The Strong Support We Provide Our Students
When our students start the medical school application process, our medical school admissions consulting professionals will have conversations about how we can best support you during this time. Students tend to appreciate some of the following qualities of our services:
- Unlimited Medical School Essay Support: Whether you need three rounds of edits on your application or 20, we will be there through all of it.
- Quick Turnaround Times: Sent in your essay for edits before a major holiday? Is your primary advisor ill or on maternity leave? No matter what happens, someone will be there to assist you.
- 360-Degree Support: Whatever question you have, concerns you want addressed, or anything thats on your mind, were here to help. Even if you just want to vent about the application process, thats okay. We all know that applying to medical school is one of the toughest things youll ever do. So we understand if you just need an ear for your frustrations.
We offer a number of different services based on your specific needs, which helps ensure you get the exact support you need to complete your phase of the application process and nothing you dont, so you dont waste time or money on package deals.
Stay Positive And Healthy
According to statistics, 25% of school students are affected by test anxiety. It doesnt only affect their academic performance. It impacts health, giving such symptoms as nausea, stomach pain, headaches, and shortness of breath.
You cant let yourself be stressed all the time. Take some time to read workbooks, do exercises, and make other preparations. But then, take some time to relax, eat healthily, have a good nights sleep, and build your confidence.
Make Sure You Have Only What You Need
Before you begin a study session, gather all your materials so that you won’t waste time backtracking to find the textbook you forgot. If you know you’ll need a calculator or three different colors of pens, make sure you have them with you.
But be selective about the items you really need. Your cell phone is probably not one of them, so put it on silent and tuck it away in a bag where it can’t interrupt your focus. A laptop makes it easier to take notes, but the distractions of games, email, and social media might derail your concentration, so it might be more effective to work with pen and paper.
Many college students like to listen to music while they study. Whether music is an effective tool is up for debate. Research has revealed that music can boost productivity and attentiveness for repetitive tasks that require focus, but it can also make it more difficult to concentrate on complex tasks requiring a lot of cognitive processing. If you find tunes helpful, be sure to bring your music player and a set of headphones along for your study sessions.
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I See That You Refer To Billable Time Can You Explain What This Is
Yes! Billable time means any and all time we spend working with you. Sending emails, talking on the phone, being on a Skype call, reviewing essays, etc. In short, it includes any time we spend helping you with your application.
IMA does not bill for time spent recommending our medical school consulting services. If you have questions about IMA, feel free to reach out to us for help. We wont charge you a dime until youve signed up and begun working with us.
If youre on a budget and worried about what you can afford, email us for an estimate. You can reach us at .
How Does Ima Differ From Other Admissions Consulting Services
With other medical school admissions consulting services, you get someone to look over your stuff. But with IMA, you get a dedicated advisor who gets to know you personally. Not only that, but a team of top medical school admissions advisors reviews your application. We mirror the application process that admissions committees go through. Our efforts work. Over 92% of our clients have been admitted to at least one medical school over the past three cycles.
Our experience extends even further through our internships and study abroad programs. We work with pre-med students on these trips, so we understand the needs and experiences of pre-meds in a nuanced and comprehensive way.
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Take Charge Of Your Education
Learning how to study in college is one of the most important steps you can take to prepare for this phase in your life. Following the above tips can help you develop effective habits that will serve you well in your academic journey. By taking charge of your study skills, you boost your chances of college success.
Now that you know how to study more effectively, take time to explore the colleges that may suit you best. For example, have you considered the career-driven training offered by vocational colleges, technical institutes, and trade schools? These types of schools offer convenient programs that can prepare you for a huge range of rewarding occupations. Just enter your zip code into the following search tool to find programs in your area!
Prioritize Comprehension Over Memorization
It’s easy to think memorizing the textbook counts as studying. But in college, memorization will only get you so far.
When studying, prioritize comprehension. That means making sure you understand the material instead of simply reading and rereading the same pages in your textbook.
Yes, some classes do require a lot of memorization whether it’s equations or verb conjugations. But as UNC-Chapel Hill’s learning center points out, the first step in memorization should be making sure you understand the material.
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How To Study Effectively With Study Groups
Getting together with others in a study group can be a great idea for many reasons:
- It mixes things up for you, helping you stay interested and engaged.
- If youre studying a more arts style subject where opinions matter, discussing things as a group can be a great way to uncover new angles and a fresh take that your examiners will love.
- Sometimes, your friends will have figured things out that you havent, and you can learn from them.
- Or you might have figured out something your friends havent, in which case youll do a lovely bit of spaced retrieval practice as you teach them.
Explaining something to others is a legit great idea for learning, so much so that some people even go around explaining things to an empty room or a stuffed animal.
Thwart The Curve Of Forgetting
Scientists started exploring the “curve of forgetting” in 1885, but the concept remains useful to today’s study habits. The gist of the “curve of forgetting” is this: The first time you hear a lecture or study something new, you retain up to 80% of what youâve just learned — if you review the material within 24 hours. Fortunately, this effect is cumulative so after a week, you may retain 100% of the same information after only five minutes of review. Generally, psychologists agree this type of interval studying — as opposed to “cramming” — is best, and that students should study closer to the day they learned the material than the day of the test.
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Planning Is Half The Battle
During exam phase, the days suddenly seem to short? In order to avoid this horror scenario, it is advisable to start learning at an early stage or perhaps even to learn continuously.
Give yourself enough time so that unforeseen appointments dont put a spanner in the works! It is best to create a study schedule at the beginning of the term in which you can enter all exams and also allocate the time to study before the exams.
Switch Up Your Setting
Find several places to study in and around campus and change up your space if you find that it is no longer a working space for you.
