scholarships. Illegals won’t qualify for FAFSA-system loans and grants and it’s near impossible for them to get into the military now, which is how many used to qualify for citizenship-track and subsidized education. So if some future leader can get a scholarship to college, our whole country is better off if they get it. I don’t give a damn if they have their papers yet or not. They’re here and their part of us and we leave them out of hte educational system at our own peril.

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    Immigration Detention Or Deportation Activities On Campus

    The U.S. Immigration;and Customs Enforcement has recognized IHEs as sensitive locations where enforcement activities like searches and arrests are not allowed. The only time when ICE can engage in enforcement activities at sensitive locations is under special circumstances or if they have prior approval.

    For more information on sensitive locations, visit the ICE website.

    Immigration officers can be present on campus even though IHEs are recognized as sensitive locations for reasons other than immigrant deportation or detention.

    For example, you may be one of approximately 60,000 international students studying in Massachusetts on F-1, J-1, or similar visas. As part of administering international student visas, immigration officers may visit campuses to meet with students and staff.

    The Attorney Generals Office does not believe that ICE intends to change its sensitive locations policy.However, due to increased immigration enforcement in Massachusetts and around the country, IHEs should take proactive steps to prepare for immigration detention or deportation activities on campus.

    Tuition Costs For Undocumented Students

    As with all college applicants, tuition costs for public institutions will depend on whether the undocumented student qualifies for in-state tuition. The states that offer in-state tuition to undocumented students, through tuition equity laws or policies, are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

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    Why Should You Get A Free Ride

    I am not an illegal, I am hurting for an education just as much as you are. I want to advance my knowledge and succeed in life just as much as you do. Yes you are human. But you are illegal, so why should that make you special? I was born and raised in California and I’m struggling to pay tuition, while I watch you the illegal get a free ride. What for? Why should you be placed ahead of me? THIS IS WRONG no wonder America is no longer number one we got too soft and greedy.

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    There is always that one student that has a strong work ethic and when things get exacerbated they keep working and just do not quit. These students are students who are eager to learn who want succeed, but when it comes to the end of their high school career, what happens? There are approximately 65,000 young adults that are undocumented and graduate each year from high school . These students want to achieve something prominent for themselves

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