Know when and where you study best. It may be that your focus at 10:00 PM. is not as sharp as at 10:00 AM. Perhaps you are more productive at a coffee shop with background noise, or in the study lounge in your residence hall. Perhaps when you study on your bed, you fall asleep.
Have a variety of places in and around campus that are good study environments for you. That way wherever you are, you can find your perfect study spot. After a while, you might find that your spot is too comfortable and no longer is a good place to study, so its time to hop to a new spot!
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S To Effective Studying
Studying effectively is a process, not an event. The process leads to success.
Improved learning is the natural result of this 12 Step approach to studying and effectively using your time.
Start Studying On Day One Of Your Course
What does that even look like?
Dedicate a little time each and every day to:
If you spend just 20 – 30 minutes every day , reviewing what you’ve covered previously and on preparing for the next class, you will arrive at your exams completely fluent in your subject. All you’ll really need to do is review the information once more, focusing on areas of difficulty, and perhaps run through some practice exams, essays, and equations, etc.
In other words: youve done the hard work of understanding, learning, and remembering the information.
Its obvious which of these two study techniques is the most beneficial and effective. Now, all you need is a blueprint on how to get from where you are now to where students like Haru are .
Were going to lay out that blueprint for you. Consider these the ultimate tips on the best way to study for a test!
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Write Down Your Worries
Will I do well on this exam?
What if I forget the key concepts and equations?
What if the exam is harder than expected?
These kinds of thoughts probably run through your head before you take an exam. But if these thoughts run wild, the accompanying anxiety can affect your grades.
Heres the solution
In one experiment, researchers at the University of Chicago discovered that students who wrote about their feelings about an upcoming exam for 10 minutes performed better than students who didnt. The researchers say that this technique is especially effective for habitual worriers.
Psychologist Kitty Klein has also shown that expressive writing, in the form of journaling, improves memory and learning. Klein explains that such writing allows students to express their negative feelings, which helps them to be less distracted by these feelings.
To be less anxious, take 10 minutes and write down all the things related to the upcoming exam that youre worried about. As a result of this simple exercise, youll get better grades.
Improve Your Study Strategies
College learning often requires students to change old study habits and methods of retaining information. The university has many helpful resources linked from these pages to assist you.
If you want to learn more about successful study strategies, consider scheduling a one-on-one appointment with an Academic Coach. Academic Coaching appointments focus on helping you establish goals, calculate GPA, connect to campus resources, and create an individualized plan for success. Schedule online through TutorTrac or by calling the Academic Achievement Center at 740.566.2644. You can also call the number or email with any questions.
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Study At The Same Time
Not only is it important that you plan when you’re going to study, it’s important you create a consistent, daily study routine. When you study at the same time each day and each week, you’re studying will become a regular part of your life. You’ll be mentally and emotionally more prepared for each study session and each study session will become more productive. If you have to change your schedule from time to time due to unexpected events, that’s okay, but get back on your routine as soon as the event has passed.
Vi Knowing When To Stop
If youre having trouble getting fired up to work, try these study motivation tricks.
But for a lot of the Exam Study Expert family, youre conscientious and committed. So, if anything, I will serve your long-term interests best not by urging you to work harder, but by reminding you not to work too hard and burn yourself out!
You are not a machine. You need to pull yourself away from your books to rest and recharge from time to time.
Relax: you know how to study effectively now, so you dont need to burn the midnight oil any more. Far better to adopt a sustainable, healthy routine, keeping work and play in balance.
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How To Study More Effectively In College
College and university students are busy with loads of projects and assignments. Fortunately, there are many effective study strategies that will help you in your academic routine.
Scientifically Proven Tips for More Effective Studying at College
Staying on top of your college coursework can be tough when you have a lot of other responsibilities. Many students rely on traditional study methods when you lock yourself in a room and study a topic for hours until you master it. You just keep reading and cramming in the hope that all the necessary information will stick into your memory.
But there are some simple study methods that are based on cognitive science, and they can help you decrease the amount of time you need to study new material. And the best thing is that youll retain that material for longer periods of time.
Want to learn more about this approach? Here are some study tips backed by science.
What Is a Scientifically Proven Approach to Studying?
Instead of cramming right before your test, you should start studying on the first day of your course. You should work hard every day to
- Review the previous material your goal is to refresh it in your mind before you start learning new information.
- Look through the next chapter/topic in your textbook to get a bigger picture youll better understand its logical flow.
- Think about the questions you may need to ask your lecturer about the new topic.
Learn to Read and Retain Information
Learn to Take Good Notes
Sleep More To Study Effectively
Need an excuse to head to bed early or take a nap? Getting more sleep is one of the best study habits you can adopt to learn more.
One study found that people who had a night of sleep after learning new faces and names remembered more and were more confident in their answers than people who did not get the opportunity to sleep.
Use your brains natural function to refresh and reinforce what you have experienced in the day through sleep, said Henry. Reviewing your material right before getting a good nights rest can strengthen your studying.
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Reward Yourself At The End Of Each Study Session
Before starting a study session, set a specific reward for completing the session. By doing this, youll promote memory formation and learning .
The reward could be something as simple as:
- Going for a short walk
- Eating a healthy snack
- Listening to your favorite music
- Stretching
- Doing a couple of sets of exercise
- Playing a musical instrument
Reward yourself at the end of every session youll study smarter and learn faster.
Organize A Study Group
Studying on your own works well for many subjects, but it also might be easier to learn the material if you can bounce ideas off of your classmates. During your first year at college, give group study sessions a try. Theres a good chance your fellow students will be interested in getting together to review course materials. You might discover a new way to study while also making a few new friends!
